View Full Version : Wu Wei

08-12-2004, 09:15 AM
Does anyone know what this style is? Any info would be appriciated.

08-15-2004, 03:02 PM
Let's see if this works this time...

I was trying to post a reply to this thread from work and it wouldn't keep me logged in.

I don't know if there is any form of martial art called "Wu Wei" however I am familliar with the concept.

Wu Wei means non-action or passivity. It is a Taoist concept. Laotse writes about Wu Wei in the Dedaojing (Tao Te Ching) saying (roughly) "through Wu Wei, nothing is done but everything is accomplished".

Considering the Taoist meaning of Wu Wei, I would imagine that any martial art that took the phrase for it's title would be very simmilar to Aikido (or mabey Taiji).

08-15-2004, 04:07 PM
Wu Wei:

Non interference.

Do nothing against the laws/path/Dao of nature.

In other words, do everything according to the laws of nature.

In essence, study and learn the laws of nature and follow the Dao.

Lao Tzu writings had political implications. China was going thru endless wars and loss of lives over 500 years. Only to be ended by Qin.

It started with a weak Zhou emperor. Little kings fought among themself to expand their lands, power and wealth. Then ministers fought among themself and divided the kingdoms. Then the families fought among themself to dominate the fractioned lands.

During this darkest period of Chinese history, there arose the greatest minds or philosophers.

Wu Wei;

The wise ruler would do nothing to interfere the livelihood of civilians.

Not too much tax. Not too many wars. So that the common people have the time to work, study and contribute to the economy. They take good care of themself. The country is stronger and wealthier this way.

Always taxing and conscripting people for labors and soldiering. Actually bankcrupt the country. Fewer people to produce food etc.

Wu Wei;

On a science level, from the cosmic stars to the subparticle of an atom, they all follow the rules of nature. Since we are also part of the universe, we too have to follow the Dao of nature.

So do not change the weather!

Do not genetically alter a human or clone a human.


Otherwise, the rippling ill effects may occur.

Do not make a fish to breathe and walk on land.

Do not make a bird to dive under the ocean.

Do not make a super human by giving steroids or in any other way.



08-15-2004, 05:56 PM
Very good segue into an anti-drugs speech. :D

I also am strongly opposed to the idea of "performance enhancing substances" but in my case it is for two other reasons than those.

1: I am increasingly frustrated with the lack of patience in the modern world. Something good is worth waiting for. Taking shortcuts takes away from that and in turn detracts from the value of the final result. So, I like pottery thrown from hand - even if it is slightly rougher than machine produced pottery, I like swords forged traditionally rather than machine stamped immitations. I like the idea of athletics through long, arduous training, not Human Growth Hormone or Steroids.

2: More of an expansion on 1, I believe there is virtue in hard work. "Performance enhancers" are created to prevent people from having to do hard work, the drug does the work for you. There is less value in being an athlete if it is all because you took this pill or that injection. Since I believe that part of the purpose of Athletics is the cultivation of virtue, things that undermine this undermine the sport as a whole.

I would rather lose on the virtue of my own training than win on the virtue of a steroid or injected hormone.