View Full Version : Can someone please tell me what is going on here ???

07-08-2004, 11:17 AM

Is this the future of Chinese Martial Arts ???

The Willow Sword
07-08-2004, 11:57 AM
oh come on man dont be so fukin ego centric. thats what they do over there. they can do whatever they want man. its all relative man,,,,,hey its THEIR way. you gonna trash everything that you see on TV?:p


07-08-2004, 12:01 PM
I only got to see about 20 seconds of it but it just looks like some guys training.

Chang Style Novice
07-08-2004, 12:13 PM
In the style I practice, that is called "taking way too goddemn long to download."

07-08-2004, 03:49 PM
It is a story about a school training modern unlimited fighting (Wu Qien Zi Ge Do) methods for security escorts (Biu Gi).

They consisted of basic dodges and hitting groins, necks and knees.

Their attacks are off limits for San Da or any sports combat.

They used hanger wires and 2 section- sticks.

It is kind of civilian business to deter violent crimes or robbery. But we are in an age of GUNS. or stun devices. How effective this is to deter crime, we shall see.

No, this is not modern CMA heading toward.


07-08-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
In the style I practice, that is called "taking way too goddemn long to download."

In my style, it's called "cannot play file because server is not responding."

07-09-2004, 04:29 PM

Not to be too picky, and I am NOT a native speaker, but I from the way the magazines and the BBS systems out here use the term I really though "wu xian zhi ge dou 无限制格斗" was their term for NHB (np hold barred)? So that would make the little news documentary a story about the futere of MMA!!! :p

p.s. if it doesn't mean NHB fighting then what does?

07-09-2004, 07:19 PM
Agreed. Living in the west and speaking English almost all the time, my Chinese is degrading, so are my hairs starting to turn gray.

You have the proper Pinyin. Thanks for the corrections.

My mandarin is always mixed with so many dialects or accents.

How do you post Chinese characters, that would clear up a lot of guessing in Pinyin?

07-09-2004, 10:11 PM
In windows XP:

controll panel-->regional settings

Select the 'languages' tab.

Make sure 'support for east Asian and complex characters' is selected. (I'm trying to remember exactly what it is in English language Windows. I work with a Chinese OS for various reasons but I have done this many times with regular Windows)

Then go to the 'advanced' tab.

Somewhere in there there is a spot where you can start adding IME's one at a time untill you find the one you like. I just went to take a look but it's a little different on my system from an Englsh OS. When your on the 'advanced' tab make sure you BIG5 or whatever Chinese fonts you like are selected.

Once your done there will be a little thing next to the quick launch that says 'EN' or 'CH' to tell you wether your set up for English or Chinese. To switch between the 2 you usually press 'alt+shift' and when you are in Chinese mode you can still type in English. You either click on the little 'CH' icon to open up a selection of character entry methods or you can togggle between them by pressing 'crtl+shift'.

It's a bit complicated to set up but it is built in to windows. There is a chance you may need the disk or to download an IME (input method editor)


07-09-2004, 10:16 PM

Living out here this long I am annoyed by how often I can't think of certain English words for things as well. I mean the big facny words that are good to use in term papers to impress the teacher.

Also us foreigners usually do have better pinyin than native speakers. Just like the local middle school English teachers still have crappy sporken English but they uderstand English grammer FAR better than I ever did.

07-09-2004, 10:33 PM
"facny words" and "sporken English"? Heh, heh, sounds like some weird British slang to me! :D :D

07-09-2004, 11:17 PM
Also us foreigners usually do have better pinyin than native speakers. Just like the local middle school English teachers still have crappy sporken English but they uderstand English grammer FAR better than I ever did. omar -- that's because native speakers rarely understand the grammar behind the language, they simply speak it because it's what they've always known. people from a different culture, particularly one as markedly different as china, must understand english grammar before they can even hope to make sense the language itself.

native speakers speak their language because it's what they know and merely learn grammar because they have to get satisfactory marks to move to the next grade. they don't actually need it to use their language. non-native speakers, however, are quite the opposite.

07-10-2004, 12:45 AM

lol. Yeah I know.


I know why it is man. I was just "giving SPJ a little face" there and recognizing the irony of me, a white dude, giving him, an Asian dude (I think) corrections on his Chinese. It's funny dude regardless of the whys and wherefores.

Let me tell you another funny bit:

I helped a local Chinese student with a take home English comprehension exam. It was multiple choice and the student did what most locals do on difficult take home. The student cheated by finding a native speaker to answer questions like, "What would be the most suitable title for this essay?

a. blah blah blah
b. blah blah blah
or c. blah blah blah"

You know the type.

On the parts I did I scored a 79 on a reading comprehension test giving to a Chinese college student. *groan*
:confused: :confused: :confused:

07-11-2004, 06:37 PM

Thank you very much for the info. I will try to configure my computer to be "Chinese" ready over the weekend.

My work is exacting or taxing a lot of me timewise.

I really have limited time to keep a training schedule and study session.

Thanks again.
