View Full Version : Hellboy

David Jamieson
07-28-2004, 09:52 PM
It was good

that is all

Chang Style Novice
07-29-2004, 07:35 AM
The comic is better.

NOW that is all.

David Jamieson
07-29-2004, 09:30 AM
genre, shmenre

I like how the treatment was done in the movie. Of course a comic can get more depth, especially in a series.

Do you think the movie did a disservice to the story? Which is over the top in whackiness, so I don't know how much disservice can be done....anyway...

I thought the artwork in the dark horse comics is sub standard by the benchmarks I use. It's not horrible, but it's always a bit blocky and lacking detail.

Give me the masters of Heavy Metal mag anyday! Druillet can no be defeated. Corbin pwns all.

rebuttal? detraction? :p

07-29-2004, 09:39 AM
I'm a great fan of Mike Mignolia's artwork... Yes it's "blocky" but when one considers the depth of mood and storytelling involved... not to mention the ability to distill amazing detail and craft into black and white line art. THEN ADD COLOR...

His style is singular and Hellboy wouldn't quite work rendered in any other way. Although a Corbin version would be something to see...

if you like Corbin you MUST pick up the Graphic Novel House on the Borderlands

I thought the movie was a perfectly adaquite adaptation of the comic. great fun and wonderfully acted... ABE SAPIAN rocked.

some bits where clunky. the Sameal design sort of fell out of the Mignolia vision for me... giant humanoid frogs now that would'a been cool. I think the sequal will surpass the original in the same way X2 surpassed X-men.

Chang Style Novice
07-29-2004, 10:09 AM
Mignola's artwork is the main draw (no pun intended) for Hellboy as far as I'm concerned. I love his design-oriented, pseudo-Aubrey Beardsley via Edvard Munch look. Big black spaces. Blackest of all possible blacks. Simplified shapes that nevertheless seem to have real mass.

Ain't none of that in the movie, although it was about as good and faithful an adaptation as one could expect.

Didn't know there was going to be a sequel. Is Del Toro doing that, too?

07-30-2004, 09:27 AM
worth renting on netflix that is all

wouldnt buy.

07-30-2004, 09:37 AM
May 14, 2004... It's official: (http://www.cinescape.com/0/editorial.asp?obj_id=41743&aff_id=0&this_cat=Development+Heck) plans for HELLBOY 2 are a go.

The news broke today in The Hollywood Reporter that director Guillermo del Toro, producers Lawrence Gordon, Mike Richardson and Lloyd Levin and HELLBOY creator Mike Mignola will all work together on a sequel to the red-skinned superhero from down below. Revolution Studios will once again develop the second HELLBOY picture. No time frame was given as to when a script may be completed or when the new film could be out in theaters.

"We are excited to be making the sequel to HELLBOY and to be bringing back the amazing creative team that made it so memorable," said Tom Sherak of Revolution Studios to the Reporter. "The film was made for a relatively low cost and has performed magnificently here in the U.S., and we look forward to it continuing its successful run internationally."

In his public discussions about what we might expect to see in a HELLBOY 2 movie, del Toro mentioned that he would like to include the B.R.P.D. character Lobster Johnson in the next one. [The Hollywood Reporter.]

June 8, 2004... Our page (http://www.sonypictures.com/homevideo/hellboy/) gets funding from the B.R.P.D. and thus is launched.

Video interview with Hellboy director Guillermo del Toro in which he spills the beans on the sequel and says what you can expect in the upcoming Director's Cut DVD of the first film. (http://ugo.com/channels/filmTv/exclusive/player.asp?articleID=12190)

David Jamieson
08-04-2004, 09:15 AM
as an aside, it would be real nice to see a part 2 to the Spawn movie.

that would totally roxors!

08-04-2004, 09:32 AM
has been in development er... "hell" for years now...

anyone ever see the HBO animated series?

08-04-2004, 09:42 AM
hopefully another spawn movie never see's the light of day. Spawn sucks anyway, but the movie was horrible. I could have made a better bad guy from a sock puppet.

There are currently plans to do 2 more Hellboy's. The intention was to do a minimum of 3.

Chang Style Novice
08-04-2004, 12:48 PM
The only things that could be better than no new Spawn movies ever was if the previous one never existed, or if the comic never existed.

Man, Spawn is a peice of garbage.

08-04-2004, 12:59 PM
why are you so angry
angry man?

Chang Style Novice
08-04-2004, 01:02 PM
Because Liefeld is a total fraud. Can't draw and can't write, but makes millions.

08-04-2004, 01:31 PM
erm, todd draws spawn, well i dunno if he still does , greg cappulo was doing it last i checked
he and liefeld had some kind of falling out back in the day

Chang Style Novice
08-04-2004, 01:34 PM
Ah, those Image SOBs all look the same to me.

Nevertheless, what I said about Liefeld also applies to MacFarlane. Dunno if I've seen Cappulo's stuff - I stopped paying attention to that stuff when I realized it was giving me headaches.

08-04-2004, 02:39 PM
liefeld couldn't draw feet for the longest time. Check it out, go back to some of his older stuff and you'll see people always standing in dust clouds, or wit their feet off "screen".

Mcfarland has some cool toys, but that freakin Spawn, that guy can go suck big sock puppet azz.

Now Michael Turner, that guys a comic genius.

08-04-2004, 03:32 PM
Isn't he a black belt? Didn't he survive cancer?

Doesn't that chick he draws make you wanna bust a gnut?

08-04-2004, 04:13 PM
michael turner got skills

08-04-2004, 04:37 PM
MAXX... was the best thing out of Image back in the day!!!

POWERS was the best thing out of IMAGE in the past few year...

Now.... er, I guess not much out these days...

I'm sure I mentioned on one of these threads that I met Rob Liefield at a convention (I was promoting KFM & the Tiger's Tale strip I had at the time). When he realized who I worked for I just stated spouting all sorts of nonsence about how he knows kungfu and would have his black belt by now if he still went to classes. He also started going off on how he uses this martial knowlage to plan out his fight scenes and make them you know, really realistic....

08-04-2004, 04:57 PM
my condolences ds
sorry u had to go through that
as if looking at the "artwork" wasn't bad enough

David Jamieson
08-04-2004, 06:29 PM
anyone ever see the HBO animated series?

yes and I enjoyed the hell out of it.

csn now i know you are some fringe art freak.

dissing spawn?

man, that's call for a full contact pie eating contest if i ever heard one.

Spawn reminded me of the evil spidermans, carnage and venom.

Both coolio though, very spawnish in appearance...I wonder if there is a connection. poop anyone?

Chang Style Novice
08-04-2004, 07:16 PM
Michael Turner?!??!


He has one face he can draw, with one expression. He distorts anatomy into totally ghey-fetish muscleman implausibility. He doesn't even pretend to render light and shade.

For some REAL superhero-style drawing, check out Tommy Lee Edwards.

edit -

or for that matter, Mike Mignola, or Frank Quitely, or...

08-04-2004, 09:00 PM
Some of my favorite artists:John Cassidy's (Planetary, Astonishing X-Men), Pat Lee's drawing transformers (humans are a little funky though), Ben Templesmith has a pretty cool style too(30 Days of Night, Singularity 7). There's a lot of good indie stuff too, but I can't think of any names at the moment.

David Jamieson
08-04-2004, 09:38 PM
I can't believe no one is giving Jack Kirby props!!!!

His Captain America rocked!

As did all his contributions to DC and Marvel pages over the years.

I'm sure we've all read a heap of Marvel comics before comics became high art and you had a whack of indie publishers starting up in the early eighties.

Before that we had DC, Timely(Marvel) and...well the rest were a bit thin...lol and they copied a lot of the characters from the aforementioned.

David Jamieson
08-04-2004, 09:43 PM
and wow, look at what you have to adhere to to put the comics code stamp on a rag!


wow, that's some propoganda machinery in it's finery right there lemme tell ya!

08-05-2004, 07:01 AM
were you being sarcastic when youy asked if there was a connection between spawn and venom ...
just to be on the safe side

todd mcfarlane was drawing "the Amazing Spider Man" @ the time , and he drew the first Venom introduced Eddie Brock etc . I think it all came to a climax in Amazing Spiderman issue # 300

his work on Hulk and Spiderman got so much attention from fans that Marvel Comics decided to give him his own "Spider Man" book to write and draw.

...the lo and behold Marvels greatest talents @ the time (including todd) leave to found Image.

08-05-2004, 07:08 AM
egads man
i just read that,
no wonder those guys didn't give a rat's d!ck about it.
the world is a much better place to live in thankfully.
i hate institutions that try to hide the truth.


man, i hate institutions period.

Chang Style Novice
08-05-2004, 08:41 AM
Of course Kirby was King! Personally, I'm more of a Steve Ditko guy, because despite Ditko's crazy Objectivist philosophy he could draw like a muh-fuh! On topics like this (Kirby vs. Ditko) reasonable people can disagree. As far as McFarlane, Liefeld and Turner go, you guys are just wrong crazy and wrong. ;)

08-05-2004, 09:15 AM
He has one face he can draw, with one expression. He distorts anatomy into totally ghey-fetish muscleman implausibility. He doesn't even pretend to render light and shade.

you must be thinking of another Turner. his shading and his color work are awesome. His ability to draw details is pretty cool too, he's got a busy style I like.

"distorts his anatomy into totally ghey-fetish implausability"

Oh, I thought we were still talking about comic books here. You know, the very same comic books that EVERYONE whose worth reading distorts the shape of the human body for dramatic effect?

Tommy Lee Edwards?! YAAAAAAAWWWWWWNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! The guy needs to get away from his college art class days and start drawing real comic characters. Keeeerist that guy might as well be doing those Judge ocmics in the newspaper.

08-05-2004, 09:23 AM
Carmine Infantino is another name worth mentioning with classic designs like THE FLASH, GREEN LANTERN and (for better or worse) the yellow oval BAT logo.

These days FRANK QUIETLY rocks hard!!! keep an eye out for his upcomming We3.

Cameron Stewart is also very up and coming... check his SEA GUY artwork.

Mike Mignola started this thred.

Doug Manke is another artist that I've been enjoying.

David Mack is also quite good, though these days he's gone off the deep end of expressionist story telling. Still he's a very cool guy and a fan of KFM (last we chatted at least). Tried to get him to do some arrtwork for us way back when we were much more experimental.

Also very enjoyable is Pia Guerra... the other reason vertigo's Y the Last Man rocks....

David Jamieson
08-05-2004, 09:38 AM

i was not aware that mcfarlane was involved with the evil nemisis spidermen.

that explains a lot about how they look though.

thanks for the info!


Chang Style Novice
08-05-2004, 11:30 AM
Red - I double dog dare you to link to some Michael Turner artwork that doesn't look exactly as I've described.

I'm beginning to think you just like stuff that's all glossy surface and nothing underneath.

08-05-2004, 02:10 PM
for art, yes, I like the stuff that's glossy and looks good. The stories are ok for comic books but please, I certainly don't go to comics for some inciteful and deep thinking, for that I come here ;)

His stuff is as good as all those vertigo artists and their crappy can't color in the lines art. Good for newspaper advertisments for big outlet stores but someone should let them know it sucks for comics.

Chang Style Novice
08-06-2004, 08:13 AM
So, I take it you CAN'T find a drawing by Turner that looks good enough to post for me.


08-12-2004, 05:13 PM
saw Hellboy, it was aight,
much better than i had expected,
i don't read the comic book so i cant draw the comparison, but I'd say that it's better than alot of the comic to big screen transitions.

08-21-2004, 08:36 AM
It sucks. I was hell bored. Spiderman 2 was good.

12-20-2018, 09:56 AM
I suppose this will need its own indie thread someday, separate from Hellboy (2004) (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?31554-Hellboy) and Hellboy 2 (2008) (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?51469-Hellboy-II).

or not...


04-12-2019, 07:42 AM
WTH? READ HELLBOY: A Bloody Wrestlemania (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1482) by Patrick Lugo


05-30-2019, 07:56 AM
I suppose this will need its own indie thread someday, separate from Hellboy (2004) (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?31554-Hellboy) and Hellboy 2 (2008) (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?51469-Hellboy-II).

or not...

not :o

David Harbour Admits Box-Office Flop ‘Hellboy Had ‘Major Problems’ (https://etcanada.com/news/457713/david-harbour-admits-box-office-flop-hellboy-had-major-problems/?fbclid=IwAR1BeDgG-4fJ9rqSX7NgsibdkJF9W90oMtgiInMQ50T5j8ferCwor3wr110 )
By COREY ATAD. 28 May 2019 2:41 PM

Photo: Lionsgate

The recent reboot of “Hellboy” was a big failure at the box office, and star David Harbour is getting candid about why.

The “Stranger Things” actor, who played the superhero Hellboy in this year’s new adaptation, spoke with DigitalSpy about the film.

“We did our best, but there’s so many voices that go into these things and they’re not always going to work out,” Harbour said. “I did what I could do and I feel proud of what I did, but ultimately I’m not in control of a lot of those things.”

Harbour also suggested that being compared to the Marvel Cinematic Universe films also hurt “Hellboy”.

“The problem that I have with comic book movies nowadays is that I think, and it’s a result of the power of Marvel stuff, it’s like chocolate, it’s a flavour. So everybody [says] chocolate is delicious and these guys make the best chocolate. So as you judge the movies, it’s like, ‘Well, it’s not as chocolatey as this, this does not taste like chocolate at all.’ And I sort of want a world where there’s more flavours than just comparisons to chocolate. So in that way when ‘Hellboy’ is viewed on the chocolate spectrum, it does very poorly.”

He added, “That being said, it also has major problems.”

2019’s “Hellboy” has so far pulled in a paltry $22 million at the box office. The previous two “Hellboy” films, directed by Guillermo Del Toro, were both moderate successes, bringing in about $100 million and $160 million respectively.

Harbour does believe the film may find success outside of theatres and with the Marvel comparisons in the rearview.

“I think as a rental or as a movie that you see on an airplane, I think you’d be like, ‘Oh that was fun’ because it’s a fun movie,” he said, “and I think it was unfairly bludgeoned as a result of these comparisons.”

paltry $22 M. paltry...