View Full Version : sucker punching

06-29-2004, 02:46 AM
from my experience this is how most ppl in the street attack you.I walked into someone by accident and as i was apologising(mind was disengaged) he threw a combination of punches at me.The attack shocked me because i wasnt expecting it .Luckily the punches didnt do major damage and i was able to fight back.

Now if those punches landed on my jaw etc i would be probably be KO'ed.
So how can you avoid being sucker punched?i dont want something like this to happen again

Martin Foot
06-29-2004, 05:33 AM
Do you mean like this?


It's the ones that you don't see

06-29-2004, 06:24 AM
Originally posted by IRONMONK
..as i was apologising(mind was disengaged) he threw a combination of punches at me.The attack shocked me because i wasnt expecting it . Ironmonk,
Now I'm not claiming to have any expertise here, but I think you've answered your own question.........
Your mind was "disengaged", so you were shocked by the attack. From my POV, I think you need to be highly aware of your surroundings and situation, especially when you're in the street. Now I'm not talking about being paranoid, just calmly being aware of where other people are relative to you. Don't put your brain in neutral. Easier said then done, but you need to train yourself to do this. Self-defense is as much about the mind as the body.

Be careful out there.


06-29-2004, 07:45 AM
Some things are just unavoidable. How do you stop a random person from shooting you in the back after you walk past? How do you stop someone from ramming your car when you're sitting at a stoplight? How do you stop it from raining on your birthday?

06-29-2004, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Tak
Some things are just unavoidable. How do you stop ...? Tak,
That's quite true. Sorry about your birthday, man. ;) However, unless you're a fatalist, you can do some things to improve your odds in most situations. I think a lot of people walk around in a daze, totally unaware of who and what is around them. Remain alert and composed is just a good rule to follow, IMO. If that is not the case, then why bother training at all.....you might get hit by a bus. To me, it's another dimension of your training.

But then again, I may be totally out in left field.


06-29-2004, 12:06 PM
That's definitely right - there's a difference between a bus jumping onto the sidewalk and you walking out into traffic.

I think my point was that no amount of awareness makes you invincible. Which is not to say that your point implied so.

06-30-2004, 05:25 PM
Easier said then done, but you need to train yourself to do this. Self-defense is as much about the mind as the body.

Exactly. if you don't train for it.....you won't do "it".

Ouch and LOL @ that clip 'CUZ!!!!!!