View Full Version : study with an instructor under Paul Vunak?

07-16-2004, 05:54 PM
I am considering studying from a full instructor of Paul Vunak's system. I may just be in this city for a few more months but am looking to get some solid self defense skills in a short period of time, if possible. Are Paul Vunak's instructors generally recommended? The instructor is of the opinion that a few months in this system would definitely lead to some realiable/usable street skills. The other thing I'm looking at is an Okinawan goju-ryu instructor but I think this would be a longer route. Once /if I move I plan to probably take up some bagua or hsing i with some well known sifus. Thanks in advance for your opinions

07-16-2004, 07:20 PM
Just wondering why you need some quick self defense skills?
If you name the instructor someone here may have trained with him and could tell you.

Ford Prefect
07-17-2004, 05:29 AM
I've trained with an instructor, Joe Maffei, who trained with Paul since '82. He doesn't really fly under Paul's flag because he really believes in each individual doing his own thing with JKD, but obviously they have very similar styles. He's pretty well known in the JKD world. IMO, his school was top notch.