View Full Version : My friend saw a TMA guy in a streetfight

07-03-2004, 08:51 PM
A guy I know who I've trained MMA with was hanging out at some bar in the San Diego area a couple nights ago and saw some fight that involved someone who was clearly trained in some traditional martial art. Being an MMA guy, he doesn't think much of the TMAs, so he found this fight very interesting and had to share it with me. The fight happened outside the bar. The attacker had a size advantage. The following is from my friend's email:

the fight started when the bigger guy sucker punched the ma'ist. the punch made some contact on the face but the ma'ist didn't seem hurt and then attacker backed off. he looked surprised that he didn't put the other guy down. i think the fight was just completely unexpected because the ma'ist looked startled and took a few paces back. he then went into a crane stance...
hahaha jk. actually he just put his hands up. nothing fancy, he just put his hands up to defend himself. at the same time he started yelling at the attacker, "what the hell's your problem man?" "what was thaT **** ABOUt?" and stuff like that. the big guy responded with, "i got you mf'er!" then he put his hands up like a boxer and actually started probing at the ma'ist with jabs as if trying to set up combos. i doubt that he was a trained boxer cuz his punches didn't look too clean. but he didn't look competely clueless either so he might've had a little training, i dunno. so the two started moving around with one another in the valet parking area. the attacker was throwing probing punches and trying to close in and the other guy was just moving with him and defending and maybe throwing a punch back here and there. for a little bit it actually looked like some kind of halfassed sparring match. the bouncers might've thought that it was just two drunk buddies messing around with each other. while defending he ma'ist was yelling things like, "what the ****'s going on? christ what's your beef with me?" i honestly don't hink he had any clue why he was being attacked. and he was just defending himself and trying to talk the other guy down. he still wasn't really fighting back. pretty nice guy. the attacker finally started getting impatient and he rushed forward throwing harder punches. thats when i noticed that the defender was using some technqiue. as the attacker closed in and threw harder punches the defender started covering and blocking. he was covering with his hands straight and palms facing him and sometimes trying to slap the punches away and it was obvious that he was defending with some technique. for the most part it was working cuz the attacker wasn't tagging him. a few glancing shots might've gone thru but he didn't land anything solid. and he was definitely trying to take the guy's head off. the attacker backed off for a second and then came forward again. this time the ma'ist grabbed his wrist and palmed him solid right across the face and the guy fell down on all fours for a second. it was pretty nicely done. the ma'ist kicked him once while he was down but then backed up and again started asking the guy what his problem was. that was a mistake. he should've just started wailing on the guy. or if he knew any grappling he could've took top position and choked his ass out right there. instead he just kept yelling at the guy and actually let him get back up. pretty stupid imho. he had an opportunity to end the fight and let it go. the guy rushed at him again and they clinched grabbing eachother's clothes. the ma'ist tripped him and threw the fool flat on his ass. i heard the pavement smack. it was funny as all hell. i'd say it looked like a deliberate technique. now FINALLY security comes in and breaks it up cuz they finally figure out that this is an actual fight going on and not just two guys messing around. at this point everyone outside is watching the whole thing. the big guy is mad and trying to get the bouncers to let him have at it again. the ma'ist is finally starting to look angry and he's yelling at the other dude, "you want some more? we can keep going." the big guy looks like he's trying to salvage some of his pride after getting punked out and he's yelling back, "haha i nailed you fool." to which the other guy responds "you're the one who went down *****. i'm just getting started. we can go across the street and i'll really stomp your ass." but security is telling the big guy to get lost and he runs off and gets into his SUV with a couple friends. now the other guy is telling security to get the license plate cuz he wants to press charges. but the dude was already driving. he faked as if he was going to run them over but then swerved off and sped away. ******* was probably DUI. i hope the cops got him for that. anyway that was it. i kind of wanted to approach the dude and ask him what he trained in because it was obvious by what he was doing that he knew some traditional style. but he was busy talking to security and asking the staff about the other guy. i guess he was serious about wanting to press charges. i gotta hand it to the guy that he defended himself pretty well. i would've been more aggressive in his shoes but he didn't do too bad against a bigger guy trying to knock his block off. pretty funny huh?

Dim Wit Mak
07-03-2004, 11:10 PM
DragonzRage: Thanks for the story. I've longed maintained that a TMA who knows his stuff, can practice some pretty good SD. He sounds like a guy who accomplished what he wanted which was to avoid injury and go home to live another day. I study martial arts for much the same reason, which is to defend myself and others if necessary. Sending the other guy to the hospital isn't necessarily one of my goals although some situations may call for this.

old jong
07-04-2004, 08:03 AM
Everybody knows that since the first UFC,all punches and kicks given by a TMA practitioner have no effects anymore.Only punches and kicks given by MMA guys are effective since that event.
This is the law!....(One way to bypass the law is simply to pretend you are now a MMA guy!...It works!...;) )

07-04-2004, 12:39 PM
wow, if that were shorter I'd have to use that as my sig :D

ahhhh, the heck with it. There are people with much longer sigs than that.

07-04-2004, 10:30 PM
Cool story.

The enter key is your friend. :)

David Jamieson
07-05-2004, 08:26 AM

darn it!



07-05-2004, 12:54 PM
I just pasted it from my friend's email. I was too lazy to reformat it:p

07-06-2004, 01:15 AM
... Lazy... Noth that I blame you, mind...;) Nice story, too!

07-06-2004, 04:13 AM
What makes your friend think that this fighter was a traditional martial artist? Could he not have been a boxer or kickboxer or whatever?

07-06-2004, 04:27 AM
Always nice to hear about some ignorant f*ck*r getting his ass beat, by a MA-er who was probably minding his own business to begin with.

Jeez, what a surprise. Someone getting owned by a TMA student. What's next? ;) (Like it's a freaking miracle or something.)

Does that mean we have come full circle? I hope so.

07-06-2004, 08:25 AM
I don't believe it. everyone knows traditional training and fighting doesn't really work. Besides, we all know the guy would have taken it to the ground in a real fight and the tma guy would have had no chance.

07-06-2004, 10:45 AM
"What makes your friend think that this fighter was a traditional martial artist? Could he not have been a boxer or kickboxer or whatever?"

I dunno. I wasn't there and I can only give you secondhand info. From what he described, I'm pretty sure that the guy was not a boxer/kickboxer. According to him it looked very obvious that the guy knew some form of TMA. And he's definitely not the type of guy who'd recognize TMA being used unless he was pretty sure about it.

I'm not trying to make any point regarding MMA, TMA, or whatever with this incident. If anything, I'm just glad to hear that a seemingly good mannered guy embarassed some stupid drunk a$$hole. I may not be a TMA'ist, but I think that ANY example of an MA'ist using his skills well is worth sharing.

07-06-2004, 11:23 AM
d-Rage, thanks for the detailed account, it was interesting. As a cma guy I love to hear about real-life kung fu manifestations.
Red :cool: of course it wasn't tma, otherwise it wouldn't have worked, right? Therefore it must have been MMA...the TMA of the future :p

07-06-2004, 12:33 PM
Sounds like CMA because the blocks weren't clean and hard like in Karate. They were "just enough" to get the fist out of the way.

07-06-2004, 12:39 PM
:o Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

07-06-2004, 03:06 PM
i sometimes use my cma skills against my dog. not the big one, he kicks my ass, but suzi's little yorkie.

i use the traditional art of deception to trick him into licking the hot stove.

07-06-2004, 05:37 PM
Wow nice story thanks for the post!

07-07-2004, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by Fu-Pow
Sounds like CMA because the blocks weren't clean and hard like in Karate. They were "just enough" to get the fist out of the way.

Nor did he actively persue a "real" fight, despite obviously being angry. That is one of the biggest traits I look for in a serious MAist of any type, but especially CMA.

07-07-2004, 06:15 AM
Becca and Fu-Pow, please forgive me while I LMAO at your assumptions.

07-07-2004, 04:55 PM
An "opposite side of the equation" story. A buddy of mine just graduated from the LA Sheriff's academy. There was a TCMA guy in there who claimed to be undefeated in a number of NHB and roof top fights in China. During the "Red Man" prisoner fighting simulation situations, he was taken down and had his flashlight, radio, handcuffs, and baton taken from him.

Water Dragon
07-07-2004, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Knifefighter
An "opposite side of the equation" story. A buddy of mine just graduated from the LA Sheriff's academy. There was a TCMA guy in there who claimed to be undefeated in a number of NHB and roof top fights in China. During the "Red Man" prisoner fighting simulation situations, he was taken down and had his flashlight, radio, handcuffs, and baton taken from him.

And? Everyone here is quite aware that the CMA are plagued with liars. That's not a reason to act all boozhee all the time.

07-08-2004, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by rogue
Becca and Fu-Pow, please forgive me while I LMAO at your assumptions.

Have at it. I spend some time shaking my head over some of your asuptions, too.;)

Ben Gash
07-08-2004, 03:58 AM
Dragonzrage, if your friends wails on people while they're down or chokes them out, he's going to find himself in the cells. The fighter in the account effectively recognises the point where it ceases to be reasonable force in self defence and goes over into assault/actual bodily harm.

07-08-2004, 05:56 PM
I don't know about that Ben, in the account the defender sounded like he was having trouble coming to grips with what was happening, even though his body knew what to do. While I agree that going for a ground and pound may move you into assault, knocking the other guy out or causing him enough harm to quit could be defended in criminal court. The big problem would have been in civil court.

During the "Red Man" prisoner fighting simulation situations, he was taken down and had his flashlight, radio, handcuffs, and baton taken from him. Yeah, but if he was fighting on a roof it would have been a whole other story.;)