View Full Version : Why does this board....

Ray Pina
07-20-2004, 08:46 AM
have thousands of martial art members and only a small handful can produce evidence that they are willing to compare their skills against a resisting outsider?:o

(waiting to see how smart a$$ posters who have a lot to say about this and that and that style over there and this technique respond .... I have a good guess who we'll here the most from, too)

07-20-2004, 08:48 AM
seems to me it depends on what proportion you are talking about. I know it seems as if the majority of the more common posters test their phat martial arts skeewz out regularly.

Ray Pina
07-20-2004, 08:51 AM
(feels the nibble .... waits to set hook)

07-20-2004, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist
have thousands of martial art members and only a small handful can produce evidence that they are willing to compare their skills against a resisting outsider? Not everyone carries a video camera to open-mat night with the intent on proving to the internet that they can fight.

Besides....some say it's better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.

Judge Pen
07-20-2004, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by MasterKiller

Besides....some say it's better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.

I wonder if there's a correlation to this statement and the number of posts one has. . . . :p

KC Elbows
07-20-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist
have thousands of martial art members and only a small handful can produce evidence that they are willing to compare their skills against a resisting outsider?:o

I have video proof of me defeating in single combat not only one "resisting outsider", but all of them, and in this order:

1) C. Thomas Howell
2) Matt Dillon
3) Ralph Macchio
4) Patrick Swayze
5) Rob Lowe
6) Emilio Estevez
7) Tom Cruise

Email me for the video proof.

More importantly...

Why does this board have thousands of martial art members and only a small handful can produce evidence that they are part of an in crowd that looks on others as outsiders?:p

I'd give you all the answer, but you are so not in.

Ray Pina
07-20-2004, 01:24 PM
That is the cleverest post I have ever read! That is some funny $hit! You wouldn't know how many book reports I did on that movie as a kid.

Chang Style Novice
07-20-2004, 01:30 PM
Doing book reports on movies, eh?

Evolutionfist (http://www.relache.com/rae/cheat/cheat_goldtooth.jpg)

07-20-2004, 02:43 PM
i have cancer. is that reason enough not go out and get my ass beat.


07-20-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by KC Elbows
I have video proof of me defeating in single combat not only one "resisting outsider", but all of them, and in this order:

1) C. Thomas Howell
2) Matt Dillon
3) Ralph Macchio
4) Patrick Swayze
5) Rob Lowe
6) Emilio Estevez
7) Tom Cruise

Email me for the video proof.

More importantly...

Why does this board have thousands of martial art members and only a small handful can produce evidence that they are part of an in crowd that looks on others as outsiders?:p

I'd give you all the answer, but you are so not in.

Stay gold, man.

Chang Style Novice
07-20-2004, 02:53 PM

Jean-Luc Godard p3nz S.E. Hinton.

Ray Pina
07-20-2004, 05:13 PM
The movie was based on a book. At the time I was in grade school and into skipping class and doing as little as I could.

GDA, that one hurt. My mother died of cancer.

This post was started in response to the number of "Why is it that Hsing-I" ect., ect., ect.

It's funny. Because you mention about the importance of "keeping it real" and right away a number of people get very defensive and start talking about how there are many ways to train (some without getting sweaty, tired or struck) and that they are in fact keeping it very real. But no one ever singles them out and yet for some reason they feel the post aplies to them and they have to defend themselves. You don't see San Da guys or Tai Boxers or MMA guys responding to those posts. They know they are doing what they need to do. They all take a different aproach, yet all are legitament and worthy.

Anyway, the whole singling out of Hsing-I -- a style I think highly of -- just set me off. Partly because I don't think some of the posters have done any free fighting against anyone outside of their school, let alone a Hsing-I player, if anyone at all.

Also, some of these people are the first to say "it's not the style, its the person." Personally, I believe it's a little of both but have met people from what I consider higher-end arts who couldn't fight and have found tought TKD players. The point: I respect anyone who takes their training seriously wether for fun, sport, health or a little of everything.

So in a fit of annoyance this morning and having written a few Hsing-I related posts (Hsing-I mindset is aggressive) I lashed out and boiled it down to one martial art universal truth: Forget given arts, what have you done as a fighter?

So, GDA, please know my post were not directed towards you. I enjoy your posts and apreciate your personality and in fact my prayers have been with you.

07-20-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist

GDA, that one hurt. My mother died of cancer.

......So, GDA, please know my post were not directed towards you. I enjoy your posts and apreciate your personality and in fact my prayers have been with you.

jesus man .... you took that way too seriously. please keep in mind that it's in my nature to joke about my situation the way i do and it was not even a fraction of a percent serious. shock humor and nothing more. the gda type of response to that would have been that the weak are weeded out for a reason or something like that (yes, i understand that there aren't many gda's in the world).

now i feel bad.

07-20-2004, 05:28 PM
i'm sorry to hear about your mom too.

keep in mind that i am an *******, but not a completely heartless *******.

David Jamieson
07-20-2004, 05:44 PM
well, not completely, but your retarded child avatar weighs heavily on your karma store. :p

07-20-2004, 09:20 PM
hey now the retarded kid is only there with good intent.

if i don't make sure that special children get the attention they need who will?

aint nothin that'll make you laugh like a retard.

07-20-2004, 09:28 PM
.... oh and dont forget to check out the retarded kid's nads. (http://www.nads.org)

Chang Style Novice
07-20-2004, 09:38 PM
Someday I'd like to buy a full set of brand new top of the line nads (http://www.nadelectronics.com/) for my house. Aw yeah, "Powered by passion" baby!

07-21-2004, 07:39 AM

07-21-2004, 07:41 AM
Which one's you?

07-21-2004, 07:52 AM
you have to ask scotty? I'm pretty sure FD came out of the womb with those glasses on.

Ray Pina
07-22-2004, 06:53 AM
No sweat GDA; sometimes it's hard to tell over the net. Would have gotten back to you sooner but blew off work yesterday to surf.

As for my mom, that happened a long time ago and I've learned tons from the experience. Just wanted you to know I'm sensitive to your situation.
