View Full Version : Pretty tough fight (vid)

07-21-2004, 04:56 PM
Ok I'd say of all the (street) fights I've seen posted here, this is the toughest.


The darker of the two guys has a strong chin. Watch when he lets the other guy punch him... he just takes it. ****.

Here (http://www.sublimedirectory.com/basement/media/kimbo.wmv).

David Jamieson
07-21-2004, 05:03 PM
the dude in the white shorts had clearly superior skeelz.

man, that other dudes eye was like g-o-n-e at the end of that mess up.

not a bad fight though overall when compared with the usual bag of drunken children hitting each other you offer us. :D

07-21-2004, 05:20 PM
Reasons why that was a good fight (as far as fighting goes).

1. Those guys were hitting HARD.

2. It didn't stop after one punch.

3. It was fair (1 on 1).

How many people here think they could handle themselves against one of those guys? It looked like they were boxing only, tho. No ground fighting and no kicking.

I can't wait until someone comes in here and starts talking about how they, at 130lbs, would mop the floor with one of those guys with their eye gouges and dim mak.

07-21-2004, 05:25 PM
The Dark guy obviously would give most people problems. The Light guy doesnt seem to have good feet to start with, I doubt he could take one of those punches if one had landed square. They all seemed to be glancing blows even the bob& weave counter.

Good vid find tho. They both seem to have had some kind of training. (The Dark guy has footwork, hands, and counters.)


07-21-2004, 05:49 PM
Looked like the lighter guy just gettin' his ass kicked.

07-21-2004, 05:59 PM
Some nice skills there. The dude in the white shorts way outclassed the other guy.

The Willow Sword
07-21-2004, 05:59 PM
Those were some big mandingo lookin brothas if i ever saw em.
they would be on my "ally" list and i would try to be as cool with them as possible.

Yeah id like to see the doofusses here say that their dim mak and "skillz" would prevail against them. hahahaha what a riot.

you gotta hand it to them though,,the match was fair and done in a decent manner. it could have been alot worse i think considering.

Good vid. thumbs up from me.


07-21-2004, 06:20 PM
nooooo .... i was just logging on to post the same video and iron fist beat me to it.

ill just pretend i posted it anyway.

07-21-2004, 06:25 PM
Cool vid, GDA :)

07-21-2004, 07:50 PM
thanks man.

i found that on ogrish :)

07-21-2004, 08:33 PM
I can't believe there's not more replies yet. 79 views and only 9 replies (mine makes 10)? And mine and GDA's last ones don't even count cuz they're not about the video, so that's like 5 or 6 replies. Where is everyone? I hope they're not replying cuz they're out training so when they have to fight someone like this guy he doesn't fvcking whoop on them.

Except for the 130lb dim mak people, I'm sure they're good to go already.

Chang Style Novice
07-21-2004, 08:49 PM
There aren't more replies because you're TOO LATE! Check out MK's thread "Holy sh!t these guys are big!" thread.

07-21-2004, 08:58 PM
check out the ogrish thread:

they are debating on whether or not his eye is popped out there at the end.

heres a still:


[edit] bandwidth exceded on the still

Volcano Admim
07-22-2004, 12:14 AM
"Yeah, man. I'll gnaw your face off"

07-22-2004, 12:23 AM
Thanks for the effort GDA and Iron, even if you are too late. :D

Volcano Admim
07-22-2004, 02:02 AM
btw check the damage of bare knucle
see that

bare knucles destroy

07-22-2004, 05:37 AM
aawww, and they even hug at the end. were they fighting for money?

i like boxing type organised fights - it keeps it clean, not too nasty and focuses on a specialised set of skills.
Legend (http://www.honda-wiki.org/wiki/Honda_Legend)

07-22-2004, 05:59 AM
Originally posted by stubbs
aawww, and they even hug at the end. were they fighting for money?

Apparently they were fighting for $3,000.

They didn't look that tough.:rolleyes:

Ford Prefect
07-22-2004, 06:46 AM
The dude in the white looked pretty tough. He was quick on his feet.

07-22-2004, 01:07 PM
I would down both those guys with chi blasts and my electric eel dim mak.

07-22-2004, 01:36 PM
The Willow Sword:

"Those were some big mandingo lookin brothas if i ever saw em. they would be on my "ally" list and i would try to be as cool with them as possible. "

Hint: if you want to "be as cool with them as possible", don't call them "mandingo lookin brothas."


The Willow Sword
07-22-2004, 02:10 PM
dont be so mellow dramatic "looking up" just using my tarrantino "jackie brown" humour here.

you might wanna watch it with the "idiot" comment, douche bag.:D


07-22-2004, 02:12 PM
i believe that people who appear to be way too senstive to mild racial humor are actually closet racists.

07-22-2004, 03:07 PM
You must be about 400# because when I see that big guy with the beard take a solid hook punch to the fckn jawbone, then request another...





07-22-2004, 05:08 PM
What does mandingo mean?

07-22-2004, 08:07 PM
yeah i wasnt sure either .... just figured it was a little racial ribbing.

apparantely its a group of people in west africa located around the niger river valley or something.


07-22-2004, 09:40 PM
The Willow Sword said:

"so just who are you? anyone special? bet not. Keep your idiot comments to yourself. you dont post enough here to have any sort of leeway when it comes to character judgments.

so take your idiot comment and shove it up your a$$ crossways."


but I expected a little more from you, GDA. No I don't know you, but based on your comments re: Brazilian child abuse I figured you were a little more conscious than the average joe.

"i believe that people who appear to be way too senstive to mild racial humor are actually closet racists."

Let me guess, you're both white?

Do I have to be special to call you on your stupidity, Willow? Take it as constructive criticism. Just because you post a lot on a martial arts board does not mean that you can get away with being racist whether you realize it or not. Just own up to it, you have absolutely no backing to defend yourtself. Period. You aren't black, so don't think you're f-ing Tarantino. Just because one white guy wrote movies with "black" dialog it wasn't a free pass for you to let all your redneck tendendies show. So yes, it's not a big deal. But if you can't see what you did wrong, then, well, that's great for you. You'd never call that black dude Mandingo to his face and you know it.

GDA, you're wrong. Let's leave it at that as neither of us needs the aggravation. Let Willow stand up for himself and take responsibility for his comments. And good luck to you, I mean that. :) <- trying to show my sincerity.

The Willow Sword
07-22-2004, 09:45 PM
The term was taken from our beloved Austinite Quenten Tarrantinod film "Jackie Brown" There is a scene where Samuel L . Jacksons' character goes in to Max Cherrys' bail bonds office to bail out his buddy(whith whom later he kills) Samuel Notices the picture of Max cherry(Robert Forster)paired with a rather large black guy(Tom "Tiny" Lister) and in Jackson's sarcastic way he makes a comment like "**** man look at that Mandingo lookin brotha you are next to,,ill bet you took that picture on purpose to display in your office"(or some dialogue like that) Jacksons line was in reference to what i linked you guys to the 1975 film "Mandingo" which at the time dealt with a controversial subject at the time considered taboo(white and black different sex relations).
so now you can see where i made the comment,,it was a poor attempt at humor considering that the guys video taping the fight were white and the black dude in the white shorts was with them etc etc. Nothing was meant to be anti-black nazi racist,
SO now we can all breath easy now and settle down and Lookin_up can take the stick out of his nancy a$$.


The Willow Sword
07-22-2004, 09:58 PM
oh and i dont give a rats A$$ what race or color you are Looking_up. you have no profile here,,you post infrequently,,,,and my comment was not targeted at you,,,YOU are not special,,YOU are not unique,,,You are the all seeing all dancing CRAP of the world,,,,,(now guess where i got that from?)

Jeezus you would think that people have a sense of humor these days,,even though my comment was a bit dry,,SO WHAT? Im not going to reverse myself and you can B!TCH about it all you want "BROTHA":rolleyes:
here is another line for you "whatever you think i am or want me to be ,,I AM." Now,,,,,,**** OFF.


David Jamieson
07-22-2004, 10:08 PM
so.... how about that left cross, pretty solid. The uppercut looked nice too.

And, I would add that his stance was rather george foreman like.

move, plant, stay planted, move in, move in.

The guy in the blue shorts was done real early on, I think he only kept it up because of money, cause they surely didn't have much pride LOL.

in the end, good sportsmanship, the guy in blue was mediocre, but probably could work the door just about anywhere and the guy in white should seriously consider looking for a coach and get his @rse into a ring and make some real money.

The taking the shot strainght to the jaw is a display of innate ability that comes in handy as a boxer. His form was ok too.

What is it with guys who play the race card anyway? :p

07-22-2004, 11:05 PM
looking up ....
but I expected a little more from you, GDA. No I don't know you, but based on your comments re: Brazilian child abuse I figured you were a little more conscious than the average joe.

GDA, you're wrong. Let's leave it at that as neither of us needs the aggravation. Let Willow stand up for himself and take responsibility for his comments. And good luck to you, I mean that. :) <- trying to show my sincerity.

you can disagree with me, but i don't think you got what i was saying.

basically i feel that whites, asians, blacks, and the rest of the us are not the same. we are different on many levels and there aint a **** thing wrong with that.

i also don't feel that there is anything wrong with friendly ribbing of all of our differences. there isn't a single race in the world that is special enough to be exempt from being made fun of. sure some jokes and comments wield hate by design, and there's no reason not to be offended by such things, but the line between humor and hate isn't exactly fine.

i have found that the people i know who will tell the best/worst itallian, asian, pollock, jewish, irish, and white jokes .... yet frown one someone tells a black joke, are the first to unconsciously lock their doors when a black guy walks past their car. same people who are quick to tell you exactly how many black friends they have. that's what i meant by closet racist, and frankly i find it ****ing ridiculous.

maybe your experiences have been different, but i haven't exactly been unicultured. my friends have ranged from white, black, mongolian, chinese, english, spanish, jewish, and i'm sure many more. i make fun of them all and they return the favor. it's no surprise to me that these guys and gals are always more comfortable around the likes of me than those mentioned above.

don't put hate where it's not man. you'll miss out on a couple true friends.

Volcano Admim
07-22-2004, 11:10 PM
what about brazilian rape?
is it a new ground rape style started by a traditional family of rapers from rio?

07-22-2004, 11:50 PM
gda -- the fitness store called. apparently your hops are still on back order. :D

i'm with gda on this one. differences are differences. no value judgments are made, as none are needed, and anyone making a value judgment based on race is guilty

kl -- a few of the people i know that play the race card are extremely aware of both present and past. these folks are academics with broad and thorough backgrounds in civil rights history and/or political science. most of the people i've met or seen that play the race card use it as a crutch for situations in which they can't offer enough logic or depth for proper argumentation, yet still wish to make their supposed opponent look bad. racism is not a logical issue -- never has been and never will be -- it's an emotional issue, and when people throw the concept around, they target the emotions for a specific effect.

07-23-2004, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
differences are differences. no value judgments are made, as none are needed.


07-23-2004, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by Banjos_dad
You must be about 400# because when I see that big guy with the beard take a solid hook punch to the fckn jawbone, then request another...




It's called S A R C A S M. I have more than enough for myself. I'll lend you some.

07-23-2004, 05:54 AM
The best part of that was in the first min when the white shorts guy let the other dude take a couple free shots. Looked like he was just setting him up to time him and slipped under and followed up with the left hook. He probably had a little boxing under him while the other guy probably was just a big dude.

07-23-2004, 06:21 AM
Mandingo was a 1975 blaxploitation movie about a rich woman doing it with her black slave. That's where Samuel L. got the line from.


07-23-2004, 07:04 AM
uhh... since ironfist wanted some replies. yeah... cool vid. White guy sounds kinda poor. "daatz how a nigga eat". You gotta be pretty **** poor to fight those kinda fights to get money to eat. But I don't know... might be homie lingo, which I don't really know much about.

07-23-2004, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by dodger87
uhh... since ironfist wanted some replies. yeah... cool vid. White guy sounds kinda poor. "daatz how a nigga eat". You gotta be pretty **** poor to fight those kinda fights to get money to eat. But I don't know... might be homie lingo, which I don't really know much about. The guy is an ex-con, doesn't work, and fights for cash. He makes between 3 and 10 Gs per fight, which are sponsored by his cousin, who happens to run some interenet porn sites. So, yeah, that's how he eats.

07-23-2004, 07:22 AM
So please, explain to me the jist of what the Mandingo quote means. Is it a friendly ribbing of our differences? The difference between a white master and his/her black slave? Why don't you take one minute to think about what you said and what it means and then explain it to me clearly. If you can, then I'll admit I'm wrong for calling you out.

Having a sense of humor is one thing, going around quoting/saying things without even thinking about what they mean is another.

07-23-2004, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by looking_up
So please, explain to me the jist of what the Mandingo quote means. Is it a friendly ribbing of our differences? The difference between a white master and his/her black slave? Why don't you take one minute to think about what you said and what it means and then explain it to me clearly. If you can, then I'll admit I'm wrong for calling you out.

slave owner in the 1840s trains one of his slaves to be a bare-knuckle fighter, unaware that his wife is demanding from his champion services of a different kindMandingo was a big, burly, black, boxer. A baaaad man. That's what it means.

07-23-2004, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
The guy is an ex-con, doesn't work, and fights for cash. He makes between 3 and 10 Gs per fight, which are sponsored by his cousin, who happens to run some interenet porn sites. So, yeah, that's how he eats.

How do you know all this???

07-23-2004, 08:08 AM
Thanks Master Killer. I"m sure Willow knew that when he posted.

I'll drop it. Sorry I called you a racist, Willow Sword. You're obviously just a harmless white guy trying to have a good time with some racial humor that you heard in a movie.

07-23-2004, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by yutyeesam
How do you know all this??? http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?threadid=14722

07-23-2004, 08:30 AM
Thanks MK. Interesting stuff. I'm curious how he'd fare against a guy around his bulk, who specialized in groundfighting. Be an interesting match. I imagine he'd be tough to shoot on, his footwork is good.

Chang Style Novice
07-23-2004, 08:31 AM
Wow, according to that thread, Kimbo, the guy who got ktfo is the underground pro and Byrd, the ktfo-er challenged him.

I guess Kimbo is #2 on the illegal boxing circuit now.

Meat Shake
07-23-2004, 08:52 AM
" White guy sounds kinda poor. "daatz how a nigga eat". You gotta be pretty **** poor to fight those kinda fights to get money to eat. "

I dont know many poor people driving H2s...

As for the racial thing... I havent seen a blatantly racist and hateful remark made here in quite a while, other than by our usual name changing trolls. Quit being so ****ed ****y.
"victim mentality"...

07-23-2004, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by Meat Shake
I dont know many poor people driving H2s... It's got a term, but I'm not gonna use it.

I would venture that his house payment probably isn't proportional to his car payment. When I worked at a supermarket, I carried out groceries to a lot of Cadillacs for people who paid in food stamps.

I even got food stamp tips, sometimes. That sucked.

Meat Shake
07-23-2004, 09:00 AM
I never got tips when I carried out groceries. :mad:

Yes, I too know quite a few people in nice cars and crappy homes... I dont understand the thought process there...? I like to live comfortable before I have a "bling bling rizide"...
Often times when I was young and commented on how someone with a nice car must be rich, my mom would say "Yeah, or really badly in debt." :)

07-23-2004, 09:04 AM
Kimbo in NHB/UFC? Or too many restrictions?

Meat Shake
07-23-2004, 09:05 AM
"Kimbo in NHB/UFC? Or too many restrictions?"

Actually, I didnt see anything that would be illegal in NHB or UFC matches.

Chang Style Novice
07-23-2004, 09:08 AM
No-no-no, didn't you read the thread MK linked to? Kimbo got owned hard!

Byrd in UFC or Pride!

Shen Zhou
07-23-2004, 09:22 AM
Now that was a fight..... I guess there where rules casue the guy did not rush him and kick him in th eface when he pushed him down or cought him with the left to the eye socket. Nice vid sent it to all my friends....

Good looking out Iron or GDA....

A rule of thumb for the race thing. Dont say anything you would not say to a persons face. In my cirlce the mandingo comment would get you some "looks" depending on your tone and attitude. I dont think Looking Up was playng the race card he was offended by the comment and responded in defense. You must be responable for your actions if your not sure dont say it unless you ready to deal with the recourse. I dont think TWS was trying to be racist, mistakes happen and looking up called him on it now its over. One thing is funny though when some does get offend by somewhat offensive race Humor or what ever their playing the race card. Just an observation. I learn alot about human nature from this board, more then in some of my classes. I guess people can be them selves when not face to face.

If i had to fight that guy i would try to hurt him right off the back quick and get it over with fast. No toe to toe slug fest with him you have to sick and move and make sure your hits make alot of damage. Nose, eyes, in a real fight throat, get behind him and choak him, try to break something vital that will make him stop. I would not want to fight this guy with rules....

Shen Zhou

07-23-2004, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
It's got a term, but I'm not gonna use it.

I would venture that his house payment probably isn't proportional to his car payment. When I worked at a supermarket, I carried out groceries to a lot of Cadillacs for people who paid in food stamps.

I even got food stamp tips, sometimes. That sucked.

Those are usually drug dealers, actually. They have no reported income, so they collect welfare, but if the food stamps they collect never get used, the auditors come sniffing around (as this is a common way to catch welfare fraud) so they roll up in caddies every so often to buy groceries.

The Willow Sword
07-23-2004, 09:44 AM
I'll drop it. Sorry I called you a racist, Willow Sword. You're obviously just a harmless white guy trying to have a good time with some racial humor that you heard in a movie.

apology accepted,,,,,and i apologize for my attitude towards you. long day at work,,,then i come home and get "idiot" and i vent. its all good ,,,,,sometimes we "idiots" have wisdom.
ever read "Rumi"? wisdom of the idiots? great book.


07-23-2004, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by FatherDog
Those are usually drug dealers, actually. They have no reported income, so they collect welfare, but if the food stamps they collect never get used, the auditors come sniffing around (as this is a common way to catch welfare fraud) so they roll up in caddies every so often to buy groceries. Nope. It's called Ghetto Rich, for lack of the more colorful term. Plenty of people out there with spinning mags on their Escalade who can't afford a $1.00 for a bean burrito.

07-23-2004, 12:31 PM
Meat Shake, tell me what you know about racism.

07-23-2004, 02:32 PM
this thread reminded me of my old mongolian buddy johna (pronounced joe-nah ... not sure if thats the right spelling)

he was about as mongollian as they come. when we'd go out to eat togeather i would build a big wall around my food.

07-23-2004, 03:34 PM
Oh, okay.
It slipped through my sarcasm detector,
but then I calibrated it to "mediocre" & then I was able to pick it up right away.

:) kisses

07-23-2004, 11:51 PM
About the fight he lost:

And before the fight we said no weapons, but didn't say no mace


Mace isn't a weapon?

07-24-2004, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by Meat Shake
" White guy sounds kinda poor. "daatz how a nigga eat". You gotta be pretty **** poor to fight those kinda fights to get money to eat. "

I dont know many poor people driving H2s...

As for the racial thing... I havent seen a blatantly racist and hateful remark made here in quite a while, other than by our usual name changing trolls. Quit being so ****ed ****y.
"victim mentality"...

Sorry meatshake, I didn't mean anything racist with my post.

i didn't see the typo. I meant the blakc guy not white.

07-24-2004, 08:36 AM
ever read "Rumi"? wisdom of the idiots? great book.

I see quotes from it here everytime I log on...especially on the "street/reality fighting" forum...
:D :D :D :D :D :p :)

:D !

Sorry couldn't let that go by.


The Willow Sword
07-24-2004, 09:33 AM

Hey i noticed your city of residence is ALbuqwerky New Mexico. kewl man,,,ill be visiting New Mexico in the fall,,ill be there for balloon fiesta and the glow(amongst other things) i have met your sifu and i know where you train at. Master Lin is an interesting character. used to live across the street from the school.

a big shout out to all the peeps in Albuturkey:p


07-24-2004, 10:32 AM
maces are definately weapons, but you have to have like 100 str and dex for them to be effective. good stamina drain though and they also destroy armour.

07-24-2004, 10:58 AM
Thanks TWS!

Yeah, here I am...Albaturkey! Home for the time being.
You know there are a LOT of MA schools here...I love Mr. Lin like my dad...he's certainly an interesting character to say the least, yes...He's been a martial artist most of his life, he has a lot to share with us. Works us hard...

Cool...glad you're coming to the Fiesta, it's by far the best time to come and visit...make hotel reservations asap.
I was working at the Corner Pocket...until last week. I would have sported you some beers, on my shift, during your visit, but oh well.


Tarantino is always pushing the envelope ain't he? In Pulp Fiction, also the hospital scene with the nasty ass Vaseline jar. Oh my god. I should know better, I just went to KB in hopes that someone WOULD actually kill Carradine, that bastidge. The originator and source of all Kung Fu. :rolleyes:

07-24-2004, 11:39 AM
Why does everyone hate david carradine? I'm not in the "loop," I suppose, when it comes to what he did/is doing that suxors.

07-24-2004, 11:44 AM
He's the Lars Ulrich of kungfu...does that help?

Hey buddy, how's that drunken style coming? Are you able to train yet?

07-24-2004, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
maces are definately weapons, but you have to have like 100 str and dex for them to be effective. good stamina drain though and they also destroy armour.
