View Full Version : Box squats for bench

07-02-2004, 11:53 AM
Is there a bench press equivalent of box squats? Board presses? Wouldn't that limit your ROM, tho?

07-02-2004, 12:03 PM
i've heard of people doing bench presses on the ground as a bench equivalent to box squats.
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07-02-2004, 12:04 PM
Pavel's floor presses. That's what I was thinking too. Good call stubbsy.

Ford Prefect
07-02-2004, 12:19 PM
Toby Toby Toby. The floor press was around and used quite a lot before Pavel hit the scene. WSBB had used it in the years prior to Pavel's first book. Many would contend that's where he got it from, but likely he'll say it was used by the Spetnaz and they used jeeps instead of a barbell. ;)

Anyhoo, the box squat is trained for a reason. The exaggerated sitting back helps take the glutes out of the movement, so it develops what most people's weak point is, the posterior chain with emphasis on the hams and also the glutes.

The most common weak point in benching is the triceps. That why things like floor presses, board presses, jm presses, paul ****s presses, skull crushers, pin presses, etc are used as maximal movements in the westside program.

It's not the movement itself that's important. It's what the movement is doing. In the case of the above, it's addressing a weak point.

07-02-2004, 03:58 PM
Are you serious? I thought box squats were used to force you to accelerate from 0 from at the bottom of the movement. To remove all momentum so you couldn't "bounce." That's why I felt they were effective. Guess I totally missed the boat on that one.

Oh yeah, and what you said, too.

07-03-2004, 04:46 AM
Originally posted by Ford Prefect
Toby Toby Toby. The floor press was around and used quite a lot before Pavel ...Lol! I was being sort of facetious. I should have used an emoticon. I was seconding stubbs' floor presses, but I threw the Pavel in there for a laugh. I like his stuff, but hate the marketing - I'm no fanboy.

<edit>Spelling mistake</edit>

Ford Prefect
07-03-2004, 05:55 AM
You had me worried for a second. :p

07-03-2004, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by IronFist
Are you serious? I thought box squats were used to force you to accelerate from 0 from at the bottom of the movement. To remove all momentum so you couldn't "bounce." That's why I felt they were effective. Guess I totally missed the boat on that one.

^ Seriously tho. Am I totally wrong?

Ford Prefect
07-03-2004, 05:14 PM
Not totally wrong, but the overriding reason is to target the hamstrings and glutes in the power squat.

07-04-2004, 08:56 AM

When I first started with Naked Warrior, I used aerobic steppers ( two pairs of ladder steps plus box) for my single arm push ups; of course decreasing the amount of steps will increases the load.
Back in High School, we used used two steppers in the weight room for benching. This was due to the fact that we didnt have a power rack in our cheap high school gym at the time.

The only equivalent of box squats in benching that I know is probably the power rack bench press. I think the power rack is very versatile gym equipment and definitely a must have training station for serious strength trainers. I would keep my arms in a 90 degree angle if I intended to do max training.

I prefer power rack benching in a position which simulates a vertical fist wing chun punch. I have found this pretty useful in developing stabilizing strength, balance, and power/strength in the wing chun fist. I have tried it in the floor press postion and in the power rack station. I can tell you that your wrist, forearm, and tricep will get very sore if you over do it. Be mindful and make sure you have proper form. I have never heard of any other wing chuners who done this except for me.

If triceps are the weak link in heavier benching than may be my single arm neutral grip power rack chest press could be of use? I never thought about using this exercise to increase benching power, but only for wing chun gung fu. I hope it helps? If does help, please give me feedback.