View Full Version : One Inch Punch

06-10-2001, 09:53 PM
about how long does it take before someone can do a decent one inch punch?

kungfu cowboy
06-10-2001, 10:04 PM
Oh, I'd say about an inch.

(I seriously need a life.)™

06-10-2001, 10:08 PM
As long as a piece of string!!!

06-10-2001, 10:35 PM
it should only take a fraction of a second. I mean your only going an inch. :D

06-10-2001, 10:40 PM
comon...this is ridiculous....he probably feels all sad

i of course dont know the answer.

sorry ;)

-specialization is for ants-

06-10-2001, 10:46 PM
heheh serious replies now please :)

06-10-2001, 10:53 PM
but anyone named crazydan should be thick skinned enough for a bit o' teasein' :D

As for how long you will need to train in order to have a good one inch punch i dont think thats a question that can be answered in this foroum. the basic motion and mechanincs are simple to learn. the "kung" devolpment takes forever on an ever increasing path.

How long have you done WC? or KF or MA in general? Where do you train and how often? Who do you study under? all of these will effect how long it takes to devlop good short range "jing" used in the one inch punch and other places.

06-10-2001, 11:36 PM
Is Jing the same thing as Chi?

kungfu cowboy
06-11-2001, 10:55 AM
No, although they are intertwined. I am no scholar on the subject, but there are several different kinds of jing, which rely on different methods of generating power.

06-15-2001, 12:45 PM
there is no chi. you learn to use short range power in your form. if your practicing a 1inch punch you should be doing better things with your time

06-15-2001, 07:35 PM
Three times as long as you think it will take.

06-15-2001, 11:00 PM
what is it with all the comedians today?

My anus is superiorâ„¢

kungfu cowboy
06-15-2001, 11:42 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> there is no chi [/quote]

Well, there is no definitive proof either way. Although I doubt it ever would have evolved into an explanation of certain life processes and abilities without some grounds in reality. it would just be a naturally occuring phenomena, anyway. What's in a name?

Repulsive Monkey
06-16-2001, 02:00 AM
Do not get Jing mixed up with Jin/Chin.

There is only one JIng and that is the basic pre-natal raw energy that resides in the Kidneys and is the fundemtal material for your constitutional health. I think me learn'd friend is refering to Jin, which is an intrinsic force. This is developed over years of internal trainig and some external training (however the whole repetoir of Jins CANNOT be attained purely through external arts).