View Full Version : Look at these mats

07-25-2004, 12:11 AM
Here (http://www.****ssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=1422780&cp=693944&parentPage=family).

Is that a 4 pack of 2x2' mats? Or does that 4 pack make ONE 2x2' section?

07-25-2004, 12:23 AM
the link is broken.Is there a sensored word in it?

07-25-2004, 12:57 AM
it's d.ickssportinggoods.com

07-25-2004, 01:06 PM

norther practitioner
07-26-2004, 04:47 AM
16 square feet.. it says it right in the description

2' x 2' would be 4 square feet.. so this is 4 x 4 square feet, which is 4 mats that are 2' x2'

If you like I can explain it in German as well :rolleyes:

07-26-2004, 05:48 AM
they don't say how thick they are though...probably 1/2".

I've been buying some 1/2" mat's from Sam's.

They come in an 8 pack of 2x2 squares for 16sf at 15.99.

Tried to find a link to them online but they don't seem to have it online.

07-26-2004, 08:23 AM
^ Sam's club?

Dude, mats are expensive as hell. Why are these so cheap? Are the ones I posted similar to these (http://store.yahoo.com/titleboxing/title-puzzle-sports-mats.html), which we had at my school and are much more expensive?

Here (http://www.****ssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=1257862&cp=693944) are some more by d.ick's. 6 2x2 mats that are 20mm thick, but these have diamond plate texture and that might suck.

But what do you guys think about those first ones compared to the ones I linked to from Title Boxing?

07-26-2004, 09:11 AM
those diamond plate ones are meant to go under weight equipment and exercise equip, not for falling on.

The ones I've been getting from sam's seem to be the same material as the ones I'm getting from Century (and apparently the same as the one's from Title), only thinner. Century has deeper discounting from Title on wholesale accounts so I've been getting mine pretty cheap.

The low cost would seem to be Sam's buying strategy. They are no good for falling as they are too thin but I use them as the bottom layer and put the century mat's on top for a total thickness of 1 3/8".

I also use them set up as a checkerboard w/ alternating colors in a kind of 'kung fu chess' for kids class. I use it as lesson in positioning/flanking.

The first ones you linked to are probably thinner than the ones from Title.

07-26-2004, 09:32 AM
Maybe. The title ones are find for falling on, tho. We'd grapple and do takedowns all the time on them at my school. Granted, they're not as soft as the folding ones with velcro on the side that are actually meant for throwing, but they still work.

I'm actually looking for mats more for grappling than for actually doing takedowns, tho. I suppose they would still probably serve that purpose well.

How much are the one's at Sam's club, and what section of the store are they in? We have a Sam's here and I might just have to go there if they have some mats. Do they look like the first ones I posted?

Oh, the title ones are 7/8" thick, and the second ones from d.icks are 20mm thick. I emailed them to find out how thick the first ones are.

07-26-2004, 11:58 AM
The only puzzle mats I found at Sams Club had the alphabet (http://www.samsclub.com/eclub/main_shopping.jsp?coe=0&oidPath=0%3a-23541%3a-23963%3a-36135%3a773377&mt=a&n=0&BV_SessionID=_SC_1480443821.1090868164_CS_&BV_EngineID=cccladcmdijkjigcfkfcfkjdgoodfkf.0) on them.

Or were you talking about this (http://www.samsclub.com/eclub/main_shopping.jsp?n=0&oidPath=0%3a-23542%3a-32122%3a-32123%3a-32138%3a856183&coe=0&BV_SessionID=_SC_1480443821.1090868164_CS_&BV_EngineID=cccladcmdijkjigcfkfcfkjdgoodfkf.0)?

07-26-2004, 12:10 PM
As near as I can tell the Title and Century ones are basically the same: 40"x40"x7/8"

I searched the Sam's site and could not find what my local store has so they may be a regional item.

They are a pack of (8) 24x24x1/2" of a type of foam that seems identical to the Title/Century product, just thinner. They are 15.99 a pack so .50/sf. They are in the same section as the tools and such now but when this store first got them that had 'em endcapped.

Alone they would maybe be ok for just taking the edge of the hardness of the floor but I think you could still bang the crap out an elbow or head.

Oh, and I can get them in a solid gray or in a multicolored pack that has 2 each of red, blue, green and yellow.

07-26-2004, 12:26 PM
I searched the Sam's site and could not find what my local store has so they may be a regional item.
They have the same ones here in OK.

07-26-2004, 12:36 PM
Wow, $15 for 8 24x24" mats? I'll have to go there and look.

I just heard back from customer service at d.ick's sporting goods and they told me those mats I asked about (the first ones) are 1.8" thick!!! That doesn't sound right, tho, so I wrote back and asked if they're soft enough to use for grappling. Maybe she meant 1/8" thick...

07-26-2004, 01:06 PM
the puzzle mats with the diamond plate tread are tolerable for bjj and not much more.

they get very slippery when sweat hits 'em during standup. maybe it's ok if you don't sweat alot or are wearing long pants and tshirt, but if you've got lots of fighters banging away, they were a pain in the ass. had to wipe them down every few rounds so noone would slip.

Don't even think about serious throwing on them..

07-26-2004, 01:12 PM
But for basic rolling with like 2 or 3 people they're ok, right? How solid are they?

07-27-2004, 01:11 PM
^ Can you confirm that they're actually 1.8" thick? How soft are they?

07-27-2004, 01:41 PM
They'd be fine for 2-3 guys practicing groundwork.

soft? well let's say forgiving, but not soft. again, you won't be taking hard falls on these things..