View Full Version : Boxing suxors!

08-15-2004, 08:45 PM
I was watching (Oz reference) Roy & H.G.'s The Dream last night. They had a couple of Olympic moments including visuals from a boxing match (http://www.olympics.com.au/default.asp?pg=home&spg=rta2004&articleid=4032) with an Aussie in it. The Aussie guy knocked down the German twice on TV for standing counts (3 times in the article) including one sweet shot that went right through the middle of the German's wide open guard and popped him right in the middle of the nose. The German threw the Aussie to the canvas after clinching at one stage and lost an automatic point. At the end the ref was holding their hands waiting for the decision and you could see the Aussie knew he had it in the bag, but the German won on points. Wtf?! The Aussie wasn't knocked down at all. He was pretty upset. If I watched a fight where one guy was knocked down twice, I would be willing to bet pretty heavily that he would lose.

08-15-2004, 09:24 PM
Yeah, sometimes that happens. When I fought in the Vermont Golden Gloves tourney back in '88 I was totally in control of my opponent the whole time. I was way ahead on points the first two rounds. In round three my opponent was so exhausted he couldn't even defend himself, so, idiot that I am, I coast the whole round, making him miss but not going for the knockdown.

The fight ends and the other guy gets the decision 'cause he was pressing the attack (albeit unsuccessfully, but...). The whole crowd booed the decision though. Afterwards, in the changing rooms, I saw the other guy on his knees puking in a bucket. At least I couldn't say he didn't have heart.

Either way though, it's WAAAY better than point-sparring tourneys!

08-15-2004, 09:26 PM
I didn't see the fight, but it sounds kinda sad. I guess the German managed to score more points. From what I understand, a knock down doesn't count for any extra points in Olympic boxing. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

Did you see the Australian 60kg men's judo competitor get completely outclassed?

08-15-2004, 09:34 PM
The implication was biased judging. It was an Aussie TV show so we're obviously taking the Aussie's side. But the crowd weren't impressed either. I wasn't aware you don't get points for knockdowns. That explains it a bit more for me, but still, e.g. the nose shot I described should've had him earning good points.

Bit like Danny Green's "headbutt" :rolleyes: fight. We don't seem to have good matches with Germans :(.

joedoe, yeah, I saw the judo fight. Poor guy, but IIRC he was sort of a fill-in up against one of the best in the world. Didn't stop the Brit losing in the next round, though ;).

Best "ouch" footage I saw was a weightlifter in the clean and jerk. He hoisted it successfully above his head. All looked good until *snap* his wrist broke. He almost dropped the bar on his head. Well, he sort of did, but not a square shot. It deflected off. Anyway, he wasn't a happy camper. The slow-mo was pretty stomach-churning. You could clearly see the wrist go.

08-15-2004, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Toby
The implication was biased judging. It was an Aussie TV show so we're obviously taking the Aussie's side. But the crowd weren't impressed either. I wasn't aware you don't get points for knockdowns. That explains it a bit more for me, but still, e.g. the nose shot I described should've had him earning good points.

Bit like Danny Green's "headbutt" :rolleyes: fight. We don't seem to have good matches with Germans :(.

joedoe, yeah, I saw the judo fight. Poor guy, but IIRC he was sort of a fill-in up against one of the best in the world. Didn't stop the Brit losing in the next round, though ;).

Best "ouch" footage I saw was a weightlifter in the clean and jerk. He hoisted it successfully above his head. All looked good until *snap* his wrist broke. He almost dropped the bar on his head. Well, he sort of did, but not a square shot. It deflected off. Anyway, he wasn't a happy camper. The slow-mo was pretty stomach-churning. You could clearly see the wrist go.

From what I was told, you get the point for the clean hit, but knocking the guy down doesn't get you any extra points. Maybe that was it?

Yeah, the Aussie judoka was a last minute stand in, so good on him for even making the team. Still, it must be humiliating to be manhandled like that.

Weightlifting injury sounds like a nasty one. Poor bugger.

08-15-2004, 10:01 PM
Man, more people get the worst injuries from supposedly "nonviolent" sports! Everyone used to think I was crazy when I was doing San Da ("Full contact Kung Fu? You must be crazy! Someone's gonna get killed!") but with 4/5 years of boxing and 3/4 of San Da, my worst injuries were the occasional bloody nose and one time I got some bruised ribs (oh, and jammed toes, ouch!).

Meanwhile, my "sane" friends were getting BROKEN noses in basketball, broken legs skiing, dislocated knees playing volleyball, and torn ACLs playing frisbee (of all things!).

08-15-2004, 10:10 PM
I hear ya. I played 3 years of rugby and have trained in kung fu for 17 years. In that time I have had one broken nose and bruised ribs. I played 6 weeks of a social soccer competition and tore the ligaments in my ankle. So much for a low contact sport.

08-15-2004, 10:17 PM
Just to butt in... where are you guys getting to see the Judo and stuff? I haven't managed to see any yet. You got cable?

I saw the boxing you're talking about. You get the point for the clean hit but no extra for the knockdown. And the other guy lost two points for the throw, if I remember correctly.

08-15-2004, 10:21 PM
Yup. But no ESPN and Fox Sports has no Olympics. It's all from Channel 7 for me. Over the weekend I just left it on all the time and read the paper/books/exercised for the boring stuff. You have to sit through hours of crap to get one or two good bits though. The judo was a "highlight" of the Aussie 60kg guy getting nailed. Lasted about a minute. After that no more was shown of other weight divisions or other countries, so it's not like you're missing anything. :p

08-15-2004, 10:27 PM
Bah. This is ridiculous. Instead of being able to see the Judo, boxing, archery, TKD, wrestling, fencing or shooting (these being the MA-related events) they show... synchronised diving and every single boat race on Lake Skinnyarse.

Channel 7 sucks.

I saw the weightlifting damage.. ow. Geez, he looked annoyed.

08-15-2004, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Toby
Yup. But no ESPN and Fox Sports has no Olympics. It's all from Channel 7 for me. Over the weekend I just left it on all the time and read the paper/books/exercised for the boring stuff. You have to sit through hours of crap to get one or two good bits though. The judo was a "highlight" of the Aussie 60kg guy getting nailed. Lasted about a minute. After that no more was shown of other weight divisions or other countries, so it's not like you're missing anything. :p

As usual, 7's coverage is abysmal. SBS has some pretty good coverage - they actually cover events that Australia is not competing in.

08-15-2004, 10:31 PM
Yeah, SBS is better... at least they're going to be showing the boxing and some other stuff.

And at least they know *when* they'll be showing stuff. Ch 7 just says, "Oh, sometime between 6 and 10 we'll show you some shooting...

08-15-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Goldenmane
... synchronised diving ...I've gotta say, I saw the highlights of winning Chinese divers. They were pretty god**** good! ;)

Originally posted by Goldenmane
Channel 7 sucks.Agreed.

Thanks joedoe. I'll check out the SBS coverage. I've had almost as much as I can take of Bruce McAvaney. On a par with Eddie McGuire! :D

08-15-2004, 10:38 PM
I've gotta say, I saw the highlights of winning Chinese divers. They were pretty god**** good!

True. And I did enjoy watching it... but I'd still prefer to watch people beating the crud out of each other. :D

08-15-2004, 10:42 PM
Currently you get 1 point for clean head shots (white part of glove on the fac or fully on the front side of the head) Then your supposed to also get 1 point for clean shots on the arms, chest, and body, but the judges arent scoring these, and havent for awhile. No points for knockdowns. 3 knockdowns in a round and you lose, 4 in a bout and your out. If you manage a 20 point lead at anytime then you win immediatly. Four 2 minute rounds.


08-15-2004, 10:44 PM
Remember Olympic Boxers are amateurs and rarely fight under the same rules or conditions as pro fighters.


08-15-2004, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by yenhoi
3 knockdowns in a round and you lose, 4 in a bout and your out.So he came 1 short in one round, and 1 short overall (according to the article) :mad:. I'd be ****ed off if I was him.

08-15-2004, 11:01 PM
Ive only seen 1 Olympic fight the last few days where one guy got knocked down twice one round the kinda pushed over in the third round. He lost and was losing the whole time. Some kazitikstan vs mexico or something.


David Jamieson
08-16-2004, 05:36 AM
The title of this post should be changed to:

"Olympic boxing suxors"

Just so we can be clear that real boxing does not suxors and Roy Jones Jr. is da man.

thank you.

08-16-2004, 07:27 PM
Uh, yeah. You're right KL. Oh well. Anyway, IMO Danny Green (http://www.dannygreen.com.au/) is the man, only because he's from my home town and one tough mutha.

08-16-2004, 07:38 PM
Me and a couple of my Buddies have a wager going. Theres like 5 of us betting on who will have the most medals. My money is on China.

The boxing I saw was ****e! If I wanted to watch point sparring I'd go to a TKD tournament. I want to see people getting KTFO.

Mr Punch
08-16-2004, 08:10 PM
Yeah, should be interesting...

but whatever the sport it's down to TMA vs MMA I'm afraid...! :D :eek:

China: traditional training techniques, ie bootcamp for a year with no holiday;

US: a brand new bag of modern training facilities, medicinal and recuperative facilities and steroids;

Russia: traditional big ****ers;

UK: traditional moaning about how we did so well in the past Olympics!!!

Incidentally I seem to remember the UK coverage being quite good, and here we can watch everything! I've really enjoyed the judo, despite everybody moaning about watered down rules and stuff. Haven't caught any of the boxing.

David Jamieson
08-17-2004, 06:54 AM
Of all the olympic boxing I've seen in my life, very few, and I mean very very few matches even approach the skills of the lowliest of pros.

It's kind of weird. There used to be a lot of good boxing in the O.

remember Lennox Lewis? He went pro later and retired undefeated recently. Guy fought for canada at one time before returning to the UK.

Ray Pina
08-17-2004, 08:31 AM
Olympic boxing is all about Cuba .... viva la revolucion.

08-17-2004, 08:39 AM
The Cuban boxers are by far the best this year. Notice they are still working the body and clinch despite the rules and the poor judging (not scoring body shots.)

America, Uganda, and Taziskistan(sp?) come next. The Euro boxers are just straight terrible. Talk about point fighters.


08-17-2004, 08:40 AM
The Cubans are also constantly winning in the 2nd and 3rd rounds by mercy points. (20 pt lead)


Pork Chop
08-17-2004, 02:48 PM
Rid**** Bowe, Klitschko (Wlad I think), and Lennox Lewis were all major Olympic boxers.

Lennox Lewis was not undefeated. He lost to Hasim Rahman from Baltimore and I believe Oliver McCall- but won in revenge bouts against both: Rahman via brutal KO and McCall via mental breakdown (one of the weirdest moments in boxing history). He was a good champion when he wanted to be though.