View Full Version : One of THOSE lessons

Ray Pina
06-30-2004, 03:10 PM
So I was walking back from an after-work surf and I peaked under the boardwalk, where the beach pass checker has a little stand overhead, to look for my old heavy bag. I tied it up there about two weeks ago to start training for my Sept fight but have been slacking. In fact, some drunk kids must have been swinging on it or something because it was on the ground a few days ago and I dragged it back under to keep it from getting soggy and gross from the rain .... so I figured I'd check again since I was passing through.

So, my master has told all of us a number of times to forget about the heavy bag. But he understand's, he's been there. He used to have a 400lbs! bag in his training hall and Grandmaster Wong Tsong Fei's daughter insulted him by hanger her caught on it and he knew it meant something. He learned you want a light bag to teahc you to chase the target at full speed/power, ect. This is one of our little proprietary training things with special bag/method, ect.

So anyway, I get to the spot and it's gone and instead there's one of those wire garbage cans there chained to the pole and all I could think of was ... "Throw all your garbage away." .... That's what Grandmaster Wong told all his students but not my master beacause my master flew him into to NYC from China and at the time that was BIG face to a Chinese man, leaving the town to go to NYC on someone else bill.

It's funny that this should happen today because right before I left work I did a yahoo search on Grandmaster Wong and found an old forum chat about my master between an old student that got the boot and I believe Count (Jeff?) questioning Grandmaster Wong's lineage. Eventually Count did come for a look. Anyway, so the grandmaster was on my mind. And here was no bag but the garbage.

Needless to say I now have to go buy the 40lbs bag so I can hang it and practice our E-chuan kicking. I start training Tues.

06-30-2004, 03:45 PM
Ha ha
Nice story EF, I enjoyed it. But are you saying the person I was discussing with got booted out by you're teacher?
:eek: :confused: :(