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08-21-2004, 04:32 PM
Hey, how's everybody that trains on these grippers doing? I've been making slow progress on the #3 and am about half an inch away when the gripper is braced in the opposite hand. WIthout bracing I am about one inch or more away.

08-21-2004, 04:44 PM
So, um, you've been gripping your COC alot lately have you? :D Sorry. You know that if I hadn't said it, someone else would've. :p

08-22-2004, 12:54 PM
Actually I only use the things about once to twice a week. My kung fu training has improved my strength in this aspect quite a lot. I only train them to slowly build progress to closing the number 3. As far as grip training and overall martial art training, there is more important things I could be doing, especially considering time constraints.:)

08-22-2004, 01:23 PM
^ lol cuz he totally missed the joke :D

08-22-2004, 02:52 PM
No, I got the joke, mind you it wasn't very funny and it's not like it hasen't been done a thousand times, but I replied because nobody seemed to be responding. You've trained on them, haven't you, Ironfist?

08-22-2004, 04:36 PM
On your COCs? I certainly hope not.

08-22-2004, 08:37 PM
I'm closing the 2 every time on my right (1st rep of each set). I come close on the 2nd rep too. I'm about 1-2mm away on the left. I probably would be called a cheat by Ironmind though, because I have to align it with the other hand as I start because the grippers are so wide. Otherwise I just can't get my hand in the right position. I think Ironmind's rules say you can't use the other hand to align it.

With the #1 I do e.g. 18, 16, 16 yesterday on each hand. 20, 18, 16 on Friday. As many as I can close per set. I reckon 3 times a week (like I do) is too much. Especially following Friday night (which is the only day I do the #2) with Sunday lunch/afternoon. I also do wrist rollers to start the workout, 3x33lb rolling up and down towards and away. I also finish up with some heavy hammer stuff.

08-22-2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by WinterPalm
No, I got the joke, mind you it wasn't very funny

omg, yes it was. I have a very immature sense of humor.

I also thought this was funny:

Originally posted by Vash
On your COCs? I certainly hope not.

:D :D :D

08-22-2004, 11:38 PM
Yes, I have trained on them. I have a T and a 1. I can close both of them once or twice. I never really got too hardcore into it, tho. But I would usually use them 2-4 times a week for only a couple reps per hand.

08-23-2004, 11:25 AM
Toby, you can align the gripper with the other hand but before you make your attempt to close the gripper for certification you must slip a credit card between the bottom of the handles. They want a set of a credit card width. I recommend trying these instead of doing reps with the 3. It's cool to see someone making progress with these things. You might become the first one on this forum to get certified, if that is what you are into.

08-23-2004, 03:52 PM
You can't set it with your other hand? wtf? That's like saying you can't look at the bar to set up for a deadlift.

I have pretty small hands for a guy so I can't do it if I don't get it set with my other hand first. Actually, I have one at my desk right here. Let me try.


PS. A credit card doesn't fit between my handles.

08-23-2004, 07:07 PM

I think Ivanko Super Gripper is superior than COC device. Here is the site that will explain why: www.ivanko.com/products/html_stuff/gripper_info.html . I hope this helps. Using Invanko SuperGripper and applying Power to the People principles seems to have benefited me alot.


08-23-2004, 07:23 PM
WinterPalm, I totally ****ed up my first post. Dunno why but I said I was closing the 3 and doing sets on the 1. That was crap - I close the 2 and do sets on the 1. I don't even own a 3 yet :(. Freudian slip, confused by your post, who knows. Anyway, edited for correctness.

Re the credit card bit - I do negatives on the 2 if I can't close it (e.g. 2nd, 3rd and 4th reps usually). If you close it with both hands and let go with the assisting hand, you can quite easily hold it closed. So I guess you'd have to send a video to Ironmind that shows you're not doing that. Otherwise I reckon I could hold a credit card with a double close, let go and take a photo and send that in.

Foo, I realise you're an Ivanko advocate, but marketing direct from Ivanko's site is hardly gunna be unbiased. Whether or not Ivanko are superior seems to be irrelevant - COC seems to be more of a world standard. Bit like Windows vs any other OS or qwerty vs dvorak.

08-24-2004, 01:19 PM
IronFist, you are fitting the width, not the length, that is, the shorter of the two. It's about two and a half inches, I think.

08-24-2004, 04:43 PM
My credit card fits sideways with room to spare.

08-25-2004, 12:15 PM
Ironfist, now all you have to do is set the gripper as deep as you want to get all your fingers on, if you have small hands such as myself, and then open it enough to get teh credit card in, just the ends of the handles, remember, and then close it. This is incrdibly hard for small handed people because of the fact that for all the practice on the #2 like this, the #3 is still close to half an inch wider in handle space, meaning it is harder to hold onto while you fumble with the credit card.