View Full Version : Do you believe you could use Wing Chun...

06-26-2004, 02:11 PM
Messed up the first one....sorry bout that.

So do you feel like in a real world situation you could use it well enough to be effective.

06-26-2004, 03:27 PM
I've done it before. I don't see why not.

You should at least test yourself. You could spar with people from other styles or have your friends jump you at random times.

Nick Forrer
06-26-2004, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by BSC14
Messed up the first one....sorry bout that.

So do you feel like in a real world situation you could use it well enough to be effective.

No I just do it for fun


06-26-2004, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Nick Forrer

No I just do it for fun

Just because you "do" it doesnt mean you can use it.

06-26-2004, 07:22 PM
He was being sarcastic. Down at the bottom, see he rolls his eyes.

06-26-2004, 08:18 PM
It depends on the situation what the outcome would be. If it was just some idiot trying to start something and I declined to fight him, he might just get the first punch off (sucker punch). If this happens all I have to say is that it better knock me out otherwise there will be trouble for the other guy. If the situation was allot more serious, like you are defending a loved one or someone in need, then I would be much more prepared mentally and would attack first and ask questions latter. Allot of combat relates to what level the person is stressed to. I myself need to be stressed quite a bit by another to start fighting, where as others need only to be stared at the wrong way and the fights on. I'm always afraid of the consequences as to what happens if I injure the other person too much. Jail is not a place I would like to be.

As a by-product, WC automatically gives one good self defence ability if it is learned well, and some good training time is put into it, along with a good instructor.


06-27-2004, 11:18 PM
have your friends jump you at random times.

You been watching "The Fiendish Plot of Dr Fu Manchu" again, haven't you?

06-28-2004, 12:00 AM
*pets onery anerlich on the head* I have no idea what that is.

06-28-2004, 11:57 PM
It's a Peter Sellers movie where he gets his Chinese valet to attack him at random times, to keep him on his toes. some hilarious KF schlock follows.

It shows how stupid such a plan is.

06-29-2004, 12:01 AM
LOL, I remember that movie, a good one...

06-29-2004, 06:29 AM
Originally posted by sihing
LOL, I remember that movie, a good one... "Cato! You imbecile! Not now!" The Pink Panther Strikes Again.

06-29-2004, 09:23 AM
Matrix, I will have to go out and rent that one soon, thx....Also in the Wing Chun Movie Prodigal Son, the young Leung Jan is following Leung Yee Tai around on the Opera Troupe and has his assistant attacking at random times, lol. Not quite as funny as the Pink Panther but it is okay...


06-29-2004, 11:48 AM
I hope they're still as funny as I remember them. Does your dog bite? You really need the Peter Sellers' voice and funny accent to make it work.

And yes, I've seen Prodigal Son. It's a different kind of funny. ;)


old jong
06-29-2004, 12:10 PM
The old movie "Tokyo Joe" with Humphry Bogart has the same idea.He has his devoted japanese "assistant" attacking at random and Bogart uses his Jujitsu to defend.
But,the guy does not jump out of the refrigerator!....;)

06-29-2004, 03:43 PM
One of my teachers worked with a guy who was his student. He didn't attack him at random, but often used to tap him on the shoulder or chest, during normal office business, trying to catch him out. Apparently the guy's awareness got pretty high. I can't really see the point in making it much more "realistic" than that. My teacher's interest in MA was well known, and occasionally his dumber workmates used to try and test him - one guy tried to grab his throat from behind and got spin crescent kicked in the guts and badly winded. Another guy he didn't know tried this at a party and got his nose literally flattened against his face with a backfist. My teacher drove him to the hospital - "very charitable of me since he beld all over my car seats" my teacher related later.

I've had a few guys try stuff like that on me at work, and while I thigh kicked one guy a bit harder than he probably should have, I was quite happy with both the speed and control of my reactions to them. But getting your mates to do this to you is unnecessary.

A girlfriend of my wife's is cursed with a husband who did Kyokushin, though he was pretty ordinary at it. He had some problems with his machismo, and was always going on extremely arduous and adventurous holidays and bragging about how tough he was. He planned an extensive trip to the middle east (some time ago, obviously) and unilaterally decided it would be a good idea to prepare his wife for possible robbery and abduction attempts by attacking her randomly. Divorce and murder (of him) were only just averted. As it turned out, he came down with a severe digestive bug and the lucky girl had to nurse and carry him through the entire trip.