View Full Version : Is it just me who injures myself doing forms?

Ben Gash
07-15-2004, 02:37 AM
I broke my left index finger yesterday while doing forms :eek:
I was doing a threading hand movement and stubbed it on my forearm (ridiculous I know).
It occurs to me that in 11 years of training, during sparring and competitive fighting I've broken my nose and my big toe.
However, doing forms I've broken 2 fingers, torn my rotator cuff, sprained my ankle a half dozen times, taken a chunk out of my head with a chain whip etc.
Is it just me?
It is,isn't it....

07-15-2004, 03:09 AM
Prob'ly not as uncommon as you may think. I know a guy who managed to sprain his ACL (tendon thing-gy in your hand/wrist) doing forms just last week. I like to bash my head and elbows at every chance doing wepons forms. ;)

Sounds like you either get into what you are trying to achieve and forget to pay attention to what you are actually doing, or you just aren't paying attention at all and just going through the motions. You likely don't get injured as much in actual contact because you are expecting some kind of injurry, or at least know it might be comming. We all do that at some point.

norther practitioner
07-15-2004, 11:05 AM
Thats how I got my latest and greatest knee injury.

**** wushu people landing in splits....:mad:

Lets see, like 35 pulled hamstrings, 27 pulled back muscles, 15 sprained ankles, 9 strained shoulders, 7 stitches on the elbow, several knee injuries.

Man, I'm too spastic for this game.

Seriously, I've either pulled or strained my hammies at least 15 times, and hurt my back a few times, the rest are accurate. The 7 stitches came from the fool in front of me during class that couldn't swing his **** broadsword the right direction.

07-15-2004, 11:07 AM
I've never hurt myself doing open-hand forms.

I have hurt myself quite a bit with weapons, though.

07-15-2004, 11:17 AM
sheeeze, a bunch of sissy girls we have here..... :D

norther practitioner
07-15-2004, 11:21 AM

Don't make me tell everyone for your affinity to wear a bannana hammock when you do your cap.

07-15-2004, 11:23 AM
hey man, it's comfortable.

besides I went and did cap and pulled of the back handsrping flippy thing with a strained wrist!!!! That's right you little girls! Injured and still flipping my mad skeewz.

norther practitioner
07-15-2004, 11:41 AM
SC107 showed me one of those last night... Props for doing it.

07-15-2004, 12:16 PM
in forms yeah... usually my heel for some reason , i guess i land hard sometimes.
hurt my fingers from slapping the concrete ,
used to slap myself in the shin when i first started steel whip

injure myself all the time.
sprained my thumb in a fight club gainst a shotokan guy
got my ribs cracked while training for iska 2 yrs ago (bummer)
nuff sprains and strains...
strained my hip and lower back muscles throwing some dude that was way heavier than me in sparring in class...but

thats fighting and u said forms so

my bad

07-15-2004, 12:24 PM
Now you know why its so important to get every minute basic down pat. Including perfecting body shapes. Getting used to the lengths of your limbs, the knowing where everything is and where its going.

I got so good at my cresent kicks that I eventulay had to stop kicking into my focus hand. I was tearing my wrist up.

07-15-2004, 02:28 PM
at the moment my left knee and elbow feels like theres a swollen ligament sliding over the bone and i screwed my middle finger up on monday - dunno if i dislocated it slightly.

i'm always hurting myself - mainly feels like the ligaments are damaged or swollen. ah well, i'm always able to train through it so it can't be that bad. i don't feel it now but i bet i'll be crippled by the time im 60 - by that time there should be some pretty cool hover (wheel)chairs on the market :)
SHOWER TUBE (http://www.****tube.com/categories/37/shower/videos/1)

07-16-2004, 04:56 PM
I just think it's appropriate a guy complaing about injuries is named "Gash".


David Jamieson
07-16-2004, 08:28 PM
I have injured myself doing lion dance, but not doing solo forms.