View Full Version : Content of posts

08-01-2001, 06:14 PM
Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to remind everyone that none of us pay to use these forums. Keeping that in mind as well as the issue of bandwidth I would like to ask everyone to limit their attachments to things relating to Wing Chun and even to forgoe using a graphic if it is not really necessary. This will help keep the performance and cost down for those that administer this site.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like some of the graphics and even got a kick out of Santa and his reindeer ;) but like any network activity less is more.

I appreciate everyones cooperation in this matter. BTW: I think everyone is moving forward in a spirit of cooperation and comradery(sp?) which is nice. Lets keep things positive :)

As always, anyone wishing to discuss this in greater detail is welcome to contact me at either of the following e-mail addresses.



08-01-2001, 06:19 PM
Do you want me to take the chinese characters off of my signature, or are you just talking about moving graphics?

<img src = "http://www.wingchunkuen.com/community/clipart/chinese/wingchun_old.gif">

08-01-2001, 07:56 PM
HI JiuKaiMan,

There is no need, IMHO, for you to remove the graphic with your signature. Besides, it kind of relates, doesn't it ;)?

My only reason for bringing this subject up is due to the increased use of graphics, some rather large, in posts. Some of these graphics, while entertaining, have nothing to do with Wing Chun. I feel that it would be better to reserve what bandwidth we have for Wing Chun related images. For example, the images dealing with the butterfly swords or the one showing techniques in application. These images are related to Wing Chun and can even aide one in understanding another perspective. Although, I would still ask that these be kept as small as possible.

Hope that clarifies things.



08-01-2001, 08:01 PM
Thanks Dave.
BTW - I think you guys are doing a great job with this forum! I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say that we all appreciate this place.

<img src = "http://www.wingchunkuen.com/community/clipart/chinese/wingchun_old.gif">

08-01-2001, 08:25 PM
>>>Although, I would still ask that these be kept as small as possible.<<<

No problem.

I had intended to reduce the resolution and size of my images in the footwork thread but was trying to figure out how to properly post them -- and the image reduction didn't go through.

If in the future any of my posts get too bandwidth intensive, let me know and I'll back off. :D

BTW, just want to say that you've done an excellent job in moderating this forum since I first got involved. Good work and thanks.


One is weak because he makes preparations against others;
he has strength because he makes others prepare against him.
-- Sun-Tzu

08-01-2001, 10:13 PM
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the kind words but everyone has really started to pull together to make this forum enjoyable and worthwhile. It takes a team effort to make things better. I would like to think that we are moving forward and that this medium provides us with a chance to move beyond petty differences of lineage etc.

So far, the graphics has not been a problem I just want to head it off before it does become one. Being kind of proactive :p although I am a terrible procrastinator normally :rolleyes:

Anyhow, as long as we all work together everything should run smoothly.



Sandman2[Wing Chun]
08-02-2001, 01:36 AM
I know that I don't post too verbosely these days, what with my greatly increased work schedule and the lack of desire to trade posting time for training time, I do want to second Dave on his sentiments that things have been really nice around here lately. It's really good to see everyone engaged in usefull discussion about the fine art of Wing Chun, and not discussing a bunch of unrealated BS. I haven't had to delete anything off of here in quite some time, and Dave has been gobbling up all the admin work before I could even get to it... :D Although, I still wish I had a dollar for every "Matthew, Conqueror of Alaska" thread I had to delete.....

Sandman[Wing Chun]
Wing Chun Forum Moderator.

vertical fist
08-04-2001, 03:39 AM
Yeah I just wanted to say thanks to Sihing73, Watchman, martialdoulos and those others who've been simply posting some "great stuff" on this forum. Your time spent is appreciated by myself and I'm sure many others who frequent this site. Being fairly new to Wing Chun, I enjoy all the different perspectives and interpretations.

Happy training. :cool:

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."

[This message was edited by vertical fist on 08-04-01 at 06:59 PM.]