View Full Version : what would you do if...

07-13-2004, 05:30 PM
Your walking home or to the bus or even to a car parked away in a dark alley from your training hall (because there was no room) and all of a sudden you see this guerilla mean looking mother****er walking across from you and you keep walking on his right side but all of a sudden he starts looking at you and slowing down as he walks toward you and is blocking your way and there is a wall next to you so you cant walk past him without pushing him out of the way or going all the way around and opening a blind spot to him for a mugging?

07-13-2004, 05:40 PM
Walk away.

Take a detour.

Walk somewhere else and come back to your car later.

Use your cell phone and pretend talking loud and swear out loud. Cry and throw a fit ,drunken boxing. (Pretending)

Have a super hot Macdonald coffee and walk staggeringly.

Ready to kick his knee and run. Nah.


07-13-2004, 05:44 PM
but lets say after you entered in to the street he appears from a side street across from you and in order to get away from him you would have to turn all the way around and walk back. And its only you and him in the street.

07-13-2004, 05:53 PM
Is this a hypothetical question? I don't know what I'd do, it depends on so many things.

07-13-2004, 06:41 PM
Maybe always have walking buddies walking with you.

Wait till he walks away. Waiting is not not going. Waiting is to go at the right time.

And Never park your car in a dark street again.

You have to even your odds. Crimes happen when the bad guys have the upper hands, otherwise, they walk away too.

It take two to play the game.


07-13-2004, 06:56 PM
i would say excuse me sir, but i'm not known for vast amounts of common sense.

Volcano Admim
07-13-2004, 07:02 PM
prepare the mean left one

if he tries anything bling bling he goes down

but anyway, if hes blocking id try to walk through as in sideways, if he doesnt understand the sign of my body turnign (meaning he is supposed to turn too, so we both can pass at the same time), we crash, and from there either he falls from hitting my heavy self or i made him fall by doing a little extra trick

but anyways... guerilla looking?
i havent shaved in like 3 weeks
so I am the one guerilla looking anyway

07-13-2004, 07:10 PM
id **** myself in front of him ..... or yeah i would. hopefully that would scare him away. its a new self defense. :D

07-13-2004, 07:38 PM
I'd make sure I had my tough friend (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=423415#post423415) with me. Then I could hold his hand and wouldn't be scared.

Depends. If you were 100% sure there was gunna be a confrontation and you were 100% sure your skills were deficient, then the crazy option isn't a bad one. Wipe your hands on your *******, then blow your nose on them and spit on them (change the order to your preference ;)). Then approach with outstretched hands. Of course you'd better hope there's a tap nearby so you can clean up after he runs away.

Chang Style Novice
07-13-2004, 07:44 PM
There's two ways to handle this situation.

Ask him how much for half and half.


Tell him how much you want for half and half.

07-13-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
There's two ways to handle this situation.

Ask him how much for half and half.


Tell him how much you want for half and half.

if he does make a move. you could ask him if he wants to feel the msot unbearable pain in the world. :D and jsut bs your way from there.

07-13-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by SPJ
Maybe always have walking buddies walking with you.

Wait till he walks away. Waiting is not not going. Waiting is to go at the right time.

And Never park your car in a dark street again.

Sorry, but those are some bs answers.

07-13-2004, 08:57 PM
That's o.k.

They never "work" alone. There will be a second person watching for the cop coming. They usually have escape routes or plan B. There will be the third person watching all whole things via video Cell phone and giving orders.

Your walking buddies are your lookouts for the left, the right, the front and the rear. You need escape route or plan B, too.

Waiting increases the suspension. Maybe you are waiting for your friends or cop to come.

It is just plain old stooooopiiiiiiiid to park in a dark street where all viles lurking and ready to jump you. It is like saying mug me or car jack me with my open arms.

Back to you.

07-13-2004, 09:04 PM
Palm my freaking Spyderco and cut him when/if he made a move.

Of course you have to practice this, removing and opening your blade without anyone seeing it. Spyderco's are great for this, with the one-handed opening mechanism and all (thumb-hole).

07-13-2004, 09:46 PM
lets say he starts looking straight at you and walking toward you while your walk ahead. He might either try asking you for money because hes homeless or just got out of prison or actually mug you but you don't know which. So what would you do than? Or if he starts talking to you would you stop and listen what he has to say even though he might be trying for you to be still so he can get close enough to swing or keep walking and possibly be blind sided?

07-13-2004, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Volcano Admim
prepare the mean left one

if he tries anything bling bling he goes down

but anyway, if hes blocking id try to walk through as in sideways, if he doesnt understand the sign of my body turnign (meaning he is supposed to turn too, so we both can pass at the same time), we crash, and from there either he falls from hitting my heavy self or i made him fall by doing a little extra trick

but anyways... guerilla looking?
i havent shaved in like 3 weeks
so I am the one guerilla looking anyway

Lets say he stops right in nfront of you bloicking you so he can get money off of you but you have none with you. And he's standing there waiting for you to give him money or/and might mug you any second. Oh yea he's also twice your size.

07-13-2004, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Toby
I'd make sure I had my tough friend (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=423415#post423415) with me. Then I could hold his hand and wouldn't be scared.

Depends. If you were 100% sure there was gunna be a confrontation and you were 100% sure your skills were deficient, then the crazy option isn't a bad one. Wipe your hands on your *******, then blow your nose on them and spit on them (change the order to your preference ;)). Then approach with outstretched hands. Of course you'd better hope there's a tap nearby so you can clean up after he runs away.

my friend would just hit him right away on the chin or grab a rock and smash him over the head. But you see I'm not him and I have higher morals meaning if I beat up a guy who is homeless and asking for a bit change Ill feel real bad afterwards. So this would put me in a dilema.

07-13-2004, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by SPJ
That's o.k.

They never "work" alone. There will be a second person watching for the cop coming. They usually have escape routes or plan B. There will be the third person watching all whole things via video Cell phone and giving orders.

Your walking buddies are your lookouts for the left, the right, the front and the rear. You need escape route or plan B, too.

Waiting increases the suspension. Maybe you are waiting for your friends or cop to come.

It is just plain old stooooopiiiiiiiid to park in a dark street where all viles lurking and ready to jump you. It is like saying mug me or car jack me with my open arms.

Back to you.

Generally there are more than one I have been in that situation but lets say this guy is real desperate to buy something to eat and your his perfect mugging victim or he is on pcp and doesn't think ahead or care what happens to him. And he is huge, and doesn't feel like ur a threat to him.

07-13-2004, 10:08 PM
Bah, this is the crappiest thread ever! You keep changing the assumptions from post to post :mad:! How do you expect people to respond if you keep changing things? Anyway, if things were bad, I'd probably run. I recently switched from sprint training twice a week so I know I'm not so bad at running - both speed and endurance. Run away and come back for the car afterwards when he's left. Avoidance is better than confrontation.

07-13-2004, 10:11 PM
how do you know that's not his lurking spot for victims? And awnser each one of my assumptions one by one. The reason I'm asking these questions because I was in a similar situation the other day and had no diea what to do for a second.

07-13-2004, 10:19 PM
So what did you do?

Here's what I'd do - run. You said the alley was near your training hall so I'd run back to that and hope that there were still some people there. Get a few of them to come with you and escort you to your car. Then drop them off at the hall when you leave. If you were really feeling that threatened, then running would have been a sound option. If OTOH you were confident you were in control, then by all means talk to the guy and tell him you have no money or give him some of what you do have and be on your way, all the time monitoring for a situation. But if you thought the guy was twice as big as you, recently left the big house, was on PCP and wanted to mug you, then you were obviously in panic mode and avoidance was the option to take.

07-13-2004, 11:29 PM
he stopped in front of me where I couldn't get around him and started mumbling something that I coudln't even understand one word he was saying so I thought he might have been on pcp or something. He looked pretty scary even from ****her distance as well, I was lucky I had a dollar in my pocket but if I didn't I don't know what would have happened. I'm thinking that I could have stopped and if he kept walking toward me I could have told him to get the hell away from me or dont get any closer to me or Ill hit you, and if he got closer just go ape **** on his ass.

Volcano Admim
07-14-2004, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by Unmatchable
Lets say he stops right in nfront of you bloicking you so he can get money off of you but you have none with you. And he's standing there waiting for you to give him money or/and might mug you any second. Oh yea he's also twice your size.

you mean hes carrying a mug asking for money?
or as if he tried to take my money?
like i said, i used the "mean left"
he cant defend my mean left, its a surprise
and its too fast
and it knocks people out

and how the fock is he twice my size
man this mother focker been eating what

i mean, if the focker weights like 470 pounds (twice my size) how the fock is he ever gonna get me, i just focking crouch trough his legs and run away, i mean the focker is gonna be so slow if he weights 470 pounds.

what if hes just a beggar asking for my money
well how the fock a beggar weights 470
what kinda trash type food he been eating
like... alien food?

i mean
my mean left already knocked him down, so why am i even still thinking about this?

Volcano Admim
07-14-2004, 12:08 AM
how the hell could i ever have money any ways since
i look like a guerilla dude (like i said, i havent shaved, besides... right its almost 28 hours since i last bathed)

Volcano Admim
07-14-2004, 12:12 AM
i mean
i wear mostly old clothes or i mean
like all my pants are focked up, the be like 2 sizes bigger than me from the times i lost some weight so they be like not cool at all. how does a dude like me is supposed to be packing any money on the streets anyway

my head is shaved like a...
prisoner or something
only thing i dont have is the tatoos

i mean, im scariest than this guy you said is to be attacking me
i mean, i most probably be very repulsive as a matter o fact
both physically and also socially
i mean, wonder why i got no female?

when me and my buddy got into hoes houses we couldnt afford a hoe not even half a hoe
yes, we had already spent a good amount on beer on some other clubs, but still, you know.

07-14-2004, 12:31 AM
Admit it Volcano....it was you the other night wasn't it.

07-14-2004, 01:19 AM
:p :p :p :p

Volcano Admim
07-14-2004, 01:30 AM
sorry man, i was feeling lonely :(

07-14-2004, 02:18 AM
I was thinking another thing I could do is keep walking and telling him I dont hav e any money and if he was in my way just push him away a bit with my right arm as I walk by him but the pushing coujld hav e fueled him to attack me.

07-14-2004, 07:38 AM
Avoid the spots that may be lurking danger.

Have some quarters or pennies in the other pocket. Toss them and walk the other way.


Sports combat works in the ring.

Kung fu works in a fair fight.

Common senses save your arse on the streets.

I frequent chinatown in NYC, Phillie, (when I worked in NJ 1999 and 2000) and now downtown LA. I ran into this scenario all the time. I usually swear in Girly Chinese and walk away.

How to swear in Chinese, if this help.

Ser Mer Dong Xi. What is this?

Mo Ming Qi Mew. Wonder why? Wonder how?


07-14-2004, 09:16 AM
wait so a big dude asked you for a dollar and you made a thread about it?

you're as bad as me.

Meat Shake
07-14-2004, 10:57 AM
My cup holders are full of a lot of change. Thats what I give to the bums... Sometimes a dollar if Im not by my car.
There arent many allies in san antonio... Plenty of big dark parkinglots, but not really any allies.

Ray Pina
07-14-2004, 11:46 AM
I'd keep walking my course naturally and adjust for the obsticle just as if it was a any other person(s), fire hydrant, opening door, ect.

This happens all the time and believe it or not, it's usually a guy going somewhere -- a car, a door, a store, a garbage can, a little over hanging thingy to sleep. Only if he enters my personal space (about 8 or 9 inches) do alarms and warnings go off.

People can't help it if they're big and/or ugly.

07-14-2004, 12:16 PM
some homeless guy asked me for spare change once. i got so scared i kicked the crap out of him. :p

07-14-2004, 02:24 PM
so you handed him a buck and he backed off? Usually, when people ask me for money, I tell them that I have no change. I've noticed that the people I've come across that are really hungry don't ask for money - they ask for food. And they devour it when I give it to them. I've actually watched people ask for money, then go into the store and buy alcohol. That was what prompted me to stop giving money.

Chang Style Novice
07-14-2004, 02:31 PM
Yup. And I stopped giving food when I saw a guy holding up a sign on an overpass get handed a breakfast bar or something very much like it, but instead of eating it he threw it off the overpass into traffic.

I hate that I've become such a hard-ass about people asking for stuff on the street, because I'm sure some of them genuinely need help and are grateful for anything that's offered, but the fu(king lazy-ass scum out there are just too prevalent.

Ming Yue
07-14-2004, 06:16 PM
the town I live in is awash with teenage pseudo hippies (locally referred to as trustafarians). They park the volvo on the outskirts of town and panhandle all night. charming.

When one of them says "spare change?", I just pat my pocket and say "no thanks, I'm good." They hate that.

07-14-2004, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Ming Yue
When one of them says "spare change?", I just pat my pocket and say "no thanks, I'm good." They hate that. :D Hafta remember that. Nice one.

07-14-2004, 07:37 PM
you should tell them you dont, but you think the burger joint up the road might have some spare jobs.

07-14-2004, 08:58 PM
i usually just tell 'em i give to the local mission/shelter and point 'em toward it if they don't know where it is, cause i do give to the shelter and, well, cause the money's better spent there on bulk foods helping many people rather than $10 for smokes, liquor or a some crappy fast food. $10 can cover a lot at a shelter, but it won't cover much on the street -- except in san antonio, where it'll get you two hours of hot, sweet lovin with meat shake.