View Full Version : Master Shr Zhengzhong seminar

07-29-2004, 05:58 AM
Master Shr will be coming to the USA for 2 weeks to teach praying mantis, the following weekend seminars will be available.
For Master Shr's bio please visit: www.ponglai.com

dinner with Master Shr on September 3rd., open question session with master Shr.

September 4th. : Master shr will teach Ba Kwai, a plum flower set which will be learnt on both the right and left sides. This had 8 roads but Master Shr will teach at least 2 but emphsize on drills, applications and the 2 person to it.
Seminar will begin at 9a.m, until 5 p.m, (with lunch break). then dinner with Master Shr.
September 5th- begin at 9a.m. until 4p.m., then dinner with master Shr.

September 11th & 12th. weekend:
Master Shr will teach Jong Fan Cha(this set was taught by Wang Song Ting).
Also teach apps, drills and 2 man.
Same time setup as first weekend seminar.

Seminar costs are $200 for 1 seminar or $300 for both
Please pm me or call 813-719-9892