View Full Version : Wing Chun and Qi Gong

08-22-2004, 02:07 AM
Can anyone talk about the Qi Gong aspect of Wing Chun. An old fellow student of mine is very interested in this in order to get maximum health benefit from the Siu Lum Tao form. I think both William Cheung and Leung Ting delve into these things.

08-22-2004, 04:34 AM
Within the Hung Fa Yi system there is a set of Jaam Jong exercises that are used for Qi cultivation. They entail cultivating the Qi at three levels of focus, and then its release through Ging motions. I'm not too familiar with the specifics of the set though.

Within Siu Nim Tau there is also a method of playing the form, in particular the 1st section, in which we focus on Qi cultvation, using the 2nd and 3rd sections for Ging release. Again, I don' know the exact specifics though.

Third Degree
08-22-2004, 07:57 AM
Wing Chun as a by-product of the way it trains it's first form (if you do it slowly), does give you some qigong benefits - relaxation and deeper breathing.

When you do Yee Chi Kim Yeung Ma, the bottom half of your body is put under quite a lot strain and so you become stronger - Yang. If the bottom half of your body is Yang then following Taoist philosophy it allows the upper half of your body to become more relaxed - Yin.

By letting your upper body relax, it gives your internal organs room to "move" and let qi circulate around the body and clear any blockages etc.

That is my interpretation of it.

I've heard that Yip Chun is able to to detect the "colour" of your internal organs through chi sau which is the same sort of thing qigong people can do when they touch the sky-eye.

Nick Forrer
08-22-2004, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by Third Degree
I've heard that Yip Chun is able to to detect the "colour" of your internal organs through chi sau

:D :D :D

Third Degree
08-22-2004, 08:35 AM
When I say "colour", I couldn't find the correct word to describe it!! Still can't. If a person is very aggressive during chi sau and uses too much energy then in TCM the spleen and the liver are connected to anger. This is what I meant from "colour".

If a person who appears weak and unsure during chi sau, then there might be problems in the kidneys and lungs.

08-22-2004, 09:29 AM
James Cama Sifu teaches Fut Sao Wing Chun Hei/Nei Gung http://www.futsaoyongchunkuen.com/NEIANDHEIKUNG.htm

08-22-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Third Degree
When I say "colour", I couldn't find the correct word to describe it!! Still can't. If a person is very aggressive during chi sau and uses too much energy then in TCM the spleen and the liver are connected to anger. This is what I meant from "colour".

If a person who appears weak and unsure during chi sau, then there might be problems in the kidneys and lungs.

I think this is more commonly known as too much Yang Chi, or what is known as the male category of energy.

A problem many of us westerners suffer from I'm told.

Like Da Moose described, Hei Gong training is an important part in HFY. Dan Tin Hei Gong is taught for rooting/woodening of our stances and in proper development of Ging energy. For advanced students and disciples, it is essential to our iron palm training.

BTW... here's a link that might be of interest...


08-22-2004, 05:34 PM
What is a Qi Gong?
What is the definition?
What is it trains?
What is it capable of?
What is the process?
What is........

Is standing there as in Chaam Jong by default give one Qi Gong?
IS only that section 1 of SLT train Qi Gong?
IS seeing Colour of the internal organts Qi Gong?

IS Qi Gong a Magic?
Is Qi Gong is he says she says?
Is Qi Gong all talks no results but story telling?
Is it measurable?

Who knows what is Qi Gong?
Who knows the process?
Who attain it?

08-22-2004, 05:41 PM
When you do Yee Chi Kim Yeung Ma, the bottom half of your body is put under quite a lot strain and so you become stronger - Yang. If the bottom half of your body is Yang then following Taoist philosophy it allows the upper half of your body to become more relaxed - Yin. --------

Great theory but does it make sense? will this help others or lead others into problem?

Wont strain the bottom half or the body create blockage of the medirians? If so, is it Yang or is it a blockage? IS it a training for make better or is it a damaging act?

By letting your upper body relax, it gives your internal organs room to "move" and let qi circulate around the body and clear any blockages etc.

That is my interpretation of it. ---------

Such as in the lab. one report the measured data.

If it is measurement data. one sees what one gets.
if it is calculation or estimation or interpretation. Then it is not a data at all. That is a big problem when uses this type of "data" to start build others outcome prediction on top of it.

08-22-2004, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Third Degree
When I say "colour", I couldn't find the correct word to describe it!! Still can't. If a person is very aggressive during chi sau and uses too much energy then in TCM the spleen and the liver are connected to anger. This is what I meant from "colour".

If a person who appears weak and unsure during chi sau, then there might be problems in the kidneys and lungs.

Is the main principle of practicing Chi Sau is seeing others colour?

Anger is aggresive, depression is weak and unsure and confuse
Anger related to Liver Qi. Depression is also related to Liver Qi Stagnation.

So, perhaps, seeing Colour doesnt tell it all and need the third and forht SKY EYESSSS to see more clearly?

Wait a minute, What is the main goals of practicing Chi Sau? developing third eye, forth SKY eyess.......?

Anything of these Eyes has to do with Qi Gong?

08-22-2004, 05:54 PM
Cooking Sand can never become rice.
Hope some one who really know about rice share with us.

cooking sand expecting to get rice is just a waste of life.

Life is precious so dont waste.

08-22-2004, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by YongChun
Can anyone talk about the Qi Gong aspect of Wing Chun. An old fellow student of mine is very interested in this in order to get maximum health benefit from the Siu Lum Tao form. .

You cant learn those stuffs in WEb or books or Video.
Sound harsh? Sorry , but, that is reality.

You need a teacher who is experting in Qi Gong and TCM to give personal instruction based on the individual teach it. Cant do it McQiGong fast food or " I have it too" one stop shorping supermarket way.

08-22-2004, 06:46 PM
I believe that all TCMA have Chi-Kung engrained in there respective systems. Since WC is primarily a fighting system a practitioner would probably not be focused on internal chi manipulation at the outset of training. This is something I think that a longer term practitioner would think about, and since I have practiced WC for a long term I think about this too. In the SLT there are chi-kung exercises, mostly to allow one to use the chi when fighting. We stress a strong forward intention in our SLT, especially in the first section. I like to tell students to imagine holding up a wall with your tan/fok sau, with the weight of that wall bearing down your centerline, and as you get better over the years the wall becomes heavier. In the beginning this is purely physical, but after a time of practice this becomes more than just a physical thing, but a way of controlling the chi to be in your movements at all times, to aide you in using the techniques in combat. The tongue should be on the upper palate to let the chi circulate and the breathing should be down in the dan tien and can be normal breathing or reverse breathing.

Chi-sao also helps with the manipulation of chi, and manipulating other's chi as well by learning how to feel the intention of another's force and using it for your benefit.


08-22-2004, 10:13 PM
I've heard that Yip Chun is able to to detect the "colour" of your internal organs through chi sau

I've heard a lot of things about a lot of people.

William Cheung's WC has some basic qigong drills. Some I know he got from practitioners of other styles. They are pretty basic. But TWC is a system of combat and defense, and lays no claim to being "internal". The number of drills and the spread of areas a so-called MA system attempts to address do not necessarily correlate to its fitness for a particular purpose.

I studied Xingyi, BaGua and Taiji for a fairly long time with one of the first Chinese-certified gwailo acupuncturists in Australia, and I can state with great confidence that other KF styles are light years ahead as regards the sophistication of the qigong they incorporate, when compared to WC (every lineage I've seen or read about).

Only a problem if you regard qigong as integral, or important, to the MA you practice.

Also one would be careful to ensure that learning a "sophisticated" qigong is overall a better use of their time for their purposes than learning a "basic" one.

Other systems such as yoga, ROSS/Zdorovye, gynastica natural, etc. have systems of breathing and related body work of equal sophistication IMO. Rickson does yoga and gynastica natural every day.

You want to learn qigong? Find a good qigong teacher, not a WC teacher. Would you go to an engineer to learn how to cook?

08-22-2004, 10:20 PM
Rickson who???

08-22-2004, 10:36 PM

Rick Son Hoo, the new HK movie star. Practitioner of the ORIGINAL pre-shaolin style of Wing Chun, practiced by only a few families in Mongolia - until now!

If the question was honest, google is your friend and would no doubt bring up


08-24-2004, 02:42 PM
My sifu is a Qigong master. Even that being stated I still know next to nothing. Qigong can be practiced by itself as a seperate training, using postures and qigong exercises. Dr. Yang Jing Ming has several good books on it.

In WC there is qigong found in the SLT, in the first section. My sifu tells me its very powerful qigong if done properly, more powerful than taiji he says. However, its only found in the SLT pretty much. I would be weary of what anyone else tells you about qigong and wing chun. Not saying other ideas are wrong, just research what others tell you.

Relaxation is key. So many people think they understand relaxation and think they are relaxed and infact are actually very tense. I for one, know I cannot completely relax at my current state. I can put my body in a complete relaxed state but still feel tension in my upper back and shoulder blades from doing years and years of counter-productive activities that build up tension. I played sports and did karate which unfortunately is counter-productive to wing chun training. I am not saying those are bad things they just build tension in different areas of the body where the whole body should be in a relaxed state. I meet people all the time that think they are relaxed but I can almost always find tension somewhere on them. Don't let this bother you if you feel tension though. It takes lots of time and practice to undo what you have done to your body all those years before. I am still working out tension in my body and I have greatly improved over time. Eventually with enough of the proper training I can hopefully learn to totally relax.

08-24-2004, 02:54 PM
I played sports and did karate which unfortunately is counter-productive to wing chun training. I am not saying those are bad things they just build tension in different areas of the body where the whole body should be in a relaxed state. I meet people all the time that think they are relaxed but I can almost always find tension somewhere on them. Don't let this bother you if you feel tension though. It takes lots of time and practice to undo what you have done to your body all those years before. I am still working out tension in my body and I have greatly improved over time. Eventually with enough of the proper training I can learn to totally relax.

Bro no disrespect, but the sports didn't create tension that's all up to the individual, any one really good at any sport is relaxed and fluid, almost mindless just flows
Any activity which can cultivate that mind body state is good, if the individual has ego issues and forces things well that's another story, but to say using your mind and body in a co operative state as in sports is bad for wing chun is a bit '' blanket '' and a little silly

If *you* became tight from the way you played, then the problem is from the root not the exercise

[Eventually with enough of the proper training I can learn to totally relax.]

When your getting bum rushed some one is head butting you and kicking you in the nuts, try and be totally relaxed =(
But then after you get knocked out, you will achieve what you are looking for =)

I get a little edgy when I see wing Chun treated like tai chi

Kills the spirit

If you seek tai chi then do tai chi, if you seek the ability to function combatively then do wing Chun
The line might cross a bit here and there but they are very separate things

don't mind me i'm cleaning the house and it always puts me a A-hole mood :D

08-24-2004, 03:04 PM
I am not treating it like taiji in any way. Relaxation is key to lots of things. I see your point on practicing the sport wrong to build tension, but at the same time the sport is taught that way. I was taught to throw a baseball a certain way and told it was the right way to throw it just like everyone else. Why do professional pitchers always have shoulder and elbow problems? Because pitching is really not that good for your body. Almost every professional picther has had at least one if not many reconstructive surgories to help fix what they have damaged. Their pitching coaches are the ones who are telling them to pitch this way. They are the experts, and they tell them do execute their pitches this way. Maybe they don't really care about the individual in sports and its more or less of the mindset of, "Can this make the team win?" I have no idea, but never the less it is taught that way.

When your getting bum rushed some one is head butting you and kicking you in the nuts, try and be totally relaxed =(
But then after you get knocked out, you will achieve what you are looking for =)

Tensing up and fighting back with force will also get you knocked out so I fail to see your point in this Ernie. When you are talking about fighting, usually the better fighter wins, not necessarily the person who is better at wing chun. There are some people I train with that are better at the art than I am, but I could probably over come them in a real situation because of physical attributes and experience, not because of my wing chun.

Being relaxed is an attribute that you can utilize. If my point was unclear earlier then it should now be cleared up.

08-24-2004, 03:13 PM
Ernie, usually I agree with a lot of what you have said in the past. However this:

If you seek tai chi then do tai chi, if you seek the ability to function combatively then do wing Chun
The line might cross a bit here and there but they are very separate things

Lets not have that narrow of an outlook here. You can use taiji for combativeness as well. Infact taiji theory and principle is more applicable than wing chun because its more broad. However, one art is not better than the other.

Its all about your personal goals. Wing Chun can lead down the path of a good fighter, but it doesn't always lead down that path for everyone. Same goes with every other art. TKD can lead down the path of being a good fighter. Skeptical as you can be sometimes Ernie try and have an open mind at least and if you disagree with me at least give the benefit of the doubt.

Your goal is obviously being a good fighter, some other peoples goals may not be that way. I train for combat but not for fighting if that makes sense. I don't train for tournament or ring fighting, I train combat in my art. So, I am probably not that good of a fighter in the ring. I haven't competed in years so I don't even know where to try and gauge myself. I do practice every day though and I keep up with my wing chun and other arts.

Not a personal attack just wanted to explicate this...

08-24-2004, 03:20 PM
[[ Tensing up and fighting back with force will also get you knocked out so I fail to see your point in this Ernie.]]

soft with hard inside , i think is the term ,

relaxed yet a coiled spring [ intent ] is another

totally relaxed sounds like a zombie with spit drooling from his mouth :)

sports people are competitive thus go beyond that whick the body can handle , the individual over does it not the exersice
plus baseball isn't much of a sport , ha ha

watch a basket ball player quick smooth relaxed

everything done with ease

[[There are some people I train with that are better at the art than I am, but I could probably over come them in a real situation because of physical attributes and experience, ]]

the perhaps they need to stop screwing around with being a gummy bear and work on there attributes --- sorry couldn't help myself

[[[Being relaxed is an attribute that you can utilize. If my point was unclear earlier then it should now be cleared up.]]

no worries man ,

i was training a private at the park and had some tai chi people that were doing what ever it is they do , come by and ask what i was up to , i was working with gloves and mitts . and there lead dude popped off on how that wasa incorrect way to train and how it was bad for the body .

so i asked him if he wanted to prove his point and move around with me . since he wanted to be all jonny dangerous with his group watching ,

he claimed he could absorb what ever i tossed his way

he was wrong

as soon as i inflicted some pain all that big silly talk about soft and absorb turned into reality and getting up off the floor with some new grass stains on his pretty white suit

so this stuff is fresh on my mind , sorry if i came off strong

edit in ---
dude were cool just read you second post , i wouldn't put my path on anyone as long as you are happy

08-24-2004, 03:35 PM
Ernie is correct. TCMA do not have an inside track on efficient movement or transmission of power. Great athletes in many disciplines operate with flow and (appropriate) relaxation. There are many disciplines unrelated to TCMA and WC that have similar goals to qigong.

08-24-2004, 03:42 PM
i was training a private at the park and had some tai chi people that were doing what ever it is they do , come by and ask what i was up to , i was working with gloves and mitts . and there lead dude popped off on how that wasa incorrect way to train and how it was bad for the body .

so i asked him if he wanted to prove his point and move around with me . since he wanted to be all jonny dangerous with his group watching ,

he claimed he could absorb what ever i tossed his way

he was wrong

as soon as i inflicted some pain all that big silly talk about soft and absorb turned into reality and getting up off the floor with some new grass stains on his pretty white suit

Hehehe just like wing chun, there are also good and bad taiji practitioners. Usually the bad out weight the good unfortunately.

I look at physics when I mention relaxation. I don't mean like a noodle, there will be dynamic tensions here and there but they have to be the right place, like the elbow. These are also referred to as intent sometimes. This is also fresh on my mind because I just came back from a seminar and got to touch hands with a lot of people this last weekend, and almost all of them were really tense. There were some that were pretty relaxed, but a lof of people I cam across were tense. One guy tried to bully me around in chi sao because he had about 70 lbs on me and about a foot of height. He was obviously stronger than me and he did hit me in the face once, but it was my fault. So his strength did help him, but in the long run I had control of him the whole time. He was a weight lifter too, pretty fit but extremely tense.

Ooops side tracked a bit

Physics formual = Mass x Speed = Power.

You have more mass when you are relaxed. Train speed and execution of striking while relaxed. Your strikes will be more powerful. This is not martial arts I am talking about, its science and math.


You can punch at mass X (we will say the number four for arguments sake) at 10feet/second.

You learn to relax and your mass is double 8 instead of 4, and you train your attributes of speed and execution so you can now throw a punch at 15feet/second.

Imagine how much more effective your punching would be.

You learn

08-24-2004, 03:58 PM
Man I love to work of big bodybuilder types and my favorite are ex football players, that’s a fun ride =)
But since I’m in shape I love even more shutting up people that tell me how I shouldn’t work out, and yet I can be more relaxed, sensitive and rooted then they are, I get a kick out of up rooting and tossing people that talk about how great they are at that, tends to be a lot of tai chi types, I have seen very good tai chi people, at my old gym this lady I know her as sissy she was the head of some tai chi federation and had been in a lot of Chinese kung fu movies, she brought dudes from china and even a monk once that was suppose to be the bomb .
They are all very good if you let them demo there stuff, but when you put them in a combative element they don’t hold up, in my limited experience, my training partner is big into tai chi and he travailed around the states training with ‘’ masters’’ for almost 7 years, and Hawkins is very good at tai chi so I have had some good exposure, just haven’t been impressed looks cool and would be fun when I’m like 100 =) better then golf he he he

My partner has been trying to get me into it for a while, he says I have a lot of tai chi in my body, I just laugh at him =) but who knows maybe one day.

As for the whole math thing, so I tap out when equations come in =)

As Anerlich pointed out I have seen all those mechanics in athletes and other forms of training the body and mind nothing new or owned by any particular group.

08-24-2004, 04:13 PM

I agree with you on this one. I do calestenics but will pretty much not lift weights. Working out can cause tension, but only if you work out that way. I have known people that say they won't work out because they don't want to build tension. I think thats an excuse to not work out.

I am not in the best tip top shape right now but I do work out every day. I do like 150 push ups and like 300 crunches and some stance and leg training. Thats my daily. Sometimes I will work out harder but it all depends on how I feel. I don't ever push myself to the point of injury.

However that guy I mentioned earlier was a lot stronger and bigger than me, it was hard to deal with. So I definately understand that strength is an important attribute, but it shouldn't be used in chi sao the way that guy used it against me. He told me he was a weight lifter and I could feel the tension from his arms all the way down his back when I chi sao'd him. He did hit me in the face a few times (he was really agressive) but most of it was my fault. I was trying to control him the wrong way and paid for my mistakes. But no biggie live and learn, you should've seen the first time I sparred a jiu jitsu guy lol I got my a$$ kicked.

Relaxation is key to being good at martial arts IMHO, and it seems you already understand that. Back to the original post its also important for qigong.

The SLT has powerful qigong in it. Try doing the 1st part of the SLT very slow (like at least 10 min) while being relaxed and breathing properly. You will feel a difference.

08-24-2004, 04:18 PM
In WC there is qigong found in the SLT, in the first section. My sifu tells me its very powerful qigong if done properly, more powerful than taiji he says. However, its only found in the SLT pretty much. I would be weary of what anyone else tells you about qigong and wing chun. Not saying other ideas are wrong, just research what others tell you. ---------

1, it is not true at all that qi gong is found in the first section only.

2, it is not true that it is very powerful qigong if done properly, more powerful than taiji.

Relaxation is key.------

It only tell a small part of the story. Doze off is Relax. Does one interested in Dozzing off while doing SLT? Does one want to get into sleepy mind state such as Delta?

So many people think they understand relaxation and think they are relaxed and infact are actually very tense. -----

Just spend $15 dollars. Buy an electronics Thermal meter with external sensor from radio shack. tape it to your palm side middle finger and see when you relax if it get up to above 92 degree F. then do the same with your toes. yes, toes. find out in a objective way do you know how to relax?

if you cant get it up, go train. what is the big deal?

I for one, know I cannot completely relax at my current state. I can put my body in a complete relaxed state but still feel tension in my upper back and shoulder blades from doing years and years of counter-productive activities that build up tension. -------

If you believe in your thought that you cannot completely relax at your current state. Who can help you? Didnt you asked for not completely relax in directly?

08-24-2004, 04:33 PM
1, it is not true at all that qi gong is found in the first section only.

2, it is not true that it is very powerful qigong if done properly, more powerful than taiji.

From what I have been told you are not correct. There are some qi gong aspects in other wc forms but the most beneficial is SLT.

It only tell a small part of the story. Doze off is Relax. Does one interested in Dozzing off while doing SLT? Does one want to get into sleepy mind state such as Delta?

Who ever said anything about sleeping? Although sleep is one of the best forms of qi gong you can do.

Just spend $15 dollars. Buy an electronics Thermal meter with external sensor from radio shack. tape it to your palm side middle finger and see when you relax if it get up to above 92 degree F. then do the same with your toes. yes, toes. find out in a objective way do you know how to relax?

Hmm I'm sure I understand where you are getting at. Here is a better excercise to practice. Hold your arms straight out from your shoulders in a straight but relaxed stance. Hold them out for 15 minutes. If you can completely relax your body this should be no problem. If you arms, shoulders, back, and chest start to feel strained or tense then you have tension somewhere causing this. If you can relax then holding your arms up should be no problem.

if you cant get it up, go train. what is the big deal?


well for the one the ladies may not like you :)

If you believe in your thought that you cannot completely relax at your current state. Who can help you? Didnt you asked for not completely relax in directly?

This I agree with you. You must have the mindset and intent to reach your goals. However, mind over matter only can go so far it also has its limits. Hard work is what ends up being the most benefical for you.

Also, what do you think about this kind of stuff hendrik?

08-24-2004, 05:54 PM
You learn to relax and your mass is double 8 instead of 4

So if I relax totally my mass will increase infinitely? So I become a black hole and vanish into my tan tien? Is THAT how ninjas disappear?

Sorry, had to get that out of the way.

Relaxation can't increase mass. Relaxation of the antagonists could increase velocity, which could by your formula (which might not be mathematically correct, though I can't remember) increase power.

Mass will only increase measurably at velocity of a large fraction of the speed of light, impossible in the context we are discussing as neural signals in the body (from what I remember of biology) do not even approach the speed of sound.

I like scientific discussions, but they have to be *scientific*.

08-24-2004, 05:57 PM
Does one interested in Dozzing off while doing SLT? Does one want to get into sleepy mind state such as Delta?

Actually it would be pretty cool if you could train in your sleep :p

08-24-2004, 06:02 PM
Relaxation and tension are yin and yang. You can't have maximal relaxation without experiencing maximal tension.

Without some tension, you are just a bag of guts and bones.

The means of relaxation generally espoused by health professionals is to systematically tense and relax every part of the body.

Training methods such as PNF stretching rely on the contrast between tension and relaxation.

Want to get REALLY relaxed for training? Tense up first, especially the hands and face. Then exhale, and let it go. Shake, vibrate.

Tension is not the enemy.

08-24-2004, 06:06 PM
Also, what do you think about this kind of stuff hendrik?

As someone who waxes scientific in the threads above, what do *you* think?

Personally, I'd save my money unless you really like the look. I prefer these types of neck and wrist jewellery:


08-24-2004, 07:14 PM
I have read scientific studies that say certain material can affect you when sun is direct through them onto your body. However, I am not a scientist so I didn't fully understand the article. I did get the jest of it though.

Your mass would not increase indefinately. Look at it this way. When you are completely relaxed (like passed out) you are dead weight and a lot heavier. When you are out and about and fully awak you are easier to lift and carry because of muscle tensions.

I need to google search some physics formulas because its been a while since I have done physics. I will have to look that equation back up, I could have it wrong.

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-24-2004, 08:01 PM
Chi Kung is so very real and easy to develop in the Sil Lim Tao form. Remember when it was first invented (Chi Kung) it was used for all kinds of reason, martial arts was just one of them. Let’s started with the word Nei Dan, which means internal or the body, developing the softness, and the word Wai Dan, which means external or the limbs developing force or hardness. Some of you old school guys may have herd or read something like this in your wing chun studies. The saying is: Jaw of glass, belly of cotton, and arms of iron. In the Woo Fai Ching system we develop both categories of chi kung (Wai Dan and Nei Dan). When Nei Dan is develop correctly it moves from the body and to the limbs. Hence which helps developing Wai Dan which works with our wing chun structure, and which give us four or five times the strength above our normal kung fu ability. In the Woo Fai Ching system we believe that you are only as good as your stances. If you do not understand the concept of sinking your chi while developing Yee Jee Kim Yang Mah. You will never understand or develop theses categories of Chi Kung.

Ali Hamad Rahim

detroitwingchun.com (http://detroitwingchun.com)

08-24-2004, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Gangsterfist

Also, what do you think about this kind of stuff hendrik?

Are you trying to impress your great looking si-mui will all these stuffs and Chan and mysterious power? :D

Beware your sifu throw you out of his dojo.

08-24-2004, 09:39 PM
"Your mass would not increase indefinately."

I WAS joking.

" Look at it this way. When you are completely relaxed (like passed out) you are dead weight and a lot heavier. When you are out and about and fully awak you are easier to lift and carry because of muscle tensions."

You become more difficult to move (you feel "heavier") when relaxed, for the same reasons it's more difficult to pick up a sandbag than a barbell of equivalent MASS, but your MASS does NOT change.

But even then, following that logic to the limit, you end up refuting your own hypothesis. A tense forearm and fist would be easier to move than a relaxed one, would it not, allowing you to hit faster, and therefore with more power but less "weight"? Or perhaps you would hit "heavier" (not more massive), but slower with a relaxed arm, so that the additional "weight" is cancelled out by the reduced speed? Sounds like you win (or lose) either way!

"I have read scientific studies that say certain material can affect you when sun is direct through them onto your body."

Well, if you get a magnifying glass and focus the sun through it onto your body, yes, it will affect you (OUCH!). Link me to the study, prove me wrong. There was little of scientific validity on that web page to bolster its claims. Does colour therapy still work if you are colour blind (assuming it does at all)? How could you tell?

Be careful your opponent doesn't use that necklace to choke you. OTOH, you could take it off and whip or choke HIM with it.

08-25-2004, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by Gangsterfist
I have read scientific studies that say certain material can affect you when sun is direct through them onto your body. However, I am not a scientist so I didn't fully understand the article. I did get the jest of it though.

:D :D :D

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-25-2004, 05:14 AM
were is stveve o post.

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-25-2004, 05:15 AM
oh, ok sorry about that.


Ali Hamad Rahim
08-26-2004, 01:43 PM
1. (Yi) The mind or the general, which is calmness.
2. (Chi) The energy or the soldiers, which is the cultivation.
3. (Shen) The spirit or true will. Which keeps the yi strong
as well as the chi.
4. (Jing) Muscles energized with chi. or the battlefield. Our wing
chun structure.

You must develop three spiritual roots: Will, Patience and

Ali Hamad Rahim
detroitwingchun.com (http://detroitwingchun.com)

Ali Hamad Rahim
08-29-2004, 07:14 AM
First of all the bbs are put in a plastic liner inside the bags, just as the sand and the peas are second you train only in the morning and early evenings, twice a day tops. With only four sets of drills, each time. Iron palm Develops, chi to the hands, timing and heavy hand power. it was used for all kinds of reasons.

You must develop three spiritual roots: Will, Patience and
Endurance. some never develop these spiritual roots, hence
cutting thier limitations short.

Ali Hamad Rahim.

detroitwingchun.com (http://detroitwingchun.com)

Ali Hamad Rahim
09-02-2004, 12:21 PM
My Sifu; Grandmaster Woo Fai Ching is hosting a chi kung demo: @ W.S.U. in Detroit. Within three weeks. Usually about this time each year, we go to many different collages and high schools, not as many as before, because of his age. But as long as he is willing, I am ready. For more info: write to, theredboat@comcast.net

Ali Hamad Rahim.

detroitwingchun.com (http://detroitwingchun.com)