View Full Version : had a go at san shou...

07-10-2004, 02:01 PM
...and loved it!!

we started off with some light sparring to warm up then did one minute rounds (lightly) one minute rest. then we did a couple of minutes a bit harder and i got my contact lense knocked out! lol. my instructor told me to put vascaline on my face so the glove slides off easier and stops the lenses falling out.

after that we did some throws. we did two varieties of a similar technique where you kinda rugby tackle them then scoop them up and over either with you still standing or you falling on top of them - hard!

i think after that we had to do a drill where we block some jabs then go for that takedown but instead of throwing them you pick them up and run with them on your shoulder to the other side of the room then run back. after doing that a few times we did the same thing but the guy throwing the jabs had to counter by jumping back but leaning on the other person and spreading their legs.

to finish we did a couple of rounds of sparring. can't wait for the next lesson....
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07-10-2004, 02:39 PM
Welcome to the future space monkey.

Water Dragon
07-10-2004, 04:01 PM
lol @ Bull

07-10-2004, 05:27 PM
lol @ your signature!

07-11-2004, 06:27 AM
Originally posted by stubbs
...and loved it!!

we started off with some light sparring to warm up then did one minute rounds (lightly) one minute rest. then we did a couple of minutes a bit harder and i got my contact lense knocked out! lol. my instructor told me to put vascaline on my face so the glove slides off easier and stops the lenses falling out.

So, whats the standard like?

07-11-2004, 09:04 AM
you mean of the other people there? well there was only two other guys there! it's a shame because it seems a really good sport and I woulda thought there'd be more people there. I'm not sure if that was an 'Off' lesson tho. The good thing is that I got more of a personal instruction but the bad thing is I'll probably get used to the other two guys fighting style.

My instructor said there's a European Championship held in Mote Park, Maidstone (where I live) in October every year. I'm gonna miss it this year tho cos I'm in Thailand then.

How many competitions do you enter a year? The instructor said they go to about two big ones a year but he'd go to more if there was more interest.
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07-11-2004, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by stubbs

My instructor said there's a European Championship held in Mote Park, Maidstone (where I live) in October every year. I'm gonna miss it this year tho cos I'm in Thailand then.

How many competitions do you enter a year? The instructor said they go to about two big ones a year but he'd go to more if there was more interest.

Euro Championship in maidstone every year? Thats the first I have heard of that! I always thought that San Shou euro champoin ships were held every 4 years?

I only ever do a max of 3-4 fights a year with most years only 1 or 2 fights and some years no fights. Thats how I managed to spread my 20 odd fights out over more than ten years of fighting. The sad reason for this is that theres just not much san shou being fought in the UK.

Dan Docherty holds a great event every April in Oxford (my home town) that is perfect for beginners.

Barbera Antonio of San Shou UK organises really good events both to watch and to compete in, she used to do three a year but unless her web site is really out of date, she has not had an event for ages.

Lastly (in every way) the BCCMA have several very rule heavy events every year, but my thoughts on the BCCMA to do with san shou are well documented on this site.

07-11-2004, 12:40 PM
The sad reason for this is that theres just not much san shou being fought in the UK.

Don't limit yourself to sanshou. muay thai, boxing, mma, judo etc.

07-11-2004, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Liokault
Euro Championship in maidstone every year? Thats the first I have heard of that! I always thought that San Shou euro champoin ships were held every 4 years?

maybe i heard him wrong, i dunno, i think thats what he said. he also said he's travelled within europe (germany and france i think he mentioned) for competitions.

i probably wont do any comps for about 6 months. i don't want to risk any injury before my thailand trip. besides i think i'll be better conditioned after thailand anyway.

that one in oxford in april sounds ideal for me! 9 months time i'll still be relatively new to the game. have you got a link/email address i can get more info on? have you entered any different style/sport competitions as shaolintiger suggests?
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07-11-2004, 02:38 PM
that one in oxford in april sounds ideal for me! 9 months time i'll still be relatively new to the game. have you got a link/email address i can get more info on? have you entered any different style/sport competitions as shaolintiger suggests?

Its a Tai Chi union of GB yearly event so go look at their web site for more info. Also if you tell them its your first fight they will set you up with another beginner.

Lots of reasons I dont fight in other formats to get around the lack of san shou, but the main one is that I dont train in san shou. I train in Tai Chi and find that san shou suits me.....plus I cant kick for toffie......and while I'm an ok puncher, not only are my punches a bit on the slow side, but I'm kind of short for my weight......and while I'm a good (stand up) grappler, I'm not sure about the pyjamas that judo guys wear........and as for MMA, well it just looks a bit ghey:D

07-12-2004, 04:54 AM
Liokault, how much training time do you devote to SS style sparring compared to free wrestling?

07-12-2004, 12:29 PM
It depends.

For most of the year when we train indoors we wrestle for at least 1/2 an hour in most of the classes but we only spar relatively rarely. This is mostly due to the need to keep injurys down as when we do spar its full contact 99% agression.

07-13-2004, 02:45 AM
That's interesting, I thought you'd spar all the time.

Makes sense if the contact's that high though. I dunno, I just thought if you were entering comps then you'd be sparring quite a lot.

When you wrestle do you include striking at all? do you find there's a lot of cross-over from wrestling into the sparring?

The reason I ask is that I was thinking in order to be good at SS you'd need to spar in that exact format quite a lot, like at least once a week, to stand any chance.

As you don't, and still do well in comps, is the wrestling and stamina enough with relatively few sparring sessions to do well?

or by relatively rarely do you mean once a week? lol.


07-13-2004, 02:59 AM
we only spar relatively rarely. This is mostly due to the need to keep injurys down as when we do spar its full contact 99% agression.


07-13-2004, 11:14 AM
whats so funny?
HERBALAIRE VAPORIZER (http://www.vaporshop.com/herbalaire-vaporizer.html)

07-13-2004, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by stubbs
whats so funny?

My question also.

Other things constrict how much sparring is done, mainly lack of sparring partners.

so what was it like sparring with the guys at the san shou class Stubbs?

07-13-2004, 01:58 PM
it was pretty good! we went quite lightly as it was my first go and focused mainly technique and getting myself used to fighting within the rules. i didn't find the rules too restrictive though.

i've got a sore shin now! i didn't have any shin pads on at the time and i went to kick the other guys thigh but for some reason i did it quite slowly. he stuck his leg up and there was a shin to knee clash which really stung! it got hit again last night while sparring in ch'ang ch'uen.

i was able to get a few good shots in but i didn't get as stuck in as i wanted to. i will next time though!

what does your training consist of on a weekly basis? what was your weight again? i've stopped the weights for a little while and im doing a fair bit of cardio/technique training instead, so i think i've dropped a few pounds.
Avandia Class Action Lawsuits (http://classactionsettlements.org/)

07-14-2004, 10:53 AM
what does your training consist of on a weekly basis? what was your weight again? i've stopped the weights for a little while and im doing a fair bit of cardio/technique training instead, so i think i've dropped a few pounds.

Well if its tai chi, we do lots of stand up grappling and pad work as well as hand techniques and some sparring, when we have the people up for it.

When a fight is comming up I start training for stamina about 6-8 weeks before hand and up the sparring/grappling.

We also do tons of bag work and speed ball work, mostly for stamina.

The last main thing we do for san shou is sprinting up hills repeatedly........find a steep 200 meter section, sprint (I mean sprint, not run fast) up it, jog back down x3 to start with then x9 toward the end.