View Full Version : Wooden Dummy Freestanding Frame??

06-21-2004, 02:54 AM
Hi all,

Im just wondering if anybody has managed to build themselves a decent freestanding dummy stand, that isnt overly complexed and provides a solid base for dummy work.

Every one Ive built so far has been imperfect and Id love to know if any of you guys have got plans for a decent one.

Please help....!:(


06-21-2004, 01:58 PM

freestanding frame is no comfortable to training. if you want to have a free standing dummy, you need to buy/build a heavy metal base.

ps. watch my old video tape (vingdragon show'95) you'll see what I'm talking about ;)

06-22-2004, 01:32 PM
There are many ways to mount a dummy. Frames (bracing at corners is important) work well in some applications. Mine (homemade, dimensions copied from those at the school) is wall mounted. Floor mounts are also good. The mounting depends alot on your needs and resources. It's your dummy - find what works best for you.

06-23-2004, 03:58 AM
Hi Stuartm,

I know someone who makes blocks of industrial plastic with a hole in the top for a dummy stalk to rest in. I've heard that they work very well, but the guy also makes dummies out of the same plastic and I guess the specifications aren't like those of a "standard" dummy, and the plastic feels kind of weird when you're used to wood. I'll see if I can find a website for you, if it sounds like something you'd like to look into?

Phil Redmond
06-23-2004, 08:29 AM
If you look here; http://www.wingchunkwoon.com/woodchi.asp# (Wooden Dummy Sections 1-4 and Application), and the 4th, 5th, and 6th, dummy clips to the left side of the page you'll see a free standing dummy frame that is pushed against a wall. You can also go to; http://www.thewarrior.com/movies/ They have a freestanding dummy with a water filled base.

06-23-2004, 03:43 PM
Hello stuartm

Are you looking into makeing your own free standing base or buy one?
I know a number of ways to hang a dummy. although I realy like a old car tire filled with concreat. its cheap to make, the rubber dosent slide on the floor, and Ive never been able to knock one over. plus thay are more moble in the case you need to move the jong around the kwoon or home.

I use a standard 16" tire. place 3/4 plywood inside and screw the wood into the tire. next find a post. I like to use 4x4 oak (dunnage) posts. make conner brackets and conect to plywood.
next poor the concreat. (220lbs) should fill the tire to the rim.
after the concreat has dryed, (one days appx. but I like to give it two day to be sure.) them mount your dummy onto the post.

there are a number of ways to do this. the easyist is to drill two holes through the body, and useing all thread rod, bolt the dummy to the post.( I like to use large dia. springs to be placed beween the body and post. but not nessesary.)

There are many ways to get the job done.

I found this way to be the easyest.

good luck.