View Full Version : Street fight clips

08-09-2004, 06:44 PM

Lets get ready to rrrrrrrrrrumble

i love this stuff :D

08-10-2004, 09:23 AM
Ernie- I looked at one of the listed fights- 3rd or fourth on the list- possibly the one that has been talked about before(?)- with the loser havinga bulging eye wound on his right eye.
The guys were big and intimidating- but I dont think that were very skilled. Still-instructive.

Thanks for sharing.


08-10-2004, 09:48 AM
From what I've seen, some of these clips show some of the ugliest aspects of the life. Some of these so-called fights are nothing more than brutal assaults, with mob-mentality and a lot of chest beating. It's good to be aware, and prepared, but quite frankly my heart sinks when I see this kind of stuff.

To quote John Merrick ( The Elephant Man)....... "I am not an animal! I am a human being! I...am...a man! "


08-10-2004, 11:09 AM
I know I'm going to hell for watching this stuff but it's research and reminder for me , been through stuff like that and i don't want to forget how ugly it gets

keeps my training focused on what i might have to deal with ;)

08-10-2004, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Ernie
I know I'm going to hell for watching this stuff but it's research and reminder for me , been through stuff like that and i don't want to forget how ugly it gets

keeps my training focused on what i might have to deal with ;) Ernie,
I'm with you. Unfortunately, it's reality. No one is going to Hell, I just think we need to have some compassion. Some of those clips are just savage beatings, not fights.

In the spirit of the "What would you do?" threads, I wonder how I would react if I came across some of these situations. It makes you think,....... that's for sure.


08-10-2004, 12:39 PM
I followed the thread for a couple more pages and found this gem of a post by some crazy-a$$ dude.......(I think the first step in avoiding fights is staying away from people like this gentleman). -Lawrence

Chick fights are the greatest fights, I think. Here are some more:


And if we all want more fight footage, let's all go out and film some.


*Notice to all the crews out there:

Are there some chicks ready to throw down in your hood this weekend? Know 2 chicas who just don't get along? Sorority sisters who have a grudge to settle? Grab your vidcams, catch the fight, and get paid up to $1500. The better the footage, the more $$$.

You can submit your chickfight footage here:


There are quite a few other companies like that out there... ;-)

Payout level is generally based on the following factors:

*Action (intensity, fighting level)
*Video quality/lighting
*Sound quality
*Chicks ("hottie" level)

08-10-2004, 12:44 PM
no joke man girls , got some evil in them =) dudes just bang and call it a day , but the lady's want you never forget you stepped to them ha ha

i think i'm scared of girls , this would make me a girly man ha ha ha

Nick Forrer
08-10-2004, 01:20 PM
The only video i found interesting from an MA point of view was the 1 guy vs 4 guys where it seemed he got the better of them through sheer aggression and will

The other fights just confirmed what i already knew i.e. that when fighting, most people grab with one hand (i.e. the left)and throw overhead bombs with the right while the other person ducks/cowers to defend and then responds in like manner - a war of attrition with who ever blinks first loosing

I also found the 'white kid vs black kid in a field after school' particuarly nasty and brutal (although arguably the kid brought it on himself by throwing the first punch). To me there is nothing remotely entertaining in seeing someone having the shi_t beaten out of them (might as well watch the rodney king tape or abu ghraib footage).

08-10-2004, 01:45 PM
The Dekker fights against the Thai boxers were good. Dekker seems to show that round punches are more useful than straight ones. He knocked down a lot of guys with his various hooking hits.


08-10-2004, 01:51 PM
[[To me there is nothing remotely entertaining in seeing someone having the shi_t beaten out of them (might as well watch the rodney king tape or abu ghraib footage).]]]

I see it differently, simply research the human creature in a raw ugly form, I recently got some prison fight footage I have been studying, real nasty stuff, but some well organized terminations, what at first looks like just raw uncontrolled violence, after removing your emotions you will see there is a conscience energy and action, a cause and effect, but sometimes a plan.
This lets me peek into the animal mindset we are all capable of. In some cases the victim is just sitting there getting beat on, like there in shock and can’t believe what is happening to them, I wonder what causes that fear stress over load, denial?
In others just one person can intimidate a group and cause them to doubt themselves, this is also intriguing .

But the bottom line is it is real life , could be me or you in either role .

08-10-2004, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
i think i'm scared of girls , this would make me a girly man ha ha ha Nah, You know you're a girly man when you're hung up on things like insisting that your shoes match your belt. ;)


08-10-2004, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Matrix
Nah, You know you're a girly man when you're hung up on things like insisting that your shoes match your belt. ;)


You know me far to well =)

p.s. can i borrow your nail polish

08-10-2004, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
p.s. can i borrow your nail polish Now you're starting to worry me. :eek: :)

08-10-2004, 02:45 PM
but quite frankly my heart sinks when I see this kind of stuff Aye I'm with you there Matrix. I force myself to watch this sort of stuff to live vicariously through someone else's beat down and think 'What would I do differently, better ? and How is my training addressing the reality ?'

08-10-2004, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by KingMonkey
I force myself to watch this sort of stuff to live vicariously through someone else's beat down and think 'What would I do differently, better ? and How is my training addressing the reality ?' That may be the best we can do with it. It also shows how vicious an attacker can be, and why you cannot back down, once engaged. They will smash you head when you are down and out.

I jsut remembered a recent news story here in Canada, where a young guy went to help a young woman who was been assaulted. The attacked beat him mercilessly, almost killing. See for yourself .....http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1091737439726_87146639

It's ugly out there boys and girls.


08-10-2004, 03:41 PM
Matrix sez;

I jsut remembered a recent news story here in Canada, where a young guy went to help a young woman who was been assaulted.

One of my first encounters in America many moons ago occurred when I went to the rescue of a young lady who was being beaten by a young man. She hit me on the back of my head with
a high heel and the man took the opportunity to punch me.
He paid dearly for his mistake.

The police ususally regard domestic violence calls as some of the riskiest.

Miles Teg
08-11-2004, 01:38 AM
LOL!!!!!!! You donft want none of the Yuanfen!

I cant watch the videos as Im at work and actually only 3 days into this new job. Already gFhing around on kunfu online whats wrong with me?

I think I know one of the videos you guys are talking about. The school yard one. Even though the smaller boy threw the first punch he looked very scared. I guess in a confrontation you have an advantage if you get the first attack off but you look bad if you end up getting beat.
Either way it is the person who has fear and is intimidated that (as far as I have seen) will lose every time regardless of who throws the first punch. Fear is an issue that I know I need to learn how to deal with. I havenft been in many confrontations especially in the last few years. But the only times I didnft feel much fear and went all out and did well was when I was off my head. Adrenaline rush can change everything.

Does anyone have any suggestions about dealing with it? Bunji jumping? Competition fighting? Carrying some hard liquor in your pocket and taking a big skull? Imagining your oponent in ladies underwear?

Obviously the more real experience you have the better but its not like you can go looking for it.

08-11-2004, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by Vajramusti
He paid dearly for his mistake. Now, THAT, I would have loved to see on video. :D


08-11-2004, 04:29 PM
A police officer I talked to said the same thing as Joy. He saw numerous occasions where the police went in to break up a domestic dispute on the street only to be attacked by both and told to keep out of their private affairs.

08-14-2004, 04:00 PM
Yup. I was an Army cop for 4 years. More often than not we'd respond to a domestic disturbance, find the husband beating the heII outta his wife, wrestle him down to put the cuffs on him and find the wife attacking us tooth & nail screaming "You leave him alone!!!!"

Ugly situation.

Miles Teg
08-14-2004, 04:26 PM
Like a moth to the flame.