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View Full Version : variation on one-arm pushups

06-16-2004, 03:02 PM
dunno if anyone's ever mentioned this before, but during last night's workout, i happened to be doing my one-armies at the base of the staircase in my house. i needed to adjust my base hand position, so i put my free hand out on the stairs to brace myself, and felt it nicely. thus, try one-arm pushups with your arm on the stairs, but to your side. it's a pain in the ass to get yourself square enough, but it allows much greater range of motion -- kinda like pushups on parallettes.

here's an ironfist-like picture i made after red5 and i were discussing this earlier today:

06-16-2004, 07:29 PM

That variation is covered in "Naked Warrior" book by Pavel but instead of using stair steps, box step like the one used in cardio fitness classes in the gym. The same concept for "box squats" can be applied for single arm push ups. I applied the concept and have achieved my goal with much pride.

In my opinion using the stair steps as shown by your example and "drawing" has one major flaw: you can not vary your leverage by increasing or decreasing the height of the steps or use the ideal/proper feet and body structure to make the technique more effective or harder. In addition, the stick man in your picture looks like he needs to hit the weights instead of the stair case.

However, your idea is a good suggestion for those who are too poor or cheap to join a gym. By the way, I demostrated my new one arm push ups skill (with my left arm, I am a righty) to a friend today. We were discussing workouts and goals for the summer. He is an ex-wrestler and out of shape SOB. After I clean 10 slow and solid reps of single push ups, he said that it was easy for someone who was a feather weight (I weight now 159Lb) such as myself. So I asked if he could do one? He said, "NO...." Enough said. I think he is just a jealous fat Bas-tard.

06-16-2004, 07:59 PM
I give your art an A+.

06-16-2004, 09:07 PM
I liked the Greek hair :D.

Originally posted by FooFighter
However, it is a good suggestion for those who are too poor or cheap to join a gym.Rub's always been a cheap bastidge.

06-17-2004, 08:54 AM
foof -- yeah, he is a jealous *******. saying someone's a lightweight as an excuse for why they are able to do one-arm pushups is like saying a drag honda can only run in the 10s because it's been stripped of all extra weight -- nevermind the fact that it's engine is still kicking out four times stock hp. it's an excuse and it's his way of hiding from the fact that he's a fatty and is afraid to do anything about it.

can't say i've bought naked warrior, can't say i'm eager to. maybe a used copy, but that much money on a new book for someone to tell me how to make one-armies and pistols more difficult doesn't sit well with me. if i get bored or they get too easy to help me meet my goals, i'll play around with the exercises some more.

I give your art an A+. **** straight. i graduated summa cum laude from the norfair school of art design and bocci ball. :D

I liked the Greek hair. oddly, i put the hair on only as a way to make sure those less informed knew that it was the back of the head, not the face. had i modeled it after myself, i'd have made the hair-do a little more true-to-life (this shows the longest my hair has been in ... six years?):

sticky fingers
06-17-2004, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
dunno if anyone's ever mentioned this before, but during last night's workout, i happened to be doing my one-armies at the base of the staircase in my house. i needed to adjust my base hand position, so i put my free hand out on the stairs to brace myself, and felt it nicely. thus, try one-arm pushups with your arm on the stairs, but to your side. it's a pain in the ass to get yourself square enough, but it allows much greater range of motion -- kinda like pushups on parallettes.

here's an ironfist-like picture i made after red5 and i were discussing this earlier today:

Drawing looks like it was done by the kid in the 6th Sense.

We do a similar variation during our warmup. Everyone gets in a circle in pushup position. Heads inside circle, feet pointing out. Put right hand on the next guy's shoulder and do pushup. Repeat with left. Not supposed to lean on the next guy but it happens:p

Meat Shake
06-17-2004, 10:43 AM
Naked warrior? Is that when you chase beaver around the house wearing war paint?

Is that rtb hiding in the trashcan?

06-17-2004, 10:55 AM

I was under the impression you were an asian and now seeing your pic I just notice you are an occidental? Cool, makes no difference to me. I think Naked Warrior would be a good reference book and I think it enhances one's level of knowledge and experience if that person is a serious student of PTP or Pavel's methodology.

06-17-2004, 11:37 AM
sticky -- can't be the kid in the sixth sense. i'm still working on finding ANY sense, much less a sixth one. :D

meaty -- yup, 'tis the rtb about six years ago. i don't look much different, other than shorter hair and bigger muscles. and it's a paper-recycle bin. :p

foofy -- toby's greek comment is accurate. i'm mostly greek, russian, english, and then about 1/32 of every other european nation.

06-17-2004, 02:08 PM
"foofy -- toby's greek comment is accurate. i'm mostly greek, russian, english, and then about 1/32 of every other european nation." Yes, an occidental, like I what wrote before.

06-17-2004, 03:38 PM
considering i've never used the word "occidental" outside of referring to the university by the same name, i had to look up the term to be sure you weren't calling me swedish, cause them buggers are just plain odd.


06-17-2004, 03:58 PM
I first recalled learning this word in third grade when we studied greek mythology. For my book report, I used Professor Joseph Campell's "Occidental Mythology" as one of my references. The sound of occidental sounds as odd to my ears as oriental (in a heavy asian accent). LOL. However, occcidental sound more exotic than a "whitebody". For example, "Check out that occidental girl over there?" or "Look at that pretty oriental bird over there?". LOL. You rarely hear any yellow race person refering themselves as "oriental" and likewise it is quite rare to hear a white person refering himself as an occidental. I wish we still used these terms.

06-17-2004, 07:31 PM
No, no. You guys are spelling it wrong. Rub was accidental :D.

sticky fingers
06-18-2004, 05:22 AM
Originally posted by Toby
No, no. You guys are spelling it wrong. Rub was accidental :D.

You beat me to it Toby