View Full Version : VTAA Instructors

07-14-2004, 05:44 AM
Hi all,

For those of you who are waiting for the renewal / issue of your instructor / member certifificate from the Ving Tsun Athletic Association, please make sure that before you send your foreign order to them, you make sure that it states payable to:

Ving Tsun Athletic Association LIMITED

Ive just received a letter from Siu Yuk Men stating that they cannot procees mine cos i left off the Ltd at the end - absurd i know - but true !!!

Hope no-one else has to wait 3 months for this to happen !!!

Regards, Stuart

Sifu Tony
07-14-2004, 07:35 AM

Thanks for the info, and thanks for the welcome message on your web site.


07-14-2004, 08:21 AM
Hey Tony,

If i can help at all let me know. The iste is looking good, when you get a links page up and running be sure to put me on there. What did you think of the site??

Sorry to hear about all the problems youre having. I try to stay away from politics as it usually leads to trouble of some sort !

I was out in Canada in April and did some training with Sifu Eric Li - hes a great guy - completely humble and an awesome knowledge of Master Ip Chings wing chun.

Me and my students are planning a training trip next year to Canada and the US. Maybe we could hook up - where is Virginia exactly???? :rolleyes:

Peace, Stu