View Full Version : A general rule?

Ray Pina
07-13-2004, 06:16 AM
OK, was chi sauing with a friend last night after he came by with a little hash and he was confused on how I was beating him over and over when it appreared we were doing the same thing and I formulated it like this.......

When we are equal -- one strong arm (back and close to oneself) and one weak arm (extended in unsuccesful strike) -- you always try to strike. I try to control the elbow of your incoming arm.

Also, when I attack with my back/strong arm first, I also expect you to collapse it, redirect it, wedge, it ect., so while I attack you, I am also anticipating where your blocking/collapsing/ect. hand's elbow is going to be so that I can control it.

Now, I know nothing is set in stone, but how's this for a general rule: The elbow seaks the opening, yearns to propel the weapon (hand/forearm) while shielding our chin, neck. The hand can not be so greedy, and must swivel and wax and wane according to the force put on it (change to hit up, down, diagnol, ect.)

07-13-2004, 12:34 PM
yep...that's some good hash

07-13-2004, 12:37 PM
Shooter has smoked the correct.

Water Dragon
07-13-2004, 01:01 PM
Puff-puff give mutha fugga, puff-puff give!

07-13-2004, 01:05 PM
I thought Shake, WD, and I were the only outspoken potheads on KFO...

Chang Style Novice
07-13-2004, 01:18 PM
Say, I did mention that I'm a hiphop head, jazz freak, and abstract painter didn't I?

Chang Style Novice
07-13-2004, 01:21 PM
In related news, a buddy on my fave music board described the new record by Supersilent as sounding like a narwhal trying to digest a lawn mower.

And I'm pretty sure I know what he means by that.

07-13-2004, 01:31 PM
a general rule is , do not consume drugs and train/post
i'd really like to respond to this statement, but its just so


seriously though
what about the shoulders and the waist, surely its not just a matter of the elbow and the hand.

all things being equal (physically) i suppose that omits the possibility of using force to overpower, i guess then its left up to will power. but its highly unlikely that all things are ever equal between to opponents.

07-13-2004, 01:31 PM
yeah, I've made assumptions about you, CSN, but you've never out and out said, "I'm gonna burn one down"...You have mentioned drinkin' absinthe though, so I'll give you credit for that. I've never drinken absinthe...what are the effects? postive and negative.

07-13-2004, 01:33 PM
cap your pm box is full

Chang Style Novice
07-13-2004, 01:35 PM
I smoke infrequently these days, however I am very enthusiastic when I do smoke. (mostly a money issue)

I've never drunk absinthe, though. I believe I've written that I want to try it.

07-13-2004, 01:58 PM
I've cleaned out my PM box.

Chang Style Novice
07-13-2004, 02:03 PM

07-13-2004, 02:07 PM
some day I will experience Bubble Hash :D

07-13-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
I smoke infrequently these days, however I am very enthusiastic when I do smoke. (mostly a money issue)

Big surprise...I weed smoker with no money:rolleyes:

Chang Style Novice
07-13-2004, 07:15 PM
It really has a lot more to do with getting an art degree instead of a useful education.

07-13-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
http://pbskids.org/boohbah/boohbah.html Woah! My 2yr old loves Boohbah. That is one weird show.

07-14-2004, 03:52 AM
Big surprise...I weed smoker with no money

Is that a serious comment? If it is, good stereotyping. I bow down to your superior personal prejudices.

I've drunk Absinthe. A friend of mine gets it from the Czech republic.

Instead of derailing the thread, all I will say is you will enjoy it from what I can make out of your characters. And I wouldn't recommend it on a regular basis. :D

And E-fist, sorry man I don't really understand your theory.

07-14-2004, 04:29 AM

In my youth (60's-70's), Cannibis was recreational entertainment.. today, it is a sacrament, reserved for intention and purpose.. (fond memorys of Nepalese Temple Balls (hashish).. where have they gone?).. Cannibis seems to stir the stillness needed for deep and contemplative meditations.. yet, it can enhance creativeness necessary to move beyond one's current limits.. On the whole, i wouldn't recommend it for most people.. only since i had such an extensive experience with it in my youth that i feel comfortable i can control the experience now.. otherwise, without control and moderation it becomes a distraction and counter-productive..

Be well..

Ray Pina
07-14-2004, 05:31 AM

Regarding: "what about the shoulders and the waist"

Of course a of guys are doing the job,, supplying force -- I usually just boil that down to the biggest guy .... it all comes from the foot. But you have to have a straight tucked back, the waist adds its due, the shoulders.

When speaking about the elbow I'm speaking about the guy who is actually doing the job, though he is backed up by a lot of guys. This post was more about position, then the mechanics behind it.

Taichi Bob,

about chest to shoulder high last night with perfect offshore glass .... fast, little hollow shorebreak but you could get in and out or boost over before getting tossed into 5-inches of water.

07-14-2004, 05:33 AM
"without control and moderation it becomes a distraction and counter-productive.."

Bob has exhaled the correct.:)

Ray Pina
07-14-2004, 05:59 AM
I use to smoke a lot, pretty much daily, and multiple times a day. Now that I'm training and fighting out more and under more competitive circumstances what used to last me a week has lasted me since May.... just a little here or there if the waves are really good or if I feel like getting down with my new banjo.

07-14-2004, 07:02 AM
what exactly is absinthe?

07-14-2004, 07:15 AM
It's a strong spirit that contains wormwood, which is a hallucinatory substance.

Ray Pina
07-14-2004, 07:19 AM
It's a drink that's supposed to lead to hallucinations, skitzo:eek: behavior, ect.

Many of the modernists -- Picasso, Hemmingway, ect -- used to get down on it.

Every now and then there's a place in Brookly, a big loft on the river, that throws a party with that ... they have a marching band do drum-n-bass, a DJ, a huge furris wheel for adults, these little canvas igloos for meditation where peopke generally go to spark up, ect. ... all in doors

I never tried the stuff personally because I'm not a big drinker but everyone seemed as wierd and wacky as usual at a NYC artsy type of scene.

07-14-2004, 07:22 AM
E-fist. Surfing's fun. Used to surf a lot before beaches got crowded around here. I grew up surfing and surfed for about 15yrs. Anyway, out of interest, here's some recent events around here - dunno if you heard - a (http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=12246) guy (http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200407/s1151076.htm) got (http://www9.sbs.com.au/theworldnews/region.php?id=89033&region=7) taken (http://www.thewest.com.au/20040712/news/general/tw-news-general-home-sto127959.html) by (http://www.seabreeze.com.au/news/default.asp) a (http://abc.net.au/wa/news/200407/s1151076.htm) great (http://www.archive.newspix.com.au/photolib/cgi/newspix.dll?action=view&Collection=Photolib&ViewTemplate=v2_ImgView.hts&VdkVgwKey=15787502) white (http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5478,10105830%255E1702,00.html) :(. The area in particular has a very nice wally left with a bunch of other breaks nearby that handle small to medium surf - about 6' max. I've surfed it many times. It's about a mile from the beach back to the carpack. Must've been a long walk that day. Check out the photos of the board :eek:. The wave is in the Margaret River area. You've probably heard of Margaret River.

Ray Pina
07-14-2004, 07:36 AM
I've heard about that attack, and I know of Margarat River have have never been to your great continent. It is on my "Must Go" list however and I would certainly consider living there as well.

Shame about that man but I heard his brother doesn't want the shark killed. That's pretty cool.

I got chased out by a white here two years ago but it was really just cruising by, not feeding or anything. Past two weekend we've been called out for a 6-foot thrasher and an 8-foot basking shark, but neither are considered very dangerous.

A friend of mine also landed a 350lbs mako two weeks ago on 150lbs test. There out there, but what can you do?

Like you said, the crowds are the biggest issue. I'm forced to ride a longboard more than I would like to just to get more than my fair share of waves:D

Last night's shore break was cool thoug, because it was a shortboard kind of a wave. I started on the 9'0 for an hour, but pulling in with a few inches of water under you with a water logged tanker is just tempting fate so I went with the 6'2 fish.

Do you miss the surf?

07-14-2004, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist
Do you miss the surf? Quite a bit. But I was never good at sharing surf. When I started you could always get waves with no-one dropping in. These days you can get 100's of guys out and there's no respect in the water. That's in the city. Down around Margaret River you used to be able to get waves to yourself every day if you looked for a couple of hours first. There are literally dozens of quality waves in a 50 mile stretch. You get to know what will be working and when. Some require 4wd and a fair drive or walk so the odds of other people decreases. But these days it's like the city was when I started and I'm sure in another 10yrs it'll be permanently crowded. Surfing just became too god**** popular :mad:. When I was surfing it wasn't mainstream like now.

Besides, I'm married with 3 kids and it's kind of difficult to say I'm just going out for most of the day looking at waves and surfing. When the kids grow up I'll probably get back into it and teach them. I live less than a mile from the beach so it's pretty accessible.

If I had the opportunity to get quality waves with no crowds I'd be back into it. Last time I went surfing I found a new wave with a couple of friends. It was about 4' all day long. I was pretty fit, and stayed in the water for 8hrs. The next day 6hrs and the next day too. One of those days when you hardly see your friends. One guy gets a wave then while paddling out the next guy gets one and the next. You just see each other as you ride past with the spectator hooting. I was stuffed for a few days after that. Good times.

Water Dragon
07-14-2004, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by Fu-Pow
Big surprise...I weed smoker with no money:rolleyes:

Big surprise...a Tai Chi guy with no skill :rolleyes:


Ray Pina
07-14-2004, 09:08 AM
I hear ya Toby. Seems like everyone wants to surf now a days.

At first, like 3 or 4 years ago I used to get real annoyed, would get into words with kooks who had no clue and ditched their board instead of ducking a 4 foot wave or who would drop in on me and then straighten out, or go, then get scared and put back but let their board go over the falls .... I've been hit a few times.

But then things got really out of control and it was no use fighting because I realised I was more stressed in the water than out.

As the result of all these cooks, my 9 foot lost like 4 inches in its nose and had mad cracks all over it. So I patched the thing up with heavy glass and now it's my crowd control board. Go, don't go, doesn't matter.... I'm going. If they bail I'll try to ollie over them and see what happens.

My fish is kind of banged up to so I just don't care anymore.

I have one advantage in NY actually though. A lot of the surfers are newbies and not that good. And a lot of the old timers are out of shape. So it's real agressive when it's 2 feet to 5 feet. But once it hits that magic number of 6 foot+ the crowds thin out. At 8 feet you start seeing people pulling back left and right. At 10 feet their are only a handfull of guys at each peak that really want it. At 15 feet I'm getting nervous anyway ... no channels here, all pretty much beach break though there's a good point about 20 minutes away. Just that when it's good it's good right across the street so why go anywhere. And when it's not good, well....

Anyway, I hope you find your way back into the water. I was exhausted last night after 3 straight hours of fighting currents on the short board and raced to Chinatown. I had one of the most insightful classes of my life. Turns out they were doing taiji and ba gua and training relaxing everything but the guys that are absolutely necessary. I didn't have much choice. You know that type of relaxed, chilled out high you have after a good evening glass session? It was nice to roll up into class just chilled out and not agressive at all.

07-14-2004, 08:19 PM
Yeah I probably should get into it. I notice from watching that these days there are more kooks than decent surfers in the water around the city. But city waves suck and I can't bring myself to paddle out unless it's good. Kinda like a mountain local who only goes up on powder days.

Down south (the Margaret River area) is a different story. If you're in tune with the conditions you can find good waves every day of the year just about. But there are fewer kooks. It's the home region of guys like Jake Patterson and Taj Burrow. And for those two there are a hundred other unknown guys charging. Heavy waves and consequences for mistakes, so it's kind of reverse. Most people know what's going on and it's rare to get people ditching in front of you. OTOH it's harder to get waves because everyone's so good if the waves are good.