View Full Version : Flame thread & attn. blooming lotus ;)

06-26-2004, 10:44 PM
Didn't want to waste more space in the other thread for useless drivel. Anyone else who is interested in starting(or continuing) a flame war is welcome to use this thread too. Asuming the mods don't lock or delete it :D

or a little less busy...........understand or don't.I'm the english teacher producing students with 3 out of 9 bars improvement over 2 mths..................so I make typos.ooooohhhhhhh.you'd best sue me..ignoramus.................wtf eva.you and cpa are ungenerous d*ck-sh*tted wan*s..............I dont give a *uck ..i STUDY, i WORK, i TRAIN ( LIKE YOU MORE THAN LIKELY NEVER HAVE IN YOUR LIFE ).............. and rant for all your worth...........you're still speaking babble to me.................

What's got you all ****ed off? You took a clear and dry post explaining what I was seeing as some sort of personal attack. I think my taking a jab at your incredibly poor English skills shouldn't have been entirely unexpected after your idiotic, immature, and completely uncalled for reaction. For someone too busy to spell and puncuate, you sure do waste a lot of time hurling empty insults at strangers. You could've saved yourself time and just said you were writing in Chinese (or whatever else the problem was). Nice way to put that high IQ of yours to good work ;)

blooming lotus
06-27-2004, 05:04 AM
I nearly apologised until I read the second paragraph.......i think you're allowed to be a little snappy when you're pregnant though ............
why so pis*ed though??.......I'm on a chinese language computer here and sometimes I'm just happy to get it type anything legible at all............I'm going to ignore the rest of your insults and sorry for being a little bla'se about that , but I've never been abused more often in my life than I have here........you kinda gotta overlook these things.................I'll work on the swearing , can't do anything about the typing and don't care about the rest

peace ;)

06-27-2004, 09:08 AM
Congradulations, I didn't realize you were pregnant. I really don't bother with finding out everybody's personal lives on here.
I'm not really ****ed. A little confounded, and a little amused though ;) You have to admit, if a perfect stranger wrote to you the way you did to me while insulting your intellegence and claiming to be an English teacher, you'd laugh out loud too :D

06-27-2004, 09:11 AM
I'll apologize though, and cut you some slack from now on. Someone who's pregnant, living in a foriegn country, and who's had her intellegence, honesty, and even looks constantly insulted and questioned can't be expected to be calm and civil 100% of the time. So I'm sorry for not giving you benifit of the doubt and for any extra stress to your life I may have caused.

I'll be nice from now on :)

06-27-2004, 12:28 PM
Yeah, they're alot of shuai jiao and bjj people claiming the real internal. But they say it's body mechanices, and realitity based JKD reaction, wannabe sensitivity drills. Xingyi ain't nothing more, than wing chun and sticky hands

Check out the xingy " reflex training" in videos, and compare to wing chun. It's just as bad, very similar (http://www.xingyitchuen.com.br/index_2.html)

06-27-2004, 12:31 PM
Brad, I must thank you. I believe everyone whom I've ever put on my ignore list (and all those I will need to) will post on here.

Thanks :)

06-27-2004, 04:06 PM
"Xingyi ain't nothing more, than wing chun and sticky hands."

This just shows that you know nothing about either Xingyi or Wing Chun.
I love it when people who know nothing about a particular martial art feel like they're qualified to say what it "is" or "isn't", it makes me laugh.....like this: :p :p :p

06-27-2004, 05:17 PM
you and cpa are ungenerous d*ck-sh*tted wan*s

Opinions are like *******s. Everyone has one and all of them stink. Now keep my name out your mouth.

06-27-2004, 05:21 PM
your pregnant? I had no idea dudes could get pregnant. Also, excuse me being frank, but I think everything you say is complete and udder bullsh!t. If you are pregnant, are you planning to ditch this one like your first child? Whats next? "Moving to India to learn Yoga from a true Guru?" Right...sounds like your afraid of being a parent...grow up.

06-27-2004, 07:47 PM
Omfg! That's the funniest **** I've read in ages! Nice one Mea^H^H^H CPA :D.

blooming lotus
06-27-2004, 08:12 PM
you are just such a great guy cpa......always full of knowledgable posts and never without an unkind word...........

just remember, you spoke to me first..but consider it a deal

06-27-2004, 08:29 PM
Heh, heh. Pregnant eh? In light of your impending abdominal growth shouldn't you change your name to "Looming Bloatus"?

blooming lotus
06-27-2004, 08:33 PM
very funny, but since we're talking about it..........I am in the midst of planning to return to Aus with fiance to A.collect daughter, and B. to pick up some wingchun quals.like maybe a cert IV min in sport and rec.............how much of that can I do while pregnant???

06-27-2004, 08:38 PM
(a) I don't remember, Eyebrows. IIRC there are two trimesters in which it's advisable to avoid air travel but I don't remember which they are. Probably the 1st and 3rd. Ask a western doctor :p.

(b) None? Or was that a trick question? Even if you're not planning on getting hit in the stomach, it's an unnecessary risk IMO.

06-27-2004, 09:14 PM
LOL! But she's just gonna "pick up some quals" in Wing Chun. Jeez, it's not like that requires actual training or anything! :D :D

06-28-2004, 12:10 AM
"but I've never been abused more often in my life than I have here.."

That's not what you've said before.

blooming lotus
06-28-2004, 11:30 PM
Toby..In reply to A. I'll do that ...........just as soon as I pull in :P

to B. I plan to work out as much as possible, providing it's safe, like last time I was pregnant ( over 10 yrs ago) I did an instructed pregnancy aerobics etc ...........It's funny you mention the rolls, because just last night or so I was watching some gongfu performance show and saw an awesome set I wanted to try out.........guess that'll have to wait ha.........

but really, so 1st tri-mesters' a little dodgey for heavy cardio , but most bw exercises will be okay.........damm..I think I need a "how to be mommy 2b and still play" refresher ¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£i am still convinced i get away with most of the physical requs for the cert iv though, maybe i'll negotiate and make up modules later or cash in some credits from elsewhere??

where there's a will , Bl'll find a way :P:D

06-28-2004, 11:42 PM
BL, you wanna learn WC. You have no experience in WC. So you'll have to learn the system. To do so you'll have to experience the system, not just participate in theory. My concern would be the odd accidental foot or hand strike to the dan tien. FWIW my wife did ashtanga and iyengar yoga throughout her last 2 pregnancies with no problems. She was doing inverted stuff (head and handstands) 3 weeks before our last was born. So you can do probably do fairly strenuous stuff, just avoid impact.

06-28-2004, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Toby
BL, you wanna learn WC. You have no experience in WC. So you'll have to learn the system. To do so you'll have to experience the system, not just participate in theory.
Not necessarily. This is Jim Fung we're talking about.


blooming lotus
06-28-2004, 11:58 PM
3 days pre delivery???.and people here say I'm crazy ;)............

very inspiring though.....

hits to the dantein should probably be a conern whether pregnant or not, but thx, I'll keep it mind..............if I can swing a round house after 7 mths, I'll be cheering.let you know how I go on that one............

I do have a little £¨very little) wc experience, like some basic apps and a bit of sticky pole..........enough to get through til I drop I feel.....keep you posted on my progres.........u never know when the info may come in handy

blooming lotus
06-29-2004, 12:22 AM

I must 've just missed your post, I think I'll end up studying elsewhere..I checked out options and if for no other reason than I can get cert iv quals in the same time, I think I'll be going somewhere else.............what about yourself..obviously you have some wc training, according to general syllabus ( which'll obviously vary pending school)¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£whaddya think??........not really prepared to break at all if I can help it, but any info you can give my prior'll be appreciated

06-29-2004, 12:25 AM
When one eye is fixed upon the destination, there is only one eye left with which to seek the path.

06-29-2004, 01:13 AM
3 weeks, Eyebrows. Read slowly ;). She did have natural births, so she wouldn't necessarily know if it would be 3 weeks or 6 weeks before.

Anyway, WC-wise, there are only 3 empty hand forms, 2 weapons forms and 1 dummy form at a basic level. So you could probably learn the whole system in a couple of weeks. Would you suck? Definitely. IMHO 2 years is too short, even if you're training long hours every day. I might be wrong, though.

06-29-2004, 01:25 AM
I trained with a Wing Chun guy many years ago. He had been training regularly for something like 3 years and had only completed Sil Lim Tao, Chum Kil and was learning the Mook Yan Jong. That still leaves the rest of Mook Yan Jong, Bil Jee, and both weapons. Also, most Wing Chun instructors I've known haven't been allowed to teach (even assistant teaching in their own kwoon) until they'd been training for at least 2 to 3 years.

06-29-2004, 02:01 AM
Yeah, I've been doing it for just over a yr and a half and I'm almost finished Chum Kiu and done 3 sections of the dummy form. Of course, we have a bunch of other drills and sets that I've done that fill in the time. But I'm not training full-time.

06-29-2004, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus

I must 've just missed your post, I think I'll end up studying elsewhere..I checked out options and if for no other reason than I can get cert iv quals in the same time, I think I'll be going somewhere else.............what about yourself..obviously you have some wc training, according to general syllabus ( which'll obviously vary pending school)¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£whaddya think??........not really prepared to break at all if I can help it, but any info you can give my prior'll be appreciated
I've only done a year or so of Wing Chun mamny years ago, so I'm not really qualified to talk about the art. I just know McKwoon when I see one. If you're really into Wing Chun and Sydney, then Rick Spain in Surry Hills has a very good rep.

blooming lotus
06-29-2004, 07:38 PM
Hmmm.sydney ha????..........cheers........I'm also half considering capoeira............not really wholistic in itself but no doubt it sets a good foundation for other shaolin forms..........gotta get hold of that acrobatic jazz...........I don't need to be an expert, but my lil bro who I trained with for yrs has all sorts of wc style and weapon forms etc..awesome sword and chucks..good for a wc / aikdo spar and better than a dummy, 'cause he'll actually let you try jazz out, throw him or take him down:D :D ........we've traded notes daily for extended periods but ..............I just need to gel with a solid cert.dongma???
the gym 'll happen regardless, but no so much for experience so much as paper, gotta have a wall hanging in ma........
I half teach at times anyway..............

toby...........3 days , 3 weeks...........impressive either way :P
I tried some inverted jazz last night and just went wtf.....lol.........how inverted are you talking???

06-29-2004, 07:53 PM
Yoga inverted, Eyebrows. i.e. upside down. Dunno since it's been years since I did it and I've forgotten the terminology/moves. But definitely headstands and handstands. Also "bridges" where you're on your hands and feet, back towards the ground pushing your dan tien towards the roof. Yoga likes that sort of stuff where you hold positions for ages then release and get all sorts of weird blood flows. Here's one you can try** - virasana (sp?). Kneel church-style with your knees together and your feet apart a foot or so. Sit back between your feet with your butt on the ground. If that's hard, sit on a hard pillow between your feet. If it's easy, carefully lower your back to the ground (use a partner/props so you don't overcommit yourself and get stuck). Keep you butt on the ground otherwise you might hurt your lower back. You have to manipulate the front and back of your knees to make it "comfortable" (a relative term) i.e. reduce pinching etc. Oh, yeah, use a yoga mat or light cushioning. Hard floor will hurt. They sit in this for long periods of time. For me, this cuts off pretty much all blood supply to the lower legs. When you come out of it, you get a rush of blood to the lower leg and all sorts of pleasure and pain. It can be pretty intense, as most yoga can. Is it good for you? Who knows. I wouldn't think so, but then again yogis seem healthy in general.

BTW, your little bro has WC "chucks"? Must be from a long-lost lineage :D. Ain't no WC "chucks".

**No responsibility taken by me if you hurt yourself.

blooming lotus
06-29-2004, 08:00 PM
when I think inverted it takes me back to my visit to Dechengs' school where the boys ( pls note no chicks to be found) were upside down doing pushups and 360 flips..........the bridges I can do.............¡£meiwenti.no problem..............but then.I'm really not sure, for all my pushups and tris, I could do the other pregnant or not :eek: :D

06-29-2004, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
... 360 flips ...I said it was yoga, not wu shu or gymnastics. I can't picture Mr Iyengar doing 360° flips :D.

Felipe Bido
06-29-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Toby
I said it was yoga, not wu shu or gymnastics. I can't picture Mr Iyengar doing 360° flips :D.

I can...Mr. Yyengar is awesome

06-29-2004, 09:07 PM
I'm not saying he's not awesome - he is. Just that seeing him do flips would remind me of Yoda in Ep. II :D.

Felipe Bido
06-29-2004, 09:26 PM


06-29-2004, 09:39 PM
BTW, happy birthday ;).

Felipe Bido
06-29-2004, 09:57 PM
Thanks :)

blooming lotus
06-30-2004, 10:30 PM
it's your birthday?..............happy b'day FB ;).........thx for posting.have an awesome day and stick around.....you never know when things 'll get interesting..........

Ps........bad words against yoda is pure sacrilidge!!!!!!

Felipe Bido
07-01-2004, 07:06 AM
Thank you, BL :)