View Full Version : attn: starchaser

07-15-2004, 10:35 AM
got an answer for you of sorts :

"however there are many rythyms and different games that exist within regional and angola. These include Benguela, Sao Bento Pequeno/Regional, Jogo Dinheiro, and many others... many of them have specific rules and traditions all to themselves. Then there are the dances/games that relate to the Candomble and African Diaspora but are not specifically capoeira.... these include Maculele, Samba de Roda and others. You will often find those artforms taught within capoeira schools but they are not capoeira.
Besides Batuque, I can think of no other real arm of the capoeira family aside from those two."

Also, it appears that Mestre Suassana created a type of capoeira that is supposed to be more "playful" and the ginga is more upright. http://www.cordaodeouro.com
That link has some good videos of Mestre Suassana' stuff. I can't really see much difference between that and a basic angola/regional mix.

The style you may be refering to is contemparanea possibly?

07-21-2004, 12:40 PM
hey thanks for taking the time
finding the link..
some nice vids.
"The style you may be refering to is contemparanea possibly?"

it is sad the life story of Mestre Pastinha,
and Suassuna

07-21-2004, 01:49 PM
well I guess unlike the chinese masters of old these guys suffered human sicknesses and went out just like th erest of us ;)

08-23-2004, 07:25 PM