View Full Version : sleeping hand in chi sao

08-04-2004, 05:00 PM
I pose a question the general wing chuners here. In chi sao, I notice(myself included at times) when playing chi sao you tend to forget the other hand(falls a sleep).I notice when I get hit its mostly because one of my hand is not aware or sleeping at that time.So my question is do other people notice this in their practice and how do you remedy it?

08-04-2004, 05:14 PM
When I was first going through the Chi Sau body mechanic and energy building stages, I did catch myself focusing on only one hand at certain times. All the other times, my partners would let me know I was getting too focused on one hand by hitting me from the other bridge.

I've come to realize that (the bottom line) doing Chi Sau means that you should have a reason to do so in the first place.

- If it happens in fighting, it should be very brief. If they don't give you a reason to use two arm bridges alongside theirs, then that is not the right time to use your Chi Sau skills.

- If you are training a fellow brother/sister, you should know how to teach/coach in order to help them. If you are being taught how to learn and use Chi Sau, well, get as much input as you can directly from the person(s) you partner with.

Ultimately, if you don't have a valid reason to use Chi Sau, then I think you should focus on what are the appropriate tools to use at the combat range you find yourself in in order to get the job done quickly.

What lineage of Wing Chun are you training? Are you familiar with the stages it is taught through? Is there any training stage where you develop both hands simultaneously? You could go to that stage and focus on timing and light energy use until you get the proper actions you are looking for.

In addition, you should keep your Daan Chi Sau training up alongside your Chi Sau training. That will help as well.

08-04-2004, 06:01 PM
My lineage is the Fut Sao style,but I started in Yip Man lineage under sifu Moy Yat. Yeah,I'm a ware of the different stages of single hand through double.I must admit I don't practice single hand much anymore,but I can do it quite well.In the futsao style, we don't practice to much pre-arranged movements like in single hand.

08-04-2004, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by stonecrusher69
I pose a question the general wing chuners here. In chi sao, I notice(myself included at times) when playing chi sao you tend to forget the other hand(falls a sleep).I notice when I get hit its mostly because one of my hand is not aware or sleeping at that time.So my question is do other people notice this in their practice and how do you remedy it?

There is a different between

1, the arm fall a sleep by itself , not moving, and not listening to your command. :D

2, you lost your awareness and get hit , too late for your other hand to response.

3, your skill on the other hand is not fluent enought to response.

4, your totally skill is not par with your opponent, so you are trap physically or mentally or monentumly and cannot response.

Which is which?
if you understand the problem. you know the solution.