View Full Version : OT: war music

06-30-2004, 01:42 AM
Here's another war story :rolleyes:.

Actually, this is a good one - no politics involved. I heard this radio show yesterday based on the recent work of George Gittoes (http://www.soundtracktowar.com.au/). It was pretty inspiring. His movie is being shown in Oz on ABC TV on Sept. 1. If I remember, I'll be tuning in. The radio show had heaps of soldiers rapping and talking about how music influences them and helps them - provides an escape. One thing I found interesting was that the two genres that are almost exclusively listened to are rap and heavy metal. The unofficial soundtracks to the Coalition are Slayer's Angel of Death and Raining Blood. I liked that because I loved early Slayer. Although Angel of Death might not be the most appropriate lyrics-wise. Some guys said when listening they almost go into a trance in the heat of battle and attribute it to the music.

Anyway, the radio show was cool and hopefully the TV show will be too. I presume the trailers on his site are cool too, but I don't have speakers on this computer so I can't hear it :(.

06-30-2004, 05:22 AM
You gotta love JJJ, eh Tobes! ;)

Another favourite song was Let The Bodies Hit The Floor, "Cos, you know, that's kinda what we were doing out there".


Interesting stuff though. Looking forward to the movie.

If you want to hear the show (it's 30 minutes live streamed) go here:


and click on Listen To Hack On Demand and click on Tues.

06-30-2004, 05:45 AM
What, they listen to Slayer whilst fighting? Surly that's not true, lol.

I think Warzone would be better - "Madness is coming your way!
As long as my heart still beats I can f*king guarantee it!"

But seriously, soldiers are allowed to listen to music in a 'contact'?:confused:

06-30-2004, 06:44 AM
their not "allowed" too but it happens. I've got a couple of tapes made by an MI freind of mine. With all the sound gear on their vehicle, they used to blast all sorts of music while they were riding around. Some of it was condone by the military for psyops type stuff.

06-30-2004, 07:00 AM
I'd blast the enemy with Nickelback to get them to surrender.

06-30-2004, 07:04 AM
Originally posted by scotty1
I'd blast the enemy with Nickelback to get them to surrender.

or use cher's last couple albums. "do you believe in love blah blah blah!"

so bad.

06-30-2004, 10:47 AM
From what I heard, during the invasion of Panama the Marines got Noriega to surrender using music. They surrounded his complex, where he was locked inside and heavily guarded. So instead of storming the building and endangering more lives, they blasted "We're not Gonna Take it" by Twisted Sister on huge speakers non-stop day and night. Noriega's men finally couldn't take it anymore and surrendered him.

06-30-2004, 10:47 AM
I thought the anthem was "Sympathy for the Devil"

06-30-2004, 11:06 AM
Interesting... The choice durring the first Gulf War was Rage Against the Machine, at least for those I knew who went. Bet it's still kind'a popular.

... Gather round my family with a pocket full of shells...

06-30-2004, 11:12 AM
That'd be somewhat ironic since Bulls on Parade by Rage Against the Machine is somewhat anti-war and anti-government.

06-30-2004, 11:22 AM
I always thought the same thing... Not that it stopped me from enjoying listening to it on training excersizes. ( I was lucky enough to do my full 4 without combat deployment.)

06-30-2004, 03:56 PM
What? They don't enter combat to Ride of the Valkyries? :D

06-30-2004, 04:18 PM
;) Maybe in Oz...

06-30-2004, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Becca
;) Maybe in Oz...

Or in Apocalypse Now :D

06-30-2004, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Becca
Interesting... The choice durring the first Gulf War was Rage Against the Machine, at least for those I knew who went. Bet it's still kind'a popular.I don't know how accurate the guy is. He spent a fair bit of time with the troops getting together material for his movie. But it was mentioned that some bands (RATM were mentioned) were anti-war and didn't like their music being played in that context. Maybe that influenced the soldiers too?

They did talk about how they'd pump music into suburbs of e.g. Baghdad to **** off the locals. Mostly metal and stuff they thought would offend. Personally I could think of a lot of other stuff that would offend me more (like Cher :D).

Dunno why they'd listen to Slayer, esp. old school Slayer. That's 15yrs old. And I dunno why Angel of Death (about Dr. Josef Mengele). One of my faves was Ghosts of War - that'd be a ripper to head into battle with. The last section especially. Starting with the best drum fill. Of. All. Time. Then:

"I deal in pain.
All life I drain.
I dominate.
I seal your fate.

I deal in pain.
All life I drain.
Memories can't ignore,
Rise ghost of war."

over a thumping rhythm section.

06-30-2004, 08:57 PM
If you want to get in the mood for battle, play some Viking metal like Mithotyn.

Songs to check out:

Instrumental - In a Time of Tales
Vocals - The Well of Mimir

Hehe. It's like death lyrics (think Children of Bodom, or Dimmu Borgir's non-melodic vocals) combined with old European sounding tunes (think minstrels) combined with hard crunching chords and double bass drum rolls. Probably not the best songs to prepare to fight, but interesting to hear the Viking influence.

Or if it's a larger scale battle, Dimmu Borgir's "Puritania" makes me want to go destroy entire galaxies. :D

Or In Extremo has some songs that get me ****ing pumped. The first 40 seconds of "Omnia Sol Temperat" has me ready to ****ing pillage. I always said this would be the song I would come out to if I was fighting in NHB. The funny thing tho, is that after the first 40 seconds the song loses some of it's intensity, but then it returns during the chorus when they bring the bagpipes back.

In Extremo = metal + traditional European instruments (bagpipes, ulean pipes <sp>, flutes, harps, horns, etc.). There are 7 guys in the band. They sing in 4 or 5 different European languages, and I heard they make their own instruments (like true minstrels). ****ing hardcore.

07-01-2004, 12:28 AM
During Desert Storm we listened to a lot of the older Metallica. Nothing like blasting old-school Metallica in your Hummer, equipped with an M-60 and a Rebel Flag driving through the streets of Kuwait (shooting dogs, nonetheless) :D

Oh, and before someone turns us into the ASPCA, we had orders to shoot all the dogs, they were carrying some type of disease.

07-01-2004, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by DragonzRage
That'd be somewhat ironic since Bulls on Parade by Rage Against the Machine is somewhat anti-war and anti-government.

The more I think on it, many of the marines I know who were in Desert Storm were kind of anti-government by the time they came home. Especially the ones who saw alot of action. They stayed in for many reasons, but mostly IMO because they were comfortable with the milliraty way of life. They didn't like some of what they were called to do, but it was what they were used to. And times of peace are really quite fun in the Marines. Where else can you get paid to camp and play with MK-19s and such.

The only ones who seemed offended by that kind of music were the desk warriors who wanted to see action but didn't.

07-01-2004, 10:27 AM
What? They don't enter combat to Ride of the Valkyries?

actually on that MI tape I was talking about they play it.

I didn't have a problem with the government while I was in kuwait. I never saw anything I thought was out of line anyway. I worked at a POW camp most of that time but we were close to a forward deployment position and got to see quite a bit of bizarre stuff. Later I was assigned to an engineering unit and saw some pretty bizarre stuff as well.

07-01-2004, 11:15 AM
Becca- As a Marine 03 (infantry) during DS, at least in the platoon I was in, we weren't pro or anti government. As far as I can see it, you join the Corps to be a part of the warrior lifestyle.

Allow me to elaborate a bit. You want a military job that transfers well into civilian life? Try the Air Force. How about money for college? You can't beat the Army there. Are you a Top Gun or submarine type? Of course, the Navy. NO ONE TAKE THIS AS SLANDER TOWARD ANY OF THESE SERVICES!

You go into the Corps to get action, plain and simple. You go into Uncle Sam's Misguided Children to learn to become more proficient at killing, i.e. learning all you can about combat - reconaissance, marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, negotiate obstacles that may be in your way, and the pure desire to vanguish the enemy at all costs. Doesn't really matter about who's in charge at the top, you either want to be a Marine, or you don't. Those that have joined unsure, usually don't make it through boot camp. But then again, some do, but I would suppose that's the way it is in any military.

I have plenty of Army friends. It always amazes me that the cameraderie isn't there among them. Again, not being slanderous. But when two Army folks pass each other in the mall, they see it as just anyone else. Everytime I wear a Marine Corps shirt, I usually get stopped by former Marines, young and old, and we carry on a conversation like we've known each other for years.

And yes, the MK-19 is an awesome weapon. I was a part of the Weapons Platoon, and got to play with these a lot :D

Chang Style Novice
07-01-2004, 11:29 AM
a Rebel FlagWhy do you hate America?

07-01-2004, 11:39 AM
Nope, just proud of my Southern heritage. And by the way, before you get into racist thing, my Sergeant, in charge of the the Hummer we were in, was Dark Green (that's Marine Corps jargon for a black person). He happened to be from Louisiana, and didn't see the Rebel Flag as a racist statement - he was much too confident of a person to see it as a threat.

Too bad others aren't like him.

07-01-2004, 11:46 AM
Even if it isn't racist, it is still the flag of dissident domestic insurgents who wanted to break apart the union and dissolve their relationship with The United States, i.e. it's anti-American.

07-01-2004, 11:49 AM


Hey, any other liberals want to jump on this?? Come on, let's go...obviously you have all the answers...

07-01-2004, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by YinYangDagger
Becca- As a Marine 03 (infantry) during DS, at least in the platoon I was in, we weren't pro or anti government. As far as I can see it, you join the Corps to be a part of the warrior lifestyle.

Allow me to elaborate a bit. You want a military job that transfers well into civilian life? Try the Air Force. How about money for college? You can't beat the Army there. Are you a Top Gun or submarine type? Of course, the Navy. NO ONE TAKE THIS AS SLANDER TOWARD ANY OF THESE SERVICES!

You go into the Corps to get action, plain and simple. You go into Uncle Sam's Misguided Children to learn to become more proficient at killing, i.e. learning all you can about combat - reconaissance, marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, negotiate obstacles that may be in your way, and the pure desire to vanguish the enemy at all costs. Doesn't really matter about who's in charge at the top, you either want to be a Marine, or you don't. Those that have joined unsure, usually don't make it through boot camp. But then again, some do, but I would suppose that's the way it is in any military.

I have plenty of Army friends. It always amazes me that the cameraderie isn't there among them. Again, not being slanderous. But when two Army folks pass each other in the mall, they see it as just anyone else. Everytime I wear a Marine Corps shirt, I usually get stopped by former Marines, young and old, and we carry on a conversation like we've known each other for years.

And yes, the MK-19 is an awesome weapon. I was a part of the Weapons Platoon, and got to play with these a lot :D
You're preaching to the chiore, dude, though my perspective obviously is different. I was a 2111 (armory). The reason I went it was cause I enjoy being outside and challenging myself. My dad was aslo a marine, and so was his dad. So that's why I chose the Corps spacifically. Also, I was the only one out of my generation to serve. I didn't want to see that family tradition come to an end.

07-01-2004, 11:58 AM
Becca - Don't take me wrong about my post, I wasn't downing anything you said, I was just going a little further (sorry if it seemed I was).

As you know, we carry tradition very far in the Corps. Kudos for you for carrying the tradition in your family. Semper Fi.

And armor = grunt's best friend ;)

07-01-2004, 12:45 PM
I knew you weren't being hostile. Just thought I'd let you know I was also a Jarhead. :)

Pork Chop
07-06-2004, 09:30 AM
call me trendy, but Seasons in the Abyss does it for me, suprised that wasn't on there.... "war ensemble".... c'mon now....

Wouldn't be suprised if Hatebreed and hardcore bands made it on there...

07-06-2004, 01:09 PM
I feel hostility coming from YingYang guy over there, try to relax over there pal!! Turn off your computer and television and go do something really positive, like reading for example. A good book reading will put you back in balance again, its very positive for you.