View Full Version : Woo Fai Ching System

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-09-2004, 10:07 PM
Here is some info: on Grandmaster Woo Fai Ching System.
Leung Sheung family. detroitwingchun.com:)

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-10-2004, 11:56 AM
Join us @ our new school in East Detroit. Opens 8-17-2004, for more info: contact us @ theredboat@comcast.net

08-10-2004, 11:56 AM
The info about Leung Sheung was interesting. Would be nice to see larger photos and more articles like the sticking hands one and the historical ones. Once the old timers die, then all knowledge of the past gets lost. There are very few accounts for example of what Yip Man's Wing Chun was like. Various links on the site. didn't work.

It's too bad about politics of the past. It would be good if somehow we can all make peace and forget about the bad Wing Chun conflicts of the past and as a team try to make Wing Chun work such that it is in the limelight of the martial arts world again.

I know of an Ontario Wing Chun club that was always at odds with a William Cheung's lineage club but now they get along very well.

I know a high level sifus that hated Leung Ting but now also they get along.

I think as people age the get more mellow and realize that all the conflict is unecessary. But unfortunately due to money, power, politics and plain idiots we have all these things in every field of human endeavor.

I think on this forumn we all try to get along, and shouldn't cut each other down using name calling. However it is valid to criticize and logially analyze techniques and ideas.

I believe every lineage has something useful to offer just from their own fighting experiences. Naturally some clubs are blessed with better talent or better instructors.

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-10-2004, 12:16 PM
Thank you so very much YongChun. I am sorry that it sounds so political. But if you seen what I’ve seen, and felt what, what I felt. You will know why this is going down this way. I had no choice. I’m tried of being kicked around like a can by these so-called wing chun greats. Yes there will be tons of wing chun notes, and the photos will be fixed.

May God keep and bless you.
Ali Hamad Rahim.

08-10-2004, 12:16 PM
Ray sez:

I believe every lineage has something useful to offer just from their own fighting experiences. Naturally some clubs are blessed with better talent or better instructors.

Phil Redmond
08-10-2004, 12:43 PM
Cedrick (aka Ali Rahim).You've made claims that if I lost a fight with you that I would have to leave Michigan, well this is the real world and not a kung fu movie.You know in your heart that I never ran out of the back door as you claim. You know that my SAt. class ends at 12noon. You came to the kwoon around 3:00pm according to the JKD teacher there. Anyone can verify that fact with him. I wouldn't care who it was, I'd NEVER run away from someone coming to my school. I really have no clue as to your obsession with harassing me. You say you troll internet forums that I post on for 10 years, like some kind of obsessed stalker. First of all I haven't been posting on forums for 10 years, secondly you, or someone pretending to be you, posted this challenge, on a forum I avoid for the simple fact that it is well known as the tabloid trash of internet forums. I found the link to it posted by someone else on another site. You said let's make it a bare knuckle challenge of skill, no one else involved, yet you go on and on about your 'hood' connections and insinuate they are your backup. I have never slandered the silent warrior association or your sifu. The only thing I have ever asked is who he is and what is the lineage as I have never heard of him. I even asked some Leunge Sheung people here on this forum if they've ever heard of Woo Fai Ching. Anyone who wants to make their own conclusions about your association can check out your tape and decide for themselves. They don't need my opinions.
You say that you NEVER said anything before about me or this. Come on Cedric. When I first met you we hung out and had a good time, I was happy to know someone else in MI doing WC. I thought everything was cool. Then two days later one of your students comes up to me and tells me all this trash you were talking about me. I couldn't believe it, had no idea why, still don't, and I really don't care anymore. Also, what about you calling two places where I rented space and talking stuff about me to the owners. Like when you told the owners of one school that you had an order of protection (which was a lie) against me, or when you told the owners of another school that you were filing a suit for $2 million dollars against me for slander (another lie). Another thing, I have copies of where you have posted stuff through a student on another forum........in fact you specifically ask him to speak for you instead of using your own name and saying your own business. I checked into the phone # you provided and it belonged to a woman and not you, so I never bothered to call it. You know I have tried to talk to you in person.......remember St. Andrew's? I walked right up to you and said 'what's up' and you walked inside and didn't come back out. The WHOLE security crew at St. Andrews are witnesses to that fact. You had been trying to recruit them so when they saw me outside of the club they were expecting to see some action. This can also be verified by anyone that wants to talk to security at St. Andrews. And what about the time you took off in that car and left me standing on the street where I was trying to talk to you (wasn't that where you allegedly say you had to go out and get an order of protection from the police about me?) I was just trying to talk to you man and you get all freaked like that? I found that incident really strange, you at least 6'4" and well over 200 lb felt the need to file an order of protection against me a 5'6" 160 lb man. When you told the owners of my last school what you did, it seemed so weird I checked into it and you were lying. there was never an order of protection filed against me. You did it to cause trouble where I was teaching. I wasn't surprised, although it would have been funny standing next to each other in front of a judge while you plead your case of needing protection from me.
You always make these challenges and then when we do bump into each other in public, out and about in Detroit, you have nothing to say to my face.
I don't even think about you Cedric until about once a year when you get like this over no reason. Not really sure what your issues are with me but all I can say is you really need to get over it and move on. You have talked trash about me for a long time. Why don't I do something about it? Because I don't need to, period. I have nothing to prove to you or your students. People (internationally) who know me know what I am about it is their choice if they think I have something to offer them or not or if I have any skills. I don't need to make a name for myself by accepting your challenge. Now you have a website with a page devoted to me. Why?
I have been doing WC for 34 + years (maybe before you were even born), I have people from all over the world that know me and respect me for my abilities. I have trained with and hung out with some of the best, across all lineages, and to this day you (the one person no one outside of MI seems to know) are the ONLY person in all my travels that feels the need to challenge me or has issues with me and my abilities.
I am an adult Cedric. My feathers are not easily ruffled, and these childish, insecure challenges of yours just don't affect me in the least.
We both know the truth Cedric, you feel you have the need to prove something and I don't feel that need. It ends there for me. You obviously have some insecurity issues. The fact that you can't seem to move on and enjoy the success you like to brag so much about makes me feel sorry for you. Life is too short to live it angrily.
YongChun is right. We should all act like adults and try to get along.

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-10-2004, 12:56 PM
this can not be the Redmond that I know. your tune has changed alot. what's the matter saw the light, or what. I tried to be down with you , and shook your hand twice. but you go on the internet and dog me each time after that. run **** run. see **** run. it won't happen again.

08-10-2004, 12:59 PM
cool third grade all over again


some one is getting took for there milk money

good lord !

Phil Redmond
08-10-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
cool third grade all over again
some one is getting took for there milk money
good lord !
I hear you.....:) I'm done with it.

08-10-2004, 02:58 PM
Sometimes I think the best thing for the world would be if we get invaded by Aliens. Then more people would get along and get rid of their differences or at least see them in a larger perspective as not being that important in one's life.

If someone harms you or your family then that's hard to forget. That's why many Chinese still hate the Japanese. But the younger generation maybe because they are selfish and only think about themselves have forgotten all about the old days with the result that Japanese guys have Chinese girlfriends and Chinese guys have Japanese girlfriends.

If we all said what we really thought of everyone that we met then there would be a lot more violence in the world. But we learn it's best just to be polite and ignore the things we don't like unless those things directly harm us.

But that's a problem too because a young guy could take someone's glance at his girlfriend as something that harms him and so he has to shoot the guy who did that.

That's why the bible just has black and white rules like don't kill people and that's it. No excuses. But then the churches still killed in the name of religion and claim that very nasty things will happen to sinners.

The Alien thing wouldn't work either I guess because some would try to make deals with the Aliens for their personal benefit (If they are human type of aliens). But if the Aliens are anything like those things in the "Alien" series of movies then there would be no deals to be made with those creatures. Maybe when our sciences get more advanced we can make some of those things out of bugs as a way to solve mankind's problems.

08-10-2004, 03:25 PM
Comments on Ray's post in brackets:

Sometimes I think the best thing for the world would be if we get invaded by Aliens.

((Dunno. An alien talking. ))

Then more people would get along and get rid of their differences or at least see them in a larger perspective as not being that important in one's life.

((Fear of aliens- has reared its ugly head in politics many times.
And also in entertainment--- War of the Worlds and Mars Attacks- ))

If someone harms you or your family then that's hard to forget. That's why many Chinese still hate the Japanese. But the younger generation maybe because they are selfish and only think about themselves have forgotten all about the old days with the result that Japanese guys have Chinese girlfriends and Chinese guys have Japanese girlfriends.

((Not quite forgotten. Check the recent disturbances when the visiting Japanese team beat China in the Asian championships))

But that's a problem too because a young guy could take someone's glance at his girlfriend as something that harms him and so he has to shoot the guy who did that.

((Without a girlfriend involved -the wrong kind of eye contact-
in some quarters can bring heap big trouble- almost did whena
biker pulled up next to me at a stop light- a couple of years ago.
Ray- Vancouver and Toronto are more civil places than parts of some cities way south of you))

That's why the bible just has black and white rules like don't kill people and that's it. No excuses.

((Really? A lay theologian was once "explaining" to me- not very well- that the Bible really prohibits murder not all killing- a legal distinction))

Maybe when our sciences get more advanced we can make some of those things out of bugs as a way to solve mankind's problems.

((The misuse of science and techonology by tyrants and aggressors and persons who thought that "their" God was on their side- is part of the slaughterhouse of history))


08-10-2004, 04:08 PM
So basically there is little hope, not even from the aliens. Except for maybe a few folks who are crazy and masochistic enough to embrace civility (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0312302509/qid=1092179027/sr=8-2/ref=pd_ka_2/104-1081947-1867109?v=glance&s=books&n=507846).

As the saying goes, there's a lot of pain and sadness in the world.

- Kathy Jo

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-10-2004, 04:55 PM
Hello Joy,
How are you? You sound as if you are a brother in the faith. You also seem to understand that sometimes you can only be pushed so far. I have known of your talent for many years and recognized you as one of the most skilled instructors in the US. I would enjoy meeting with you and Fong if possible when I travel your way. Keep up the good work! :)

08-10-2004, 08:12 PM
That open letter to Phil Redmond makes you sound like you have an IQ of about 25, and you've been watching too many bad movies.

Why would anyone want to train with you and get involved in what sounds like a squabble between two denizens of a sheltered workshop?

If you say you adhere to a faith, does that faith encourage you to portray yourself as a moron?

Take it down, restore some credibility.

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-10-2004, 09:32 PM
I don’t care about my credibility; even you can’t take that away from me. Not here in Detroit, and yes my faith always has promoted my actions. It’s called Jihad.
You push me. And I’ll push harder. :p

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-10-2004, 09:43 PM
And to answer your question, who would train with me. Try over a 160 members strong, and growing. It’s a “D” Thang baby. You’re not from the Detroit so you’ll never understand. Life is a whole lot different in the outback. When I’m in the outback. Maybe I’ll try to act like you. Sorry brother I’m in Detroit so I’ll be, how I’m gone be. So just chill out and just enjoy yourself for me.
didn't try to make it sound that, but you get the picture.
Ali Hamad Rahim. :cool:

08-10-2004, 10:39 PM
You push me. And I’ll push harder.


Your Sifu should have taught you that this was poor Wing Chun strategy.

Life is a whole lot different in the outback.

I'm not from there, and how would you know?

Few people from the outback put up web pages that make them out to be immature fools with chips on their shoulders. I guess that's a "D" thang, cuz?

08-10-2004, 10:51 PM

Sounds like your school is doing well. If so, enjoy your success and hard work in that area and move on. I've never met Phil or the other TWC folks here on the forum, but from their general behavior here, they all come across as honorable in their actions and their words.

I have no idea what ill feelings you may have towards Phil other than what you've spent time to post on your website. That seems like such a waste of time and negative attitude.

As a student within the Leung Sheung lineage, I would much rather see MORE information about your sifu and si-gung. There is precious little out there about Leung Sheung. And given that your teacher also trained with Ip Man, it would be great to see MORE on both men at that early time in their life and at that time in Macao and Hong Kong.

The days of lineage wars should be long over--as should the smack talking about other lineages within the Ip Man system.

I realize that sometimes the marketing approach or competition for students can trigger negative behavior, but as Sifus, one should be above that kind of behavior. There are enough students for everyone, and not everyone is going to favor one approach over another. The days of limited information about Wing Chun Kuen are over--the jockeying for position should be over as well.

The bottom line is producing skilled capable students--people with good skills and great attitudes. After all that is what Wnig Chun is about at it's core, not lineage, not seniority, but having good "hands".

These days there are plenty of forums for really testiing skills in MMA events literally around the world. Rather than fightiing among our Wing Chun brothers, we should all be focusing on imiproving our fighting skills and demonstrating what Wing Chun CAN and IS.

Enough fighting within the family already. That is easy. The challenge is earning the respect OUTSIDE the family.

Bitter feelings about Phil or other WCK guys won't give your students more skill or Mo Duk--nor does it reflect well on our teachers and our system.

Walk on, and move forward.

Peace and regards,

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-10-2004, 10:54 PM
Hey anerlich
Don't try to get your thong all wet over me. you need to take that somewhere else. No need to fight with me, I’m not your Enemy.
Now I didn't say nothing about your sifu. so chill out big boy.
Ali Hamad Rahim :mad:

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-10-2004, 10:59 PM
I will move forward The new Magazine will be there in 10 weeks.I respect you a lot David, and all of you guys are right. But I’ll never let anyone run me down again. Just give it time, it will go away. “Anger” Believe me David I’m not this way. Until someone push me in to a corner. I’m sorry should not say push some of us may not understand but you get the picture.
Ali Hamad Rahim

08-10-2004, 11:13 PM
Don't try to get your thong all wet over me.

Since you are apparently interested in the outback, I should point out that "thongs" here are not the type of underwear that you know and apparently love, but rubber footwear with a "thong" that goes between the big and second toes. Some of you may call them "flip-flops" or similar.

I wasn't insulting your Sifu. Nor was I getting wet feet, which I presume is what you are talking about?

By all means move forward, but I strongly suggest you do it without that web page.

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-10-2004, 11:18 PM
Try getting your own web page and move on yourself.

08-11-2004, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by Ali Hamad Rahim
I will move forward The new Magazine will be there in 10 weeks.I respect you a lot David, and all of you guys are right. But I’ll never let anyone run me down again. Just give it time, it will go away. “Anger” Believe me David I’m not this way. Until someone push me in to a corner. I’m sorry should not say push some of us may not understand but you get the picture.
Ali Hamad Rahim

I sincerely hope that your next attempt at a 'magazine' shows more effort in finding out the truth of your contributors stories. Not to mention the note on the front of it being #1 with an association........that is your association....good to know you are #1 with yourself.....good marketing scam.
As a publisher/editor/creator it is your responsibility to be sure that you are not just taking someones 'word for it', but rather finding out if your 'reporters' are telling truthful stories. As well it is important to not slander people publicly with fiction and not facts as you very well might find you and your business facing a hefty lawsuit.
When you don't adhere to proper journalism conduct you really become no better than the supermarket tabloids talking of sightings of elvis having children with aliens.

For example:

Nelson's contribution to your magazine. He discusses his previous experience with more than one teacher and has negative things to say about all. Interestingly enough you, as the editor, have decided to put those NEGATIVE comments in bold large block letters inserted to 'catch someone's eye'. Yet your letter talks about how wrong it was for someone to trash talk other lineages. Nelson's contribution to your magazine diminishes your argument.

In another example, lets use that contribution from Nelson again, it talks about how he left TWC, and Sifu Redmond's school, when he was 'pummelled like never before' by you and saw the true 'wing chun light'.
Ok this was interesting for a couple of reasons.

One, wasn't it you that accused a TWC sifu (under Redmond) of beating up a student and how you would NEVER do that because you have honor? Well apparently you forgot what you did to Nelson and have now shared with us on YOUR website. Must have been impressive for a "Master" with 24 years experience (you) PUMMELLING a student with 4 years sporadic training (Nelson). You da man of WC for sure.

Two, I have emails, from Nelson, dated LONG after Sifu Redmond kicked him out and even longer after your so called pummelling of him and showing him the 'best of the best in WC'. In those emails, and I might add phone calls I personally received from Nelson, Nelson requested (begged) to be let back into Sifu Redmond's school, and then when he realized that Sifu Redmond would not let him come back (because of the type of character he was did not emmulate what Sifu Redmond envisioned as being a positive addition to his school), after this Nelson sent emails regarding keeping his TWC world membership so that he could go to another TWC school, and then asked to barter for some of GM Cheungs seminar videotapes, and then he asked if he could come take the SIFU test with GM Cheung (have the copy of the letter he sent to GM Cheung and GM Cheung's response) at his seminar later in the year.
Didn't Nelson say he was a Sifu and went on and on about it in the article. He wasn't and I have the proof. He did not attain instructor level with Sifu Redmond, he assisted him in class with brand new beginners (such things as stance and fist formation), when Sifu Redmond turned his attention to the senior students, that was it. Sifu Redmond has an assistant instructor, who is at provisional master level, and that has always been his assistant Sifu.
Funny thing is, after he says in the article that he could see what TWC was lacking after being pummelled BY YOU, that he was still desperately trying and get back into TWC.

The point is, you say you have issues regarding Sifu Redmond because you say he trash talks other lineages and lies. Well your site has a lot of trash talking going around, GM Cheung (have you ever even touched hands with him and how has he personally hurt you?), Ambrose, Redmond, Fong lineage, etc.
The fact is you are the one doing all the trash talking, and you are also the one perpetuating all the lies. It is shameful really, and the responses on this thread from a variety of people/lineages should clue you in to that fact.

Also, just a little advice, you might want to get a new webmaster, your sentences don't complete on your pages, most of the site is out of alignment, the page headings are still in basic format, the site is not easy to navigate, and some of your links don't work. Oh and can't you find a better picture to represent yourself with? Good God man you look like a crazed crack addict instead of a respectable business man. If you want to be taken seriously you need to look the part. First impressions are everything.

Move on Cedrick or Ali or whatever you are calling yourself. Enjoy your WC and your success that you like to brag so much about, stop brooding like a spoiled child who didn't get what he wanted.

Sandman2[Wing Chun]
08-11-2004, 09:27 AM
Please keep all personal disputes off of the forums.