View Full Version : Happy 4th of July

07-04-2004, 11:07 AM
Just wanted to extend my best wishes for a Happy 4th of July to all my friends across the border.
I hope you have a holiday full of good times, good friends, good food, and GREAT training!


07-04-2004, 04:49 PM
Happy Fourth in the USA!

Landmark for the celebration of the Declaration of Independence.

Remembering the genius of Thomas Jefferson the author of the draft who died on a July 4

Fireworks symbolically celebrating the social contract.

Warts and all- a great country and a great person.

While the Brits were losing one country they began gaining another on the other side of the world- India. The Brits didnt have to leave that one till August 15, 1947-another Independence Day.

The Brit. Lord Cornwallis played an important role in both Continents... he beat Washington's army at first,,, finally losing at Yorktown. Apparently the Brits didnt think it was all his fault- sent
him to India- he became the Governor General.

Every summer I enjoy celebrating two independences.

07-05-2004, 06:17 AM
I hope that everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July, eh.
All the best,

07-05-2004, 06:45 AM

Great Day!

Several of the cities in the Phoenix metro had big community fireworks displays. The scale is huge. My Tempe has it's fireworks around it's Tempe Town Lake.

Got invited to a doing in Mesa.

When I got home though around 1 am...the noisy exuberance of an
apparently open party a block away spilled over to the street
with cars jamming up the nearby streets. Apparently the police played a role in settling things down several hours later.

Other than that the neighborhood baebecue went well- and flags flew in every house in our whole square block.

My late wife used to give the welcoming speech annually to the group that would be sworn in as US Citizens bya Federal judge
in one large setting/proceeding/celebration..

All in all- a good day- but I didnt miss doing slt.

But didnt work out today -in the frequent language of the forum-
against a "resisting opponent"..but tomorrow is another day.