View Full Version : Back Injury and MA Questions?

06-16-2004, 01:38 PM
Have been pretty healhty most of my life and I have been
in love with martial arts since i was 5

now i'm 27 about a year ago i had a car accident
and now I have 3 herniated disc ,, it is minimal damage
but still enough to give me great pain and i had to quit my last job. at the same time
I want to keep training martial arts it's all i care about
in this world even more so than a wife and family ,, so my question is?

1. Does anyone else have herniated disc in this forum and if so
how does it affect your training.

2. Also are you forced to only train Southern systems only
because of the higher stances Hence less back strain

3.Will dit da jow reliev pain during practice

Theese problems are really plagueing me

Thank you for all replies

The Black Dragon Society

06-17-2004, 03:58 AM
Best davice is to go and see either an acupuncturist and / or a tui na practitioner. They'll be able to sort that out for you.

Ideally, you should have went to see them pretty much when the injury occured.... obviously the longer the injury is left, the longer it takes to effect a change in the symptoms.

But it's still possible to sort out tho.

Arhat of Fury
06-17-2004, 09:03 AM
No dit da jow will not help.

Take up taji(holistic)

I would not be training hard if your back "brings you great pain"