View Full Version : V-Ups: Bad or Good?

07-22-2004, 09:28 AM
Same as topic.

07-22-2004, 09:31 AM
rather good, as long as you do them smoothly. don't jerk yourself, particularly your upper body. necks don't like that.

don't make these your only exercise, though. mix up your tummy stuff, same as you would any other muscle group.

07-22-2004, 10:16 AM
I wonder because I feel pressure on my lower back when I do them.

07-22-2004, 11:00 AM
pressure inside or pressure because you're doing them on a hardwood floor?

if they bug you, don't bother. abdominals and hip flexors can be worked in a million different ways. otherwise, when you're doing them, be conscious of what each part of your body is up to. can you make a slight adjustment here or there that would alleviate the discomfort, usually by putting less stress on joints and more on muscles? would shortening the range of motion fix this? etc.

if these are still a pain in the rear (or back), do toe touches instead. they work the rectus more and the hip flexors less than v-ups. start out on your back, legs straight up in the air. now try and lift your bum off the ground just slightly (an inch or so), pushing your feet up toward the ceiling. keep your legs up there until your set is complete. now crunch yourself up, touching your toes if you can. crunch again, then crunch some more. then keep crunching. then swear at rubby. then crunch a few more times.

repeat as often as desired, particularly the swearing part. :D

07-22-2004, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Fu-Pow
I wonder because I feel pressure on my lower back when I do them. How's your form? You might be rounding your lower back. Concentrate on holding your lower abs ;) forward. The same sort of feeling as if you were arching your back for a lift (I know, you hate lifting). Maybe try lifting your chest up and forward at the same time. I.e. keep your back arched or straight, not rounded.