View Full Version : Stick fight video

06-16-2004, 09:18 AM
Hey ,
guys and gals
just put up a 25 meg video of one of my friends/training partner
who competed in his first stick fight comp.
Robert Kincaid ,
he has been working with sticks and just about everything else for along time but never really wanted to compete . on a whim he got involved with this group and he placed 1st in double stick
2nd in single stick and 2nd in team
he went toe to toe with a guy ranked second in the world , and it came down to a split decision . [ I'll put that fight up next month ]

just wanted to share this with some friends if your not into stick fights please don't down load it . the file is huge and it will eat up my bandwidth
if your into seeing highly developed attributes then by all means watch it .
Robert is also coaching a k-1 guy he has trained navy seals and is just as skilled on the ground and in trapping ,

this file will only be up for a day or two or if it gets downloaded to much . it will have to pull it

the reason I'm sharing it is because you will see what foot work and the ability to control distance can achieve , sure it's just a padded stick match not a real fight , but watch the way Robert moves .

the guy he is fighting in this clip is a traditional Filipino martial arts teacher from the Philippines , this is what the man does and how he expresses his art

were rob on the other hand is just doing one of the many things he does , yet look at what conditioning, timing , speed , power and distance can do

go to my web site wingchuncoach.com go to the video section it's at the bottom ,

-------- edit------------------------------------------------------------------Well folks I’m done for now 5 gigs in less then 24 hours ‘’ ouch ‘’ I removed the single stick finals and put up the last clip a small clip of the team finals rob is the guy in the black helmet bombing right crosses into the other guys head, this one is real fast since it was just a one round thing, Rob’s coach said no footwork just get in and blast.
Hope you guys have enjoyed the video clips it was fun to share them with you all
In case you missed any of them single stick / single stick finals / double stick finals / team finals
And want a copy email me and we can work it out, and to those that asked me for the .mov files I haven’t forgot about you I’ll email you when there ready
Thanks again everybody and train hard

06-16-2004, 09:36 AM

Get ready for your bandwith to take a beating.:D
Thanks for sharing.


06-16-2004, 09:46 AM
The video did not do justice to the ballistic energy that I feel from Rob when he moves. Thanks for the preview of Star Wars - The Rob chapter. =)

06-16-2004, 09:48 AM
I see what you mean.

What were the rules in that comp as far as scoring points? Any targets worth more than others?

Red guy wasn't as quick or as conditioned as your buddy.

Lastly, you may want to edit out everything that is not "action" to help your filesize/bandwidth concerns :)

06-16-2004, 10:01 AM

the rules would not let robert ''express himself '' as we know he can ha ha

points were scored [ which sucks i hate point systems ] on a hit anywhere above the knee's
but you couldn't hit the same place more then twice

he got introuble for breaking the stick on the guys head on the first move

for to much power ,

they guy he fought has won stick comp's before and was supposed to come in at least second ,

but Rob just makes every one look bad

in the finals were he fights the guy ranked 2nd in the world
he made that dude look real bad but they guy understood how to pile up points with little taps so he won . he knew the game

06-16-2004, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Ernie
but Rob just makes every one look bad I can see why. Great skills.

Originally posted by Ernie
in the finals were he fights the guy ranked 2nd in the world
he made that dude look real bad but they guy understood how to pile up points with little taps so he won . he knew the game Yeah. I've seen that kind of garbage go on before. Enough said.


06-16-2004, 05:24 PM
edit ---- removed link

06-16-2004, 06:22 PM

By the way, Great site.
I really enjoyed the Sifu Lam videos. :cool:


Alan Lau
06-16-2004, 07:57 PM
Thanks Ernie. As a suggestion, would it be better to adopt the fencing system of competition where electronic sensors are used to detect the contacts? The fight need not end straight away but at least the contacts can be accurately detected/recorded. Also, it would be nice to see attacks by hands and feet when openings are presented.

Just my suggestions. Again, thanks for sharing.


06-17-2004, 12:30 AM
update removed the first fight and posted the double stick finals
not as flashy as the first but some good moments , he won first place for this one

i'm working on the single stick finals were he lost but it is a great fight [ well stick fight =) ]

my bandwidth is getting hammered so i will pull all the files of soon ,


By the way, Great site.
I really enjoyed the Sifu Lam videos

he thank you man , yep gary is something else , between him and rob and the hawkins drop ins my hands are full , but i wouldn't change a thing :D

Alan ,
thanks for the thoughts but honestly these comp's are not what were into street fighting and developing attributes that cross all bounderies , the thread that binds the most effecient body mechanic in a combative element , is our only reason for training , this type of padded stick game is just a plce to investigate and experiement , could just as easily be a boxing ring , chi sau session or what ever , i do like the stress overload of getting bombed on by a stick like a friggen blender , and attempting to see and feel and maintain a calm center

just another tool man


p.s. the link is the same for the new video

and i'm glad you guys are enjoying it , it's fun to share this stuff , most people seem so all strange about putting themselves out there , never understood that

Nick Forrer
06-17-2004, 04:46 AM
Just watched the vid- nice moves. Liked the slo mo replays

If I ever get a digital camera and some tech knowledge I might put some clips of me up:)

06-17-2004, 05:05 AM
Nice, Ernie. Thanks for sharing them.

- kj

Jim Roselando
06-17-2004, 05:13 AM
Hey Ernie,

Stick fighting is kind of cool. Its nice and fast which sharpens ones attributes. I had an experience with stick fighting once that I still think back and smile about! BTW! I am no stick fighter and am not claiming to be one!

One of my good buddies is a JKD/Filipino guy. We used to meet up and he fought full contact in the mother land of where his Guru is from. I believe his name was Dong and he was a full contact Champ over there. Super guy!

Well, I visited a seminar he was teaching and they were all in gear and sparing etc.. I said, Lets give it a try! It cant hurt that bad as they had the Hockey gloves and metal helmets etc.. Got in the ring and went wild! What a blast. I especially liked the in-fighting! I was also happy that I was fast enough to get some shots in but he was also beign nice to me I think!

Anyway! It was a good experience and getting in the ring to mix it up was great! Unless you mix it up at full speed/power you cant tell what you can do and that goes for everything! We all have to go thru that phase or a rude awakening will be coming for those who never been hit (or hit someone) and had to conintue!


06-17-2004, 08:39 AM
Here are the single stick finals,
Rob lost this match but man it was fun to watch, the guy he fought was a much bigger and more skilled stick guy, he has been competing for 9 years and is ranked 2nd in the world at this time [not sure how the whole ranking thing works] this is in the heavy weight division, they guy is in the low to mid 200, and Rob tips the scales at 175

Rob is my size 5'11'' and this other dude is like 6'4''

Give or take an inch

Rob lost on a split decision and been competing in other fights [his conditioning is not human]

This is what I want to point out, how Robs foot work just lets him bomb from long range he is [Robert Ali] in this clip we have been making fun of him since =)

The big guy tries to use stillness to handle Roberts speed [a wing chun tactic] yet Roberts attributes are just to highly developed and he still nails the guy over and over again

But this big guy has juice he lays into rob with some good ones

Well that's my commentary have fun

Man I’m glad you had fun, the stick stuff is just a game and you can go all out and let yourself go with out killing anyone [except for your self sucking wind and getting emotionally drained]
The pads save you, but if there are no pads the game is a little on the painful side

But you get to spend time experiencing how you react to such speed and stress overload, it's a great tool to dial in your reactions and sensitivity
But it's just one of many tools out there, I don' see it as a fighting system so much as a different version of training attributes
But I’m glad you enjoyed the clips, a few minutes of entertainment in a long day

No problem girl, feel free to comment you have a good eye

Long time no speak man ha ha, heard from your boy kev bell, he rang me up yesterday out the blue, nice bloke ha ha

I got 3 more clips to drop and then I’m done '' for now ''

These will only be up for about a day so get them if you want them .......

06-17-2004, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Ernie
I got 3 more clips to drop and then I’m done '' for now ''
These will only be up for about a day so get them if you want them ....... Keep 'em coming Ernie. Operators are standing by. :D

I think it's funny that Rob got nailed for "too much power" in an earlier match. Several times, the big guy looked like he was trying to hit one out the park. Regardless, the action was fast and furious.

Thanks again,

06-17-2004, 09:06 AM
[[ think it's funny that Rob got nailed for "too much power" in an earlier match. Several times, the big guy looked like he was trying to hit one out the park. Regardless, the action was fast and furious. ]]

later after the match the big guy told rob he had not ever seen some move like rob does so the power was out of frustration , plus he was allready set to go to the philpines to fight later in the month if he lost wouldn't look good

infact the judges all took rob out to dinner and tried to figure him out and talk him into going to the world events , rob just laughed since this was just a little experiment to see where his training had taken him .

man if i ever get any footage of this dude sparring hands and feet or even chi sau stuff you would really trip , but he hates getting filmed

06-17-2004, 09:07 AM
Hi Ernie- Great video. Great action and contrasts in strategy.Thanks for sharing.

06-17-2004, 09:12 AM
Hi Ernie- Great video. Great action and contrasts in strategy.Thanks for sharing.

06-17-2004, 09:18 AM
hey ,
thank you very much joy i thought for sure you would harp me for this stuff ha ha ,
but then again you do like a good boxing match and rob boxes with the sticks ,

joy ,
i am glad you watched , these are the types of guys i have been trying to pull my wing chun off against since my first pak sau,
i'm not dealing with the norm , so my views are geared towards surviving these guys ,
trust me then i tell you there sensitivity and speed and power are very advanced ,

no try and be this little ole wing chun beginer that i was back in the day and mix it up with with a guy like rob ,
it was very tough ,

but now years later the gap is not so far apart and i completly owe that to my wing chun training , it helped me make sense of it all and short cut things i didn't need , now i can play with the rob's out there , still get my head handed to me but i'm in the game and seeking wing chun answers for the problems

this is the path that picked me bro
just trying to stay honest with it

but thaks again for chimeing in it was a unexcpected pleasure

06-17-2004, 10:00 AM
Hi Ernie-
Understood. I like all kinds of action though I tend to see them through wing chun eyes.
Good fast action match and a match of strategies.
Your friend was faster and mobile- the other fellow was no slouch
in timing against speed.
Thanks again for sharing the good action..


06-17-2004, 11:51 AM

battle of carson

this is the link for the fight , people have been asking me

tend to see them through wing chun eyes.

great pair of eyes to have =)

06-17-2004, 12:08 PM
"later after the match the big guy told rob he had not ever seen some move like rob does so the power was out of frustration , plus he was allready set to go to the philpines to fight later in the month if he lost wouldn't look good - Ernie"


Rob moves just like the way he does with empty hands. I smiled when I saw his changing shuffling steps and the low ducks while watching intensely the other guy's reactions. His eyes are on the mark always without missing a beat on this latest video offering! =)

06-17-2004, 03:40 PM
I smiled when I saw his changing shuffling steps and the low ducks

So did I. I wathed his feet the whole time :D

Thanks for the call brother. Get well soon

06-17-2004, 03:45 PM
[[[Rob moves just like the way he does with empty hands. I smiled when I saw his changing shuffling steps and the low ducks while watching intensely the other guy's reactions. His eyes are on the mark always without missing a beat ]]]]

yep he is a shark in a world of guppy's and i'm one of those guppy's that has dreams of being a shark ha ha
at least i'm not a blow fish :D

[[So did I. I wathed his feet the whole time

Thanks for the call brother. Get well soon]]]

people will never uderstand it unless they stand infront of the man , something we both understand ha ha . and i'll get better bro, just the teaching and keeping my training level up is getting to me [[ did i hear road trip, or boys night out ;) ]]]]

ok folks my bandwidth is getting raped , this file will only be up for a few more hours and then i might put up a small clip of the teams comp,
but then i'm done

06-17-2004, 04:21 PM
Well folks I’m done for now 5 gigs in less then 24 hours ‘’ ouch ‘’ I removed the single stick finals and put up the last clip a small clip of the team finals rob is the guy in the black helmet bombing right crosses into the other guys head, this one is real fast since it was just a one round thing, Rob’s coach said no footwork just get in and blast.
Hope you guys have enjoyed the video clips it was fun to share them with you all
In case you missed any of them single stick / single stick finals / double stick finals / team finals
And want a copy email me and we can work it out, and to those that asked me for the .mov files I haven’t forgot about you I’ll email you when there ready
Thanks again everybody and train hard

06-17-2004, 10:29 PM

Caught the video...Nice stuff.

Thanks for telling me about it!

06-17-2004, 11:12 PM
hey victor
did you catch all the clips or just this last one , the first and second single stick fights were the best to see footwork and timing

let me know i'll hook you up with a direct link to download on a pm

06-17-2004, 11:17 PM

I only saw the one, bro...hook me up!

06-17-2004, 11:25 PM
done check your pm

06-18-2004, 12:32 AM
Hi Guys,

Sorry to be the devils advocate on this BUT from limited stick experience myself I thought he was taking some shots coming in, fine in this type of wekaf style tournaments but bad with no armour. Has he tried low armour or Hock Hockheims Killshot style ? Having done some light sparring no armour, one shot can really change your day ! I got a knuckle broken with a padded stick and no gloves attempting to close to medium range, with the gloves I would not have felt it and got in thinking I was doing well. Just a thought, though as a final comment for wekaf style he was real classy out there with some great footwork.


06-18-2004, 03:33 AM

Sorry to be the devils advocate on this
[[[[ no problem observations and oppinions are very welcome . thats why i toss this stuff out there so we can all have a refernece point to chat on things ]]]]]]

BUT from limited stick experience myself I thought he was taking some shots coming in, fine in this type of wekaf style tournaments but bad with no armour.
[[[[[[ that is the name of this particular game with all the padding there is no pain factor , so it becomes a game of who can rack up the most points , everybody gets hit =) ]]]]]]]

Has he tried low armour or Hock Hockheims Killshot style ?

[[[[[ the way he showed me is just gloves only most of the time and helmet and shin gaurd tops , so the pain factor is there , not sure if you saw all the fights or just this last clip , but robs ability to kill from long range on the first motion is very advanced , he did it over and over again in the other clips , i have sparred guys that use the Hock Hockheims type of attack but they rush in a little clunky and don't control distance and timing very well a little to mechanical for me , but i'm not a great stick fighter either so who know's what's out there ]]]]]]]]
Having done some light sparring no armour, one shot can really change your day ! I got a knuckle broken with a padded stick and no gloves attempting to close to medium range, with the gloves I would not have felt it and got in thinking I was doing well. Just a thought, though as a final comment for wekaf style he was real classy out there with some great footwork.

[[[[[ you seem to feel the same way i do about it , with the [ defang the snake attack , kill the hand , head , or leg ] from sniper range . and no or little gear the game changes :D

your foot work has to be very good and your timing spot on , those and other skill carry over to empty hands and that's the real plus , since the reality of getting into a stick fight in the street is very rare

little training aids like these types of contest are just places to experiment and add to the bigger picture :D

if you didn't get to see the other clips email me if you want to check them out no problem , and thanks for your observation :)

06-18-2004, 06:05 AM

Thanks for putting the clip up. I watched the single stick fight. I am training here in the Philippines and couldnt save it.

It was nice to see some footwork being used, rather than simply someone rushing in or standing in one place, and just striking: while completely disregarding defense. WEKAF sparring is only one small aspect of FMA and there are lots more to it (by this I mean various approaches to sparring and the traditional methods). The guy is talented and at least he showed the courage and skills to go in there and compete.

06-18-2004, 08:03 AM


Thanks for putting the clip up. I watched the single stick fight. I am training here in the Philippines and couldnt save it.

==== if you ever need copies just let me know ========

It was nice to see some footwork being used, rather than simply someone rushing in or standing in one place, and just striking: while completely disregarding defense.

===== funny that's what all the other matches looked like , 2 dudes laying on each other twirling a stick , no defense no elevation changes , no timing , no fakes , nothing , that's why Rob stood out so much he was working all that stuff , and pulling it off . but everyone took notice and they really took him in they were great people , and so open and sharing with there art , even the ''masters'' would just grab and start working out with , and they would train with each other like little kids having fun , you never see that in other MA were guys that are supposed to be mast this and master that just get ina nd mix it up with each other , i really loved that wish it was the norm ===========

WEKAF sparring is only one small aspect of FMA and there are lots more to it (by this I mean various approaches to sparring and the traditional methods). The guy is talented and at least he showed the courage and skills to go in there and compete.
===== man wing chun might be my mistress , but FMA is the cute chick on the side with the smoken body ha ha ha
there is alot in the system it is very deep , i have exposed to alot but have yet to train it , time will tell ,
i'm glad you liked Robs little show , great guy and great skills , most of all real humble , and an excellent teacher as well
thank you for your words be safe and train hard =======


06-18-2004, 08:17 AM
Just had to add this

Rob shows in that clip excellent footwork, evasion and faking, demonstrating I thought a level of fighting above what wekaf style can cope with, I would love to see him in some of the low armour sparring showing what I am sure he can really do. Also in defense of the killshot style they train it with the idea that you are in a fight and have a stick, not that you are stick fighting, they consider it safer to attack, close and end the fight then spar with sticks at range. Anyway, thanks for posting the clips just disappointed I missed the double stick


06-18-2004, 08:32 AM

Rob shows in that clip excellent footwork, evasion and faking, demonstrating I thought a level of fighting above what wekaf style can cope with, I would love to see him in some of the low armour sparring showing what I am sure he can really do.

===== they are trying to talk him into doing K-1 his empty hands is far better then his stick work , he is currently coaching a guy for K-1 if the fight works out i will post it , this was Robs first ever stick comp , he is into street stuff , so was just blown away on how well his tactics worked , the guys that run that stick comp offered him a chance at going to the world events but he passed , in his own words '' i'm not a stick fighter i'm a fighter that just happen to have a stick in my hand that day ========)

Also in defense of the killshot style they train it with the idea that you are in a fight and have a stick, not that you are stick fighting, they consider it safer to attack, close and end the fight then spar with sticks at range.
==== that makes more sense then i was wondering why when i stay out in sniper range and mobile they just tried to rush in off the block in one long motion , cool thanks for clearing that up , they guys i played with were a little frustrated with me so they didn't have much to say =) -----------------
Anyway, thanks for posting the clips just disappointed I missed the double stick
--------- didn't i pm you the link , i can if you need it no problem

06-19-2004, 01:59 AM
Hey Ernie,

Hook me up with more dude. :)

I only got the first Clip of Rob (aside from the other stuff, I got of you and him at Gary's school doing the stick seminar.)

I love his ability to change "gates" and use inversions of the stick all at the same time. Go the the head smack and invert hit the other side, drop to the body do the same thing and then flow back up for some more punishment. The stick really enable the ability to strike both sides sooo quickly via "inversion" (i forget the term in escrima for that flip). And the bobbing and weaving while delivering was great.

So I missed the others you posted including his final.
Shoot me a pm, I have more questions to ask in private and I'd like to get the rest of the clips etc.


06-19-2004, 06:53 AM
Hey Ernie,

Hook me up with more dude

ahhhh video crack addicts ha ha ,

no problem my brother check your pm and email me any time:D

06-19-2004, 09:31 AM
Okay, Ernie...I checked the first one - entitled Robfinals.

I have my own arbitrary and personal ranking system in my head. Someone can be: good...very good...excellent...great!

Rob Kincaid, IMO, rates an EXCELLENT in every category:

stick handling
overall strategy and technique
duckunder high/low/high attack and defense
broken rhythm

and so on.

The guy is terrific!

Now please take what I'm about to say in the spirit in which it's offered - because I don't play the game of one-upsmanship with you...(or anybody I consider a friend).

Two pieces of TWC footwork added to his game would, IMO, lift his footwork from excellent to great; and given the overall importance of footwork - as I know you know...the extra footwork would lift his entire game.

First of all, he already has the full sidestep from the neutral stance. BUT HE NEEDS TO ADD IT FROM THE FRONT STANCE.

Second, he needs what we call the SHUFFLE STEP.

The shuffle step can be described as follows: let's say you're in a right front stance..and there is about 36" (3 feet) distance separating your left from your right foot.

You take a step in toward your opponent of about, say...6 inches or so with your lead right foot. But instead of your rear left foot also moving about 6 inches - it moves forward about 24 inches or so (2 feet)...allowing your next forward step with the lead right foot to REALLY gain some territory on your opponent.

Of course this requires a simultaneous stick move that creates a safe opening..otherwise you could be literally running right into big trouble.

But when done right (and really fast)...the result can be devastating for your opponent.

As to the FULL SIDESTEP from the FRONT stance...the following is something I posted on the UNDERSTANDING TWC thread last year. Catch the drift of it...and then translate it's meaning from the neutral SIDE stance to the FRONT STANCE....

"Like the matador facing the bull...a forward charge can be sidestepped by the TWC practitioner by a full 90 degree or even a 120 degree turn. For example, back to the illustration on a previous post: I'm in a right neutral side stance vs. the man with the left arm/leg lead front stance. This time he throws a high, rear roundhouse kick with his right leg at the left side of my face/head.

Plan (A) is to stop kicks with kicks (jammimg); but Plan (B) (if I'm not "on time" with Plan A)...would be to release my left leg/foot and bring it behind my right foot (while pivoting off the ball of my right foot)...the left foot moving behind anywhere from 90 to 120 degrees, as was indicated earlier...

In other words, the left foot travelled in an arc south and east ( so that, in the end, using the 120 degree example) - my hands, arms, face, and the middle-of-the-body centerline (CENTRAL LINE B) - are all facing the point of contact I'm blocking by his shin/knee area with a left gong sao and a right pak sao - a variation of kan sao (splitting hands).

So like the matador, I did a Full Sidestep (or T-stance) pivot away away from the force of his powerful kick...to put it another way...My left side opened up (or yielded...avoided) his force like a door opening up on its hinges located on the right side (east side) of my horizontal east-west Central Line A...(how I would continue on and make him pay for the lines he's just opened up on the other side of his body...than the one he kicked on...for me to attack)...perhaps I'll discuss on a future post.

The point for now is that the Full sidestep OPENS UP A WHOLE NEW WORLD TO THE WING CHUN PRACTITIONER...both in defense (especially vs. larger and stronger opponents)...but ALSO offense - in that I can instantly turn blocking and parrying into attacking my opponent's flank."

06-19-2004, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by Ernie
man wing chun might be my mistress , but FMA is the cute chick on the side with the smoken body ha ha ha

LOL, I'm with you on this one Ernie, thank god Wing Chun isn't jealous like my wife.:D

Cool stuff!

BTW, does Rob only train FMA, or what kind of empty hand stuff does he work? Does he train in WC as well?

I like his last name too, got some Kincaid in my family.

06-19-2004, 02:58 PM

BTW, does Rob only train FMA, or what kind of empty hand stuff does he work? Does he train in WC as well?

Robert is a full instructor under vunak , been boxing since he was 9 , ex marine ,and he has been hanging out with me for the last 6 or 7 years :D plus he has a very good frienship with gary and hawkins so he has a very good understanding of wing chun and can apply it very well , with his own twist

he is honestly better empty hands , his ground game is very effecient , bjj and kina muy thai

you don't even want to see the kick it's just a sin how good he is

he is very skilled at FMA

now understand this is what he does for a living

so he trains alot .


ha ha i knew you would get a kick out my boy
and don't fret i welcome your input
i'm very familier with with many of the ideas you brought guess who taught them to me ;)
i'm useing the one were you shuffle up a bit with the front leg and go deeper with the back leg '' which is hidden from sight
to get a very explosive deep striaght line entry .
a lot these days i also combine it with a certian elbow and hand position that lets me fly under the line of sight '' there rader''

it's working real well for me

Rob was restricted to a certian hitting pattern , each ''family has a patttern they like to use , he was representing the guy who coached him for a few months so he had to stay with in the box

i'll get some tape of him training his K 1 guy and then you will really see him move it will be fun :D

i'm short on time so i can't resond more in detail but i'm really glad you enjoyed the clips

[[[[First of all, he already has the full sidestep from the neutral stance. BUT HE NEEDS TO ADD IT FROM THE FRONT STANCE.]]]]

he normally does this while still firing one down center or shoulder checking , unless he is setting up a pivot or a kick

[[[[[Second, he needs what we call the SHUFFLE STEP.]]]]]]

discribed it above , just to add first time i say him doing it , he had on jump soles those funny shoes and a back pack with wieght he was practicing it to max roach jazz drums to improve his broken rythem ---he's nuts

06-19-2004, 09:35 PM

You wrote..."the first time i say him doing it, (the shuffle step)...he had on jump soles those funny shoes and a back pack with wieght he was practicing it to max roach jazz drums to improve his broken rythem ---he's nuts."

WOW...can't say I do it to Max Roach - but I practice it to "funky" jazz and rhythm and blues tunes all the time!

Got to meet this guy someday. Come to think of it...got to meet all of you guys someday!

06-20-2004, 12:07 AM
Got to meet this guy someday. Come to think of it...got to meet all of you guys someday!

victor that would be a very cool thing , Rob's from back east next time he goes out i'll pass on your info or maybe if i can slip away from work i'll go with him ;)

06-21-2004, 04:05 PM
More clips of Rob sparring?

Uh yeah...please lol.

06-21-2004, 04:23 PM
More clips of Rob sparring

ha ha dhira , i'm working on it . still trying to get him to either build a web site or have him work off me on mine

problem is the boy will make me look bad ha ha

maybe we can get a group session together and all work out and tape all of us doing our thing be cool for you and rob to cover some ground stuff

summer is here man might as well have fun ,
almost 100% so i will be calling you soon for a work out :D