View Full Version : Musical/Creative Kata Division?

07-27-2004, 04:29 PM
Anyone know how this ubiquitous division came about?

It's almost like you can't have a tournament without including "musical/creative" division. And from what I've seen it really brings out the....er....well....the freaks.

Where do these people come from?

The "best" one I ever saw was this 10 year old little blond kid who's mom dressed him up in a cowboy/karate outfit (chaps and all) and had him twirling around a super lite weight graphite Bo staff to some hyper country song....

Now that's what I call entertainment!

If you have any links to some...um...entertaining videos...here would be the place to post them...

Here's a start.....




07-27-2004, 04:46 PM
Dude that kid in the first one just sits there and holds that low crouching stance for like 30 seconds.

There kids' parents would be p.issed if they knew you were making fun of their sons' forms online :D

07-27-2004, 04:49 PM

07-27-2004, 04:50 PM
fu -- as fewer and fewer people wanted to actually spar and risk injury for something as meaningless as testing skill, it became necessary to hit something other than people. air seemed a logical answer, as air doesn't fight back. now when competitors tell tales of their triumphs, you will hear such things as "there was this pocket of air about two feet off my right shoulder -- i so totally punched the fizzuck out of it. and there was this other pocket of air behind me -- holy crap, dude, that air never felt a back kick like mine before. it'll be hurting for days."

07-27-2004, 06:23 PM
Along with other dubious achievments such as Bruce Lee's side kick, Saf-T-Chop equipment and teaching the members of the US Senate TKD I think Jhoon Rhee started that abonmination(sp?).:mad:

07-27-2004, 06:32 PM
teaching the members of the US Senate TKD

Sen. Ben "Nighthorse" Cambell could kick all their asses.

07-27-2004, 06:48 PM
You got to love a Cheyenne biker horse trainer Senator.

07-27-2004, 07:21 PM
All-American in Judo; three-time U.S. Judo champion; captained the U.S. Olympic Judo Team at Tokyo Games in 1964; Gold-medal winner in Pan-American Games of 1963; coached the U.S. International Team.

David Jamieson
07-27-2004, 08:10 PM
come on, give those kids a break, i'd rather see them doing that then getting fat eating doritos and playing video games.

It is clear those kids work hard to get that stuff into em.

How is it any worse than performance wushu? :D

It's all good and they get a head start on learning some skeelz in the "martial" arts.

07-27-2004, 09:09 PM
^ True.

07-27-2004, 09:50 PM
kl's right -- better they exercise than get xbox bellies.

then again, a good game of voodoo vince (http://www.xbox.com/en-US/voodoovince/) makes all the troubles in the world go away. :D

07-28-2004, 01:22 AM
Keeps 'em off the street, stabbing people and shooting up drugs.

**** kids.

EDIT: Looks pretty silly though. But then, they are kids. Do many grown men or women do this?

07-28-2004, 01:37 AM
WOW! It may not have been martial arts, but those kids rocked! And it looked like the first two were wearing WHITE BELTS :confused: ? Maybe their school requires 3 years of gymnastic training to receive their white belt!:p

They may or may not've been able to fight worth a d a m n but that was an impressive performance (ask yourself if YOU coulda done that when you were that age, I know I couldn't).

07-28-2004, 02:45 AM
Many of these ppl think they are fighters. Mat Mullins fro XMA thinks he's a warrior :D

David Jamieson
07-28-2004, 07:08 AM
Well...you can "think" all you want, you can even "think" you are a fighter, but if you're not in the water, then you aren't swimming.

My training partner reminded me of something Bruce Lee said this morning.

If you only train the form of Kungfu without training force, you will come up empty when the fight presents itself.

I'm paraphrasing, but that's the general idea and I am more than inclined to agree.

07-28-2004, 07:09 AM
^ much to learn young padwan you still have
truly lies within ones self the war.

07-28-2004, 07:13 AM
I'd sooner see them kids doin' craptacular group, musical kata to the song "Achy Breaky Heart" than sittin' around getting as fat as their parents, but I do soooo wish someone would invent something less fugged up to my brain.

07-28-2004, 07:26 AM
full contact fighting.

07-28-2004, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
Well...you can "think" all you want, you can even "think" you are a fighter, but if you're not in the water, then you aren't swimming.

My training partner reminded me of something Bruce Lee said this morning.

If you only train the form of Kungfu without training force, you will come up empty when the fight presents itself.

Actually that's just another old chinese saying that Bruce tried to play out as his own.

Chang Style Novice
07-28-2004, 09:39 AM
I dunno if I like the idea of full contact fighting for kids under say, 16. Let 'em grow into their adult bodies a little before putting that kind of stress on 'em. I don't think I got to my full height til I was almost 20.

That's what musical/creative kata stuff is good for. Plus comedy.

07-28-2004, 09:44 AM
Yeah I use to laugh at musical kata I guess I still make fun of it sometimes but its all in good fun...the people are great athletes...I mean, we don't run around saying basketball is stupid b.c it doesn't teach you how to fight...the thing is a lot of people only see what espn shows and thinks we all do musical kata and stuff like that...but that doesn't really bother me too much...

David Jamieson
07-28-2004, 09:45 AM
Well, I'm sure that bruce can use the "old chinese sayings" too. It doesn't make them any less valid FP.

There are many who use ancient philosophy to make a point.

07-28-2004, 09:54 AM
oh hell yeah , there ain't nuttn wrong with musical kata,
it's all sports anyway, what's the big deal?

07-28-2004, 09:54 AM
Yeah I use to laugh at musical kata I guess I still make fun of it sometimes but its all in good fun...the people are great athletes...I mean, we don't run around saying basketball is stupid b.c it doesn't teach you how to fight...the thing is a lot of people only see what espn shows and thinks we all do musical kata and stuff like that...but that doesn't really bother me too much...

David Jamieson
07-28-2004, 10:01 AM
An electric green thong, an a.ssmaster headband and some glowchucks...you cannot lose!

07-28-2004, 10:41 AM
^ cannot lose if the judges are on e

07-29-2004, 12:38 PM
I don't like the idea of full contact fighting for kids either. Besides all the things that could really go wrong for the kids, can you imagine what a nightmare the ******* parents would be? I can see them now, rolling their 6-year-olds' shins, pushing them into weight training, screaming at the refs when they call a TKO...ugh.