View Full Version : the cat video: read cat was locked in cage and set on fire. no, it wasnt already dead

07-15-2004, 12:31 PM
for those of you who haven't heard of it some kids put a cat in a cage, set it on fire, and then posted the video on the net.

i have been reading about this video for about a week on the ogrish forums and was glad that it hadn't surfaced at any of the sites i frequent (it was the only video i have ever known to be removed from ogrish ... not so much for content but because the sick ****s did this specifically to gain recognition on the site). today that changed and i am left feeling sick to my stomach without having even watched the video.

i have no words. well that's not true, i'm sure some of you recall the process of torture i would sometimes detail back in the day, but i'll save those for a more appropriate place.

the reason i posted this is that there are people offering rewards for information on those responsible for doing this. i know that it is very unlikely anything will actually happen to these sick *******s, unless it's by way of local authorities, but i can still hope. if any of you are any good at playing sherlock holmes your efforts could possibly pay off. especially if you very privately sold this information to as many people as wanted it.

there are threads all over ogrish about it, but this was one of the main ones (video is not in this thread ... just discussion)http://forum.ogrish.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34008&perpage=15&pagenumber=6

they said that the video was originally posted here: http://www.tribina.co.yu/ i guess its someone's personal website ... it might help in tracking these ****s down.

the video itself appeared on wtfpeople today and the comments for it is where i have seen people offering rewards for info.

the worst part about the whole situation is that it might have been somebody's cat and that somebody may have seen the video by now. i'm going to go home and pet my cats.

Meat Shake
07-15-2004, 12:40 PM
Some 6 year old here lit a cat on fire after watching bevis and ******** about 7 years ago... Still have problems with the satanists occasionaly brutally sacrificing a cat in the woods, or the ******* redneck kids sticking m80's in the poor animals asses...
Its just sad. :(

David Jamieson
07-15-2004, 12:42 PM
some guy here in the city i live in tortured a cat to death with his pal and videotaped it.

They said they did it "as art".

The cops hunted them down with tons of leads from people who knew the kids and they were arrested and taken to court.

they both got the maximum fine and sentencing for the offense.

When I hear about these things, I feel pity for the animals who do not deserve such cruelty.

But I wonder more about what is inside someones mind that they would get any pleasure from such cowardly deeds.

07-15-2004, 12:43 PM
WTF are you doing on that focked-up forum, anyway?

Meat Shake
07-15-2004, 12:44 PM
"some guy here in the city i live in tortured a cat to death with his pal and videotaped it.

They said they did it "as art"."

This happened in new york a couple years ago... cept it was women instead of cats. Something like 24 right now, some still surfacing, they are expecting the number of women he murdered to be around 35 or 40... Guy had been doing it for years, kidnapping prostitutes and torturing then murdering them, and video taping it...

07-15-2004, 12:49 PM
i remember reading about both of those and the whole beavis and ******** thing ****ed me off. they never did anything to a cat aside from painting one blue. i think it was blue.

what happened to the cat's themselves obviously ****ed me off a lot more, but trying to scapegoat something like that is beyond unreal.

07-15-2004, 01:05 PM
thats messed up man

07-15-2004, 04:31 PM
A few months back a group of 4 Aussie Army dudes got themselves a box of kittens and did nasty things to them. They tied one to the back of a car and drove it up and down the road a few times, then backed over it. With another one they doused it with petrol and set it alight.

They got the maximum fine and were dishonourably discharged from the armed forces.

Volcano Admim
07-15-2004, 04:40 PM
soldier boys
always doing stupid stuff

07-15-2004, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
A few months back a group of 4 Aussie Army dudes got themselves a box of kittens and did nasty things to them. They tied one to the back of a car and drove it up and down the road a few times, then backed over it. With another one they doused it with petrol and set it alight.

They got the maximum fine and were dishonourably discharged from the armed forces.

I would have done an eye for an eye.

07-15-2004, 05:46 PM
I'll ask around on some other boards.

07-15-2004, 07:31 PM
That forum is disgusting evil and twisted

any one that that frequents that forum if completely

either just evil and loves blood lust

of necroplyicacs ,, or murderers

i will never go there again

07-15-2004, 07:37 PM
im not going to click on that link. i used to hate cats unt8il my sister got 3 and one lies on my stomach everynight now. i love cats. someone should lock those kids in a cage and set em on fire. see how it feels.

07-15-2004, 08:25 PM
When I was about 5 year old, we lived in the countryside between Taipei and Keelung.

There were a lot of snakes on the island.

One day I found a kittie among a pile of woods. hungry and Mew Mewing and loaded with fleas. I took it home, gave a bath, feed him and took him to a vet. It slept with me. It went everywhere I went.

One morning, I found Mew Mew is missing. Mom said it ran away. I walked into woods to find him everyday for a whole week.

Mom said don't go looking for it anymore. It was bitten by a poisonous snake. It died and buried in the backyard. The snake was hidden under my bed. I was sound asleep. The kittie fought and saved my life. Dad killed the snake with a stick.

From that day on, I know I owned my life to Mew Mew. So I became a vet and helping kittie every day.

This is cause and effect. Or For Yuan.




07-16-2004, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by Shaolinlueb
im not going to click on that link.

i dont blame you, reading about it ruined my day, but i want to be clear that i did not link the video itself.

07-16-2004, 02:19 AM
Cool story SPJ.

07-16-2004, 06:46 PM
WHAT THE FOCK?!! WHAT KIND OF STUPID, IGNORANT FOCK-NUT BASTERDS DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS?!! No, I'm definitely NOT going to either look at the vid or the discussion of it. This SH!T pizzes me THE FOCK off to no end!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Puh-leez let me catch some scumbag lowlife pieces of SH!T doing something like this! I will FOCK their miserable little lives up! DAM! Now I'm pizzed off for the night!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-16-2004, 07:03 PM
They start with animals as kids and progress to people when they get older. These people should be put down for the sake of man kind.

07-16-2004, 07:15 PM
I wonder if the parents are around or shooting the digital camera?

It is illegal to set fire (arson).

It is illegal to kill animals for no reasons.

The parents should be correcting this or encouraging the kids?

The meaning of life and death. The meaning of giving a life. The meaning of taking a life.

The meaning of playing with fire. The meaning of animal cruelty.

On and on.


07-17-2004, 07:00 PM
if i understand right the kids were older .... like mid teens at least. i havent watched the video yet, but i fear that curiosity will eventually get the best of me.

if my kid did that at 16 years old, i would probably have to shoot them in the base of their skull in their sleep. i would have to do that before someone gave them what they really deserved.

i could never see my child doing such a thing, but many serial killers came from well adjusted homes so who knows.

07-18-2004, 03:39 AM
so what about gang bangers who do drive bys and ****. For them its nothing to kill, same with mafia.

07-18-2004, 09:23 AM
Isn't it funny? When such things happen, we (the good guys) are never around to stop them? The bloody irony of it all.

07-18-2004, 12:49 PM
yeah but how many serial killers have been caught mid-crime? i'm sure its happened but i dont remember hearing of any. i have done quite a bit of reading on the crime library (http://crimelibrary.com/) (isn't it nice how reading a website can make you an expert) and you always here of them getting caught by evidence and a lot of times only after they want to get caught.

these kids are the type to be future serial killers. while they might be stupid enough to film it all and send it to ogrish i doubt they were as careless in making sure no one would come around while they did it.

The Willow Sword
07-18-2004, 08:19 PM
it is the most appauling spectacle of animal cruelty i think i have ever seen. the two guys in the vid speak like they are from russia or serbia or somehwere. i was so blown away by it i had these thoughts of those guys getting treated the same way as they treated that cat.

the vid is on that consumption junction website and there has abeen alot of negative responses from it,,the usual low life dumba$$es saying that they think its cool and the others who are appauled by it.

i hope i never witness anything like that in real time,,i dont know what i would do but i KNOW that it would not be pleasant,,i would use every ounce of my ability and strength and make those who abuse and torture animals pay,,


kungfu cowboy
07-19-2004, 02:22 AM
I really think I would happily kill those sick twisted *******s or anyone else who could do such a vile thing. Removing their bodies from around their brain,eyes, spinal cord and major nerves and organs using dissection and life support so they are conscious throughout, followed by about a week of tortured inhumane absolutely miserable existence followed by death from wringing what's left through an old washing machine.:mad: Twice.