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View Full Version : Ashida Kim, Strikes Again

08-02-2004, 02:14 PM

08-02-2004, 02:23 PM
may his soul find peace.

08-03-2004, 05:08 AM
A teenager dressed as a teenage ninja turtle martial arts warrior to carry out a random killing after having "delusional fantasies" as a heavy smoker of cannabis, a court was told yesterday.

OH MY GOD that is hilarious. but i feel bad for the victims families. ninja turtle!!!

08-03-2004, 08:05 AM
what the freak?!? how does someone dressed in all black so only their eyes can be seen look like a goddammed ninja turtle?!?!
what a dumba@@ reporter.
Now if he was naked with a lone ranger mask, painted green and had a small plastic swimming pool tied to his back, THEN he would be dressed (or lack there of) like a ninja turtle.
And turtles are reptiles, everyone knows ninjas are mammals.
that fool needs to be pureultimatepower schooled.

08-03-2004, 08:28 AM
I don't know what's more horrifying, the story's content or its writing style. This thing reads like chinglish stereo instructions.

Jamie Osbourne used a ceremonial dagger with a 12-inch blade, as his 16-year-old girlfriend watched, to stab repeatedly a milkman who was on his way to work.

08-03-2004, 11:21 AM
i think you guys just got severed.

08-03-2004, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by brothernumber9
that fool needs to be pureultimatepower schooled.


08-03-2004, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by brothernumber9

Now if he was naked with a lone ranger mask, painted green and had a small plastic swimming pool tied to his back,

OMG lmfao! I would almost pay to see that

08-04-2004, 01:38 AM
Bleah! I'D pay NOT to see that! :eek:

David Jamieson
08-04-2004, 09:19 AM
that piece was only semi literate.

how could someone write that badly and have a job as a journalist?

too bad about the milkman and i guess we all know how tv rots the minds of the lethargic and unimaginative set.

too much tv...sad

08-04-2004, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
that piece was only semi literate.

how could someone write that badly and have a job as a journalist?

too bad about the milkman and i guess we all know how tv rots the minds of the lethargic and unimaginative set.

too much tv...sad

...and now, too much internet.

David Jamieson
08-04-2004, 09:29 AM
yes the internet makes me want to kill people randomly....

but that's just me. :p

08-04-2004, 11:12 AM
At least the internet makes you read.

edit: Although in the journalist's case it apparently didn't help.