View Full Version : Frolov Breathing

07-23-2004, 06:51 PM
I havent been here often and wanted to share with you what I have been up to... Since I spent over 600 dollars on Coach Scott Sonnon's products such as Clubbells and his some of his books and videos, I have been studying and applying his technology very seriously. When I mean studying, I mean like taking notes and writing down my experience after my CST and related practice.

So far after two weeks of religious practice of "BodyFlow" and "Warrior Wellness" every morning, I have experienced less pain in my right shoulder, an increase in balance, dymamic joint mobility, and faster recovery time from my workouts. All my past injuries in my elbows, wrists, and shoulders that came from wing chun gung fu reappeared and is now slowly going away. I had several points of physical awakening. I was skeptical about Body Flow but I feel less tensed and have more freedom in my tactical abilities. "Body Flow" program is no joke and it should be study by anyone to revirginize their body for optimal performance. I would highly recommend these two series to anyone who is interested in their martial performance and injury prevention. www.clubbell.tv

I just today I ordered the Frolov Breathing device and book. If you dont know what is Frolov Breathing, please go to www.intellectbreathing.com . Anyone here with any experience or knowledge using this device? If not, then I will keep you guys updated. The reason why I wanted to use this device was to improve my long term health, increase my athletic performance, lung capacity, and it would be a good workout before bedtime. I cant related to chi gung exercises, but this methodology seems more scientific in my opinion. Wish me luck.

07-24-2004, 02:13 PM
"This system of trainings lets have"

"and at the same time it minimizes drawbacks of the either"

"Endogenous respiration lets retain high health level"

What language is this translated from, Foo?

I'm kind of mistrustful of a site with bad editting.

07-24-2004, 07:02 PM

My sifu and sibak are both Chinese and their english is not so good but this doesnt take away their knowledge and mastery. Both my parents arent native speakers of English, but I think there are trust worthy Americans. The language of the person who invented the device and people behind the site are Russians. I know that their translation isnt so refine and correct at times, but I personally dont care so much as long it produces positive results and performance, brother. Do you have knowledge of this device, Binny?


07-25-2004, 04:51 PM
I remember hearing about the Frolov breathing device a few years ago on Pavel's forum. Some people said it was cool, some people said it was crap. Same as anything.

Let us know your results.

07-27-2004, 10:17 AM
oops. None whatsoever.

07-28-2004, 08:45 AM
My Frolov device should be comming tommorow (Thursday). There is definitely a relationship of authentic power/strength and the manner of breathing. In most cases, many are ignorant in subject of proper breathing in general life and in the gym. I was one of them and didnt care much about the subject and thought it was useless. However, after much experimenting, I have grown to understand that without proper breathing your performance will be less optimal. I've noticed the different breathing techniques such as Coach Sonnon's "performance breathing" and Pavel's "power breathing" which is closer to Shaolin external breathing technique aka Chi Kung. It is interesting trying the two breathing methods in conjucture to my strength practice. All I write is that breathe matters. I am very pleased with myself that I have increased in ability very dramatically due to what I have learned from both Pavel and Scott. Hopefully, the new Frolov breathing device will help me rediscover a new angle on the subject of optimal breathing for optimal performance.

07-30-2004, 04:53 PM
I received my Frolov breathing device yesterday and also the book " Endogenous Respriation: Medicine of The Third Millennium" by Russian Scientist Vladimar Frolov.

So far I have not use the device yet and think it best I understand the science behind it. So I began reading the book hoping to gain some insight. The book reads like an academic
text book and some of its theories makes sense. However I am very skeptical about some its miraculous claims such complete recovery and restoration from certain serious and some terminal conditions such as herpes and even cancer. <mmmm... some of u who have some kind of STD may want to try this device?> I am wary of all silver bullet type claims especially from the holistic health community. I do see the promise of health and better performance from it tho?

If you are going to buy the Frolov device, you dont need to waste your money on the book. Because the Frolov device comes with a video explaining how to use it and etc. Plus you can also go to their internet forum and ask any questions. But if you are like me who needs to know all the science and details, then get the book as well. I shall keep you guys updated on my results. Enjoy the weekend and try to practice one random act of kindness to a stranger this weekend.


07-30-2004, 11:17 PM
"The device trains respiratory muscles and creates resistance either while inhaling or exhaling. It also improves metabolism of tissues and organs in the so called ‘adaptation respiration’ regime which develops adaptive physiological reactions of the organism under increased carbon dioxide concentration and controlled decrease of oxygen in the inhaled air circumstances."

So it basically just restricts your breathing?

I think people have been using stuff like this for ages. You can get resistance cheaper by breathing through a straw, or blowing up balloons. You can even restrict breathing just by pursing your lips, or closing your epliglottis.

Correct me if the Frolov device serves some function I am unaware of. The description on the website was in science-speak I am unfamiliar with.

08-02-2004, 04:03 PM

I am not an expert on the subject of Endogenous Respiration and quite the novice on it to be frankly honest. I have been only studying the book by Vladimir Frolov for five days and only practiced the device for only two days now. I recorded my experiences and experimenting the claims of the Russian scientists. If you want to get a better and clear answer to your questions please go to the open forum @ www.intellectbreathing.com. I am afraid that my answers may be incorrect and maybe not as clear as someone who is more experienced in this kind of training.

With that in mind.... From what I understand presently and I may be wrong, it does not "restricts your breathing" as you think, William. Far from retricting your breathing, it actually teaching how to breath properly through and out your tummy and not from your chest. It is just a different kind of breathing pattern and technique which the logos is to create an internal anaerobic enviromment where you breathe less oxygen and exhalation is greater than inhalation. Think about what this means: Internal anaerobic enviroment vs an internal aerobic enviroment. Furthermore there are numerous scientific theories and research done in Russia supporting and suggesting why "endogenous respiration" is superior than conventional breathing techniques and patterns. Please look at Frolov's book or his web site. for more detail explanation.

Your suggestion of the cheaper version is not sound or correct within Frolov's paradigm. What you suggested can not reproduce
endogenous respiration. Because it not about resistance breathing but decreasing the amount of oxygen while inhalation
and increasing exhalation. You are correct that many people have breathed like this for ages, especially if you work, live, and play in mountain areas.

08-02-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by FooFighter
exhalation is greater than inhalation.

You can't do that for very long before you run out of air.

08-02-2004, 05:14 PM

You are so clever... LOL. Have you try to exhale for 2 min or more? There are some peope I have read who can do it for 5 min or greater. Internal anaerobic enviroment concept sound like an interstinng concept for long term health and optimal performance. It is my goal to create this kind of enviroment and to have more energy than the rest of the masses in this department I hope.

Mr. Bao

08-03-2004, 05:04 AM

I have practice 10 mins of Frolov breathing (3 sec inhalation and 10 secs of exhalation) three times in a row before bed time. I noticed I that my heart rate dropped by 10 beats and I fall to sleep much quicker.

Mr. Bao

08-08-2004, 04:32 AM
It has been a week of practicing Frolov breathing and I have increased my practice to 11 mins with (3 sec inhalation and 11 secs of exhalation) before bed time. My results: 1. my resting rate has dropped considerably, 2. better sleep. I fall asleep alot faster and I wake up with more energy, 3. my skin looks more youthful (clearer pores), 4. more energy even tho I sleep less hours. For example, I get about 6 hours of sleep (in bed by 12am and wake up 6am). Six hours of sleep is okay and I feel fine but I will try to get at least 8 hours in the future. I believe restful sleep is good for your health and a possible theory for why people look younger.


My success is your success...

08-08-2004, 09:35 AM
Whoa, if it effectively reduces the amount of sleep you need I'll get one! :D

08-09-2004, 07:31 AM

It is too soon to make any final conclusion and would not want anyone here to jump to any decision yet about Frolov's device. I am just writing down what I have experienced. I do log down my resting heart rate before and after my breathing session along with my blood pressure, body weightt, time and date, and location. So far my experience has been positive. I will give you my next update in 6 days.


Your failure is my success. My failure is your success.

08-14-2004, 06:04 AM
It has been my second week of practicing Frolov breathing and I have increased my practice to 13 mins with (3 sec inhalation and 13 secs of exhalation) before bed time. I have also read the Frolov book for the third time slowly, taking notes, and trying to check out it's references.

My results:

1. Resting heart rate has not drop from last week and it is still 60. I take my RHR before and after my practice. Before I started the Frolov device training program, my resting rate was 79.

2. I am sleeping better and getting more sleep actually. I am going to bed earlier and trying to get my beauty sleep. When I wake up, I feel great and ready to begin my Warrior Wellness program.

3. I look younger. Seriously I met a couple of old friends who have not seen me in a month and they said I looked younger. Then again I have good genes.

4. My performance breathing and power breathing techniques has definitely improved and so as my technical performance in Clubbells and Kettlebells.

My next UpDate will be in the next two weeks. Currently I am a three cycle of CB training and I am off my Naked Warrior and PTP program. If anyone has any question specific to Frolov's breathing, please Pm me.

Enjoy the weekend and remember strength and health is a choice. It is not a hard choice. The difficult stage of strength and health is getting the ball rolling but once it is rolling the hardest part is now is knowing where, when, and how to roll it to the point of non-action.


09-03-2004, 04:31 PM
I will not update anymore due to lack of interest in sharing my personal experience. If you want to know more, then Pm me.

09-04-2004, 12:30 AM
Hi FooFighter,

What you are doing reminds me of the breathing techniques used in yoga. The only difference being the that there are a variety of techniques. The Russians are not so uptight with the study of Asian methods for modern benefits.

I wonder how you would fare if you used a retention period between the exhalation and the inhalation. One of the yoga breathing techniques I learned was:

Inhale for seven seconds

Hold for seven seconds(not forceful holding; but,rather, a relaxed holding)

Exhale for seven seconds

One was encouraged to increase the time of all three stages.

I derived similar benefits as yours.


09-04-2004, 10:52 AM
Dear Mickey:

I do not know you if you know the Frolov method well enough to compare it to yoga. I have practiced pranayama breathing before and I was taught by a famous yogi named Dharma Mittra in NYC.
While I can apprenicate these eastern breathing methodologies and it is indeed powerful and effective but it is not based on sport performance, but based on some metaphysical ideology which is okay. It is however not my intention or goal at this time. Therefore it is very different than the Frolov breathing in this case.

My breathing practice is based on Russian methodology is for sport related performance and not so much on spirituality or metaphysical reasonings. Currently my body is able to sustain itself without much oxyen which is based on scientific theories of Russian scientists such as Mr. Frolov. In addition to my Frolov breathing I also practice Coach Sonnon's performance breathing (Be Breathe program) and Pavel's Power Breathing (Power to The People) which is similar to Frolov's concepts. I think Performance Breathing is much closer to Frolov's breathing than Power Breathing in my opinon. If you understand these breathing methodologies then you will understand the differences between the classical yogic breathing methods and these "westernized" breathing science based on health and performance. Currently I can inhale 2 sec and exhale now 45 sec for 20 min using the Frolov device.
