View Full Version : Batman Begins

08-24-2004, 07:03 AM

08-24-2004, 09:28 AM

08-24-2004, 09:33 AM
for all the batman fans, I know u guys are out there.

08-24-2004, 10:53 AM
he fights the scrarecrow i hear in this one. and its planned to go back to the original of darkness like the first 2 batmans.

08-24-2004, 02:17 PM
It looks promising but I'm not gonna get all excited about it, incase they blow it.

08-24-2004, 02:57 PM

The Count
08-24-2004, 06:12 PM
Im not too fond of the guy who is playing Bruce Wayne in this one.

08-24-2004, 08:21 PM
people laugh at me, but i liked the last one against mr freeze, poison ivy, and bane. batman 3 was my least favorite, followed by 2.

batman, batman 4, batman 2, batman 3, is how i like em.

this guy is a weird choice for bruce wayne i think.

Nick Forrer
08-25-2004, 01:36 AM
The director is Christopher Nolan (of Memento and Insomnia fame) so If past form is anything to go by it should be good.....

08-25-2004, 03:26 PM
Hmmmmm . . . (http://superherohype.com/nextraimages/bbsetaug242.jpg)

08-25-2004, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Design Sifu
Hmmmmm . . . (http://superherohype.com/nextraimages/bbsetaug242.jpg)

also hear that immortal asian guy is gonna be in it. jsut google it, they have things on it. :D

08-26-2004, 03:02 AM
oh man.. I'll pretend I didn't see that

Mr Punch
08-31-2004, 09:07 AM
They'll blow it. It won't be dark enough. The first two weren't either IMO.

Blade/II were close to the kind of darkness I would want.

Nolan is a great choice but he'll be overrun by the producers/studio for blockbuster rating concessions to whatever time of year it'll be released!!!


Otherwise, nice idea.

edit: Oh yeah, except Christian Bale sucks ass. He can't act, and if you say he can watch that thing with the Gun Kata in it (don't remember the title: saw it in Japan).

08-31-2004, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Mat
edit: Oh yeah, except Christian Bale sucks ass. He can't act, and if you say he can watch that thing with the Gun Kata in it (don't remember the title: saw it in Japan).


i liked that movie :D

Mr Punch
08-31-2004, 06:54 PM
Hmm, the most obvious wank of 1984 combined with the delirium of Brazil but the tongue had slipped out of its cheek... actually so did I, but in spite of Bale, not because of him. The computer desk I'm typing on has a larger range of expression.

Wood Dragon
06-01-2005, 01:07 PM
June 17th.


Anyone else anticipating some decent fisticuffs and pseudo-mystic Martial Arts training?

Looks to be good.

Wood Dragon

Judge Pen
06-01-2005, 02:56 PM
June 17th.


Anyone else anticipating some decent fisticuffs and pseudo-mystic Martial Arts training?

Looks to be good.

Wood Dragon

You know, my favortie part of most movies involves the training sequences. I don't know why, they also fascinated me even moreso than the big brawls at the end. It does look to be good enough to erase the stain that Joel Schumacher left on the Batman universe.

06-01-2005, 03:24 PM
A while back while at a local convention (I get in for free) I stumbled accross a "suprise" Q&A with Christan Bale. His take on The BATMAN was very promising. Afterwards we saw a 10 minute preview of the film which ROCKED.

As I understand, the BATMAN costume won't even appear until somewhere in the second act. Bale talked a bit about the training involved for the fight sequences discribing the process he learned and how that "fighting style" was something pulled together by the Stunt Guy who trained with some military people in Israel as well as some Brazilian Jujitsu which wasn't really used in the movie.

He went further to express how his biggest honor in being BATMAN was the opportunity to DRIVE THE BATMOBILE!!!

He also said that the mask was extremly painful to wear and would give him extreme headaches after about 20 minutes. Rather than let the costume people remove it durring breaks he instead used that discomfort to fuel his performance. He shared a glimpse of that "intensity" while discribing the situation and he sold it.

I guess that he'll deliver the most "legit" performance of BATMAN based more on the graphic novels & comics he's read rather than trying to emulate any other actors' attempts.

He's also signed on for 3 films which look to retell the origins of two-face as well as the JOKER. it could ROCK.

06-01-2005, 05:11 PM
If he fux this move up, I will find him and pull a Bane on his sorry ass.

If he makes this movie not-suck, then I will begrudgingly say "cool."

If they fux up Two-Face/Harvey Dent into a Tommy Lee Jones clone-thing, I will find all involved and sue them. Or beat them with tire irons.

If they fux up Joker - make him kill Batman's parents, make him actually have a real name, I will kill their goldfish.

06-01-2005, 06:00 PM
ive read that this is the best one of them yet. and its like a 4 star type film.

06-01-2005, 06:18 PM
The script is good.

Wood Dragon
06-01-2005, 06:57 PM
Can't wait to see if (in the sequals) they bring in any of the Knights of the Bat. Azrael, Batgirl(II), Huntress or Spoiler. Robin (I or III) is a given. Catwoman would be cool, but I think H***e B***y ruined the character for a while....

06-01-2005, 06:59 PM
I'd like to see if they could pull of a believable Bane. It shouldn't be hard to find or build a physical specimen, but he needs a certain kind of actor.

06-01-2005, 09:49 PM
i thought it was june 15th?

06-02-2005, 03:49 AM
I dunno. I'm glad a serious Batman movie is finally being made. But I'm not sure about the whole 'training on poles to become a ninja' is what I expected from a Batman movie. I expected a Sin City-like feeling with a dark, violent story taking place in the allys and rooftops of Gotham. Something like that. But I'm not saying anything til I see it and compared to the last ones it looks great.
I hope for sequels, I also hope they bring in the new Batgirl (the crazy assassin one). That would make a great movie. :cool:

Wood Dragon
06-02-2005, 07:50 AM
The whole "Martial Arts Cult"-aspect is a big part of the Batman background story. It's part of his whole quest to aquire the ultimate detective skills he undertakes prior to returning to Gotham, and becoming Batman. Most of the Batman characters have a Martial Arts aspect to them, to the extent of having Lady Shiva (DC Universe's ultimate MA killer girl) having deathmatches with Batman, Black Canary, Robin(III), and Batgirl.
Batman even had to help Green Arrow(II) fight off the Monkey Cult.

06-02-2005, 09:56 AM
From what I understand, they plan to keep this series very much with-in a "YEAR ONE" context.

Doubtful there would even be a robin (perhaps in the 3rd film) but if anyone's read the DARK VICTORY graphic noval then there's a solid origin sory tied in with two face.

Seems like there will be some LONG HALLOWEEN influences, what with the Falcon crime family also involved.

I've heard mention offeaturing Arkam Asylum prominantly in the 3rd film as well. Not sure if this will part of a joker origin or more along the lines of Joker (already established) taking over the asylum.

Elisha Cuthbert (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0193846/) has been very vocal about her desire to play the newest catwoman.

personally I'm hoping they keep the "BATMAN family" to a minimum, it deminishes the premis of the original character.

06-02-2005, 10:15 AM
I hope they at some point get old school and have batman rip apart a clan of ninja's. That would totally own.

Did any of you see that movie Equalibriam? Hopefully Batman wont be doing any Gun Kata.

06-02-2005, 10:26 AM
Saw it... the puppy that saved him is a clone of my dog... that's exactly what she looked like as a pup.

see . . . (http://tathata.org/~patricky/petra/DogPix/PetraSmile.jpg)

that aside... I enjoyed it, but doubt gunkata will be found anywhere else.

06-02-2005, 11:35 AM
I . . . doubt gunkata will be found anywhere else.

Liar (http://www.gunkatta.com/styles.htm)

I feel dirty.

06-02-2005, 12:20 PM
you should write an article... :eek:

Judge Pen
06-02-2005, 01:56 PM
Liar (http://www.gunkatta.com/styles.htm)

I feel dirty.

:eek: It makes perfect sense to deflect a gun blast with the very hand you are holding a gun yourself!!!

06-02-2005, 06:11 PM
:eek: It makes perfect sense to deflect a gun blast with the very hand you are holding a gun yourself!!!

man that gun kata video was G@y with a capital G.

06-02-2005, 07:08 PM
I hope next time they use live rounds.

I'm looking forward to this movie and I'm hoping it removes the memory of the latest batch of Batman movies. Batman is one of the best charaters to explore. He's almost as nuts as the Joker.

Anybody catch the directors cut DVD of Daredevil? I hated it in the theater but on the DVD they put the movie back the way it was intented and it was really good. It showed how messed up Matt Murdock was.

06-02-2005, 08:24 PM
Batman is one of the best charaters to explore. He's almost as nuts as the Joker.

Indeed. I like how he defines his obsession, it being a decision as opposed to compulsion. I can pull the wuote direct, but I'll have to dig out the O'Neil novel of the Fall.

Anybody catch the directors cut DVD of Daredevil? I hated it in the theater but on the DVD they put the movie back the way it was intented and it was really good. It showed how messed up Matt Murdock was.

I never found it. Where it be?

06-03-2005, 05:28 PM
man that gun kata video was G@y with a capital G.

Morons! The world is full of morons!

06-15-2005, 09:55 AM
Saw it last night... PACKED midnight show. We ere there an hour early and the most of the good seat were already taken. There were ALOT of trailers and most of them sucked. Getting back to the actual film WHAT FUN!!!

Was forced to lay out this article (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=602) on the movie, before I saw it, which caused me to fixate on the coffee mug on the ice. Sigh . . .

BALE is the most believable Bruce Wayne ever. The schizm between 3 Bruces was great to watch: the angry lost Bruce, the Public Billionaire Bruce and the Bruce becoming BATMAN where all delivered very effectively. This wasn't quite the dark brooding "machine" that's become popular in the comics; He's still young, ambitious and learning as he goes along. A couple of times I wondered if a voice over narration might have eased some of the exposition that took place.

Really, just about all of the characters had a great genuineness to them. Even the Lois Lane type "Racheal" fit well in a pre-Harvey Dent Gotham City. And what a great city it was; a nice blend of real world setting with DC™ "super hero" comic city. I do however wish Gordon had just a bit more to do. Detective Flass could have been used better.

Alfred was excellent.

Discovering the Batcave had a solid shamanic edge.

Heck the movie was much more psycadelic than I would've thought. Sure, there was a very effective Scarecrow (cinematography was a bit too jumpy at times) throwing some great images around. Also, the movie played the Urban legend aspect of The Batman very effectively; surprisingly so.

There where a few odd choiced here & there, including a sort of "You killed my parents" moment that didn't work in the first film and had only slightly better effect here. However there where some moments of true (IMO) greatness. The film's pacing moved the stoy along quickly, loading BATMAN's origin story with pleanty of nuance. Thomas Wayne played a significant role in moving a Young Bruce wayne beyond the desire for vengance.

For the comics geek the switch form Zorro to Faust in young Bruce's formative was a very interesting choice. Nice parrallel to the training he'd recieve later.

The Batmobile was great fun but it struck me a just a bit HUMMER-ish. I suppose all uber-rich movers and shakers need their SUV's. It was interesting to me how the batmobile played the role of a sort of counterpoint to his Father's choice of transportation in the city.

06-15-2005, 01:23 PM
i got out of work early today to catch the 1:30 showing. it was great. i love how in the end they set it up for a sequal ;) :)

its like a totally new series. to call this one the 5th one is wrong. this is like the 1st one of the new batman series. which i think it did very well. i liked how they didnt play with some of the famous villians. i liked the scrare crow and raz al ghul as the villains.

Chief Fox
06-17-2005, 07:21 AM
Just saw it last night. I thought it was an awesome movie. The story was good. The way they told the story was good. The casting was excellent. I really like Morgan Freeman and Michale Cane and thought they both did an awesome job. The girl who played Rachel was hot. The guy who played batman was really good too. Raz Au Gal (Liam Neilson) was awesome.

My only complaint is the way they shot the fight scenes. It was really choppy so you couldn't really tell what was going on. This wasn't so bad though.

I'd give it 4 and 1/2 bats out of 5.

06-17-2005, 11:35 AM
Saw it last night and this is my impression.

:rolleyes: Alrighty then,

Batman Begins is a "good" movie. I was impressed by the quality of the dramatic aspects of the film. It can be enjoyed by genre fans and regular folk. I was impressed by the drama and liked the acting of the players on the screen. Everything clicked for me expect for Katie Holmes (maybe because of Tom and all that), Mr. Bale's Batman voice and one or two action sequences. Katie was...okay but seemed...just okay. I liked CB's performance as Bruce and even as Batman in certain scenes but there were one or two times that he tries to keep his voice low and menacing that seemed forced or shall we say, not in key? When he is yelling and upset as Batman it is better but when he is just conversing it seems a little odd. Maybe because he is trying to augment his voice from his natural English accent and then hoping to sound menacing at the same time. This is his only flaw in his portray of the Dark Knight IMO.

Stand-outs are Mr. Caine and Mr. Freeman. Excellent casting for Ducard also. Even Oldman and Rutger H. did a standard good job. Liam Ducard and Bruce Bale had good chemistry in their scenes. C. Murphy is just flat out creepy, nice to have a creepy guy for a creepy role. Wished Ken had more screen time but at least he got his face pressed so he can stay in the public eye. Plot was okay and effects were decent. I guess the thing about the film was that it seemed like an action/drama and not like a genre (superhero) film so much to me. Is that good or bad? I guess good because you get to "really know" the guy underneath the suit. This makes the connection to his plight stronger and have you care about what happens next. I heard about complainants that the action sequences where not too great. True, they could have been staged better. I think the limited action during Bruce's training was better than some of the action of him as Batman. It's because the Batman action is so stealthy that you can't see all what's going on. I know some of it was done this way to give the perspective of that he is everywhere and no where and I don't mine that. It's once he is locked in battle with the elite thugs that the camera needed to pull back and give a better perspective of the throw down in the dark. And finally, the Batmobil. On the money in my opinion. Loved it and the Batcave was cool too.

They wanted to be very down to earth and realistic with this film and I believe that they achieved that. I just hope they get the fight sequences tighter on the next one. CB is a good physical actor. Don't lose it but use it (exploit it visually were I can see it) when he is in the suit. :)

06-19-2005, 12:00 AM
When they reported he isn't on any road he's flying across the rooftops that and when Fox ask Earle if he got the memo those made the movie worth the price of admission. Rutger Hauer was perfect for the role of Earle and in general the casting was excellent the only person missing was Christopher Walken. Excellent movie definitely worth paying for more than once.

07-24-2007, 08:46 PM
The pic I saw of the Joker was:
http://www.cinemablend.com/images/news/5224/_1179708837.jpg. So far this series looks pretty good. Be interesting to see how that new Batpod comes into play.

07-25-2007, 03:37 PM
The pic I saw of the Joker was:
http://www.cinemablend.com/images/news/5224/_1179708837.jpg. So far this series looks pretty good. Be interesting to see how that new Batpod comes into play.

Thank god!!!!!!

Wood Dragon
08-05-2007, 10:38 PM
Thank god!!!!!!



11-08-2007, 02:42 PM
Hk is too dirty for Batman....

Batman Can't Fight Hong Kong's Dirty Water (http://www.forbes.com/markets/2007/11/05/hongkong-pollution-batman-markets-econ-cx_vk_1105markets02.html)
Vivian Wai-yin Kwok, 11.05.07, 10:08 AM ET

Batman has shown himself to be brave enough to combat Penguin, Catwoman, the Joker, Mr. Freeze and all his other enemies. But, faced with Hong Kong's tainted Victoria Harbor, he chose instead to flee from danger.

In The Dark Knight, the latest Batman movie, being shot in Hong Kong this week, the masked idol was initially supposed to jump from a plane into the waters of Hong Kong's iconic Victoria Harbor. Yet the scene was axed after producers discovered that conditions in the channel are potentially hazardous to Batman even when wearing his seamless bat outfit. The news pointed up the Hong Kong government’s failure to tackle the city's worsening pollution problems, which have been strongly criticized by international companies and foreign expatriates for years.

Citing two anonymous sources, Hong Kong's South China Morning Post reported that Warner Brothers decided it could not let cast members risk their health by swimming in Victoria Harbor.

"There was supposed to be another scene where Batman jumps out of the back of a Hercules C130 [a four-engine turboprop aircraft] into Victoria Harbour.

The plan was for Batman to be seen jumping into the water and then climbing up some bamboo, or something similar, onto a pier," the South China Morning Post quoted an unnamed official with the production house as saying. "But when they checked a water sample, they found all sorts of things, salmonella and tuberculosis, so it was cancelled. Now the action will cut to inside a building."

The movie is a sequel to the 2005 blockbuster Batman Begins and stars Christian Bale as Batman, Heath Ledger as the Joker and Michael Caine as the butler Alfred. Christopher Nolan, the Academy Award-nominated director, will once more direct the film.

October Pictures, the Hong Kong production company managing the shoot, refused comment on the report.

Swimming in Victoria Harbor is not recommended to any one, not even Batman, as it has long been polluted by horrendous amounts of industrial runoff and residential sewage, WWF's conservation director Andy Cornish told the South China Morning Post.

Despite the unhealthy conditions, Hong Kong's Environmental Protection Department stressed that the government has completed the first stage of its Harbour Area Treatment Scheme for sewage. Ironically, Hong Kong government officials had earlier expressed concern over the possibility that noise pollution and traffic jams might affect the city during the nine-day location shoot of the Batman movie.

As Hong Kong's government has continually failed to solve the city's pollution problems, particularly its deteriorating air quality, the iconic Hong Kong image of Chinese junks has been replaced by others: a smoggy sea view and people holding their noses at intersections.

In the latest Global Competitiveness Index, released earlier this month by the World Economic Forum, Hong Kong saw its ranking drop to 12th from 10th last year, falling behind South Korea and the Netherlands. The report by the Geneva-based organization, canvassing the views of more than 11,000 executives, reflects growing fears that worsening pollution, rising costs and limited school places are eroding Hong Kong's comparative advantage.

11-11-2007, 04:23 PM
What the hell would Hong Kong have to do with Gotham? They were shooting in Chicago.

11-11-2007, 09:44 PM
That report reminded me of one of the times I was in Hong Kong on a visa stamp trip from Taipei, and saw a movie being filmed right near the Star Ferry. It was a crime/action drama, and members of Jackie Chan's stunt team were there (they were identifiable by the logo on their shirts). It starred Danny Lee, and about 3 times he had to get pushed off a small motorboat into the water, and remain underwater for a few seconds. The setups in between took forever.

Right after shooting, I remember him making a beeline for some nearby showers. That was in 1990. Even then, i could only think, "Gross."

Sorry. Off-topic.

11-11-2007, 09:58 PM
Heath Ledger as the Joker? I just can't see it.

doug maverick
11-11-2007, 10:39 PM
doesn't mean its not there

11-11-2007, 10:47 PM

doug maverick
11-11-2007, 11:19 PM
doesn't mean that he can;t pull off a good joker and it doesn't mean he's not(i'm not saying he can cause i'm with you on this one actually) anyway heres hoping

11-11-2007, 11:43 PM
I guess he has the face for it, but like you I just have to hope he can pull it off. Batman Begins was cast well, so maybe he can do it, but I have serious doubts.

11-12-2007, 12:05 PM
It seems HK stars have issues with Hollywood, even in HK...:rolleyes:

Hong Kong crazy for 'Batman' (http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117975751.html?categoryId=19&cs=1)
'Dark Knight' takes hold of city
HONG KONG -- Hong Kong has gone Bat-crazy.

Shooting began in the Asian city last week for "Batman: The Dark Knight," marking the first time the story takes place outside Gotham in the film franchise's history.

Hong Kong residents are completely under the Batman spell. Last week's noise complaints of low-flying helicopters doing aerial shots and environmental concerns over lights in buildings being kept on overnight for filming were quickly forgotten as hundreds of star-struck citizens surrounded the areas of the shoots and local news gave daily reports on its progress.

Not everyone is enthralled, however. Hong Kong helmer Johnnie To slammed the government over the weekend for its support of the "Batman" production, while little help is offered to local productions.

The government "can offer 100% support for them, but they can't even offer 1% to us locals," To said. "It's discrimination, because we Chinese are not worth as much cash to them."

A press conference for the film on Friday -- with producer Charles Roven; exec producer Kevin de la Noy; director Christopher Nolan; thesps Christian Bale and Morgan Freeman; Hong Kong commissioner for television and entertainment licensing Maisie Cheng; and Jack So, chairman of the Film Development Council -- was notable for how little was disclosed about the film. Reporters were also barred from asking any questions about the film. It instead served more as an example for government officials to highlight their support for film production in the territory.

"Over the past year, the government has been supporting and assisting the 'Batman' crew in the preparatory work for shooting in Hong Kong," Cheng said.

Philip Lee, whose production company October Pictures is handling the local shoot, told Daily Variety that the overall schedule for the shoot in Hong Kong is eight days, with the cast taking part in approximately three days of the shoot. Lee also said there is a possibility that part of the shoot will take place at the Macau Airport.

11-12-2007, 05:47 PM
Huh, I wonder how it is Batman makes his way to Hong Kong...

doug maverick
11-12-2007, 06:38 PM
he's batman

11-13-2007, 12:48 PM
he takes his bat jet obviously!

11-13-2007, 12:50 PM
Caped Crusader, no match for the pollution in Hong Kong's harbor (http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/11/04/arts/AS-A-E-MOV-Hong-Kong-Batman.php)

11-14-2007, 04:23 PM
Heath Ledger as the Joker? I just can't see it.

I can easily see him as the Joker. Jack Nicholson was a scene stealer but, his Joker was still too old and too heavy. The Joker has NEVER been that size. Look at the books, not the Tim Burton movies.

11-14-2007, 04:27 PM
Huh, I wonder how it is Batman makes his way to Hong Kong...

Check the books. The Dark Knight Detective is KNOWN for globetrotting. Forget about the Adam West television show and the Tim Burton movies as well as the others that came later.

Batman Begins is the Batman that I waited over thirty years to see. :cool:

11-14-2007, 05:12 PM
I can easily see him as the Joker. Jack Nicholson was a scene stealer but, his Joker was still too old and too heavy. The Joker has NEVER been that size. Look at the books, not the Tim Burton movies.

So you think Heath Ledger will be good at being the Joker because you like his size?:confused:

doug maverick
11-14-2007, 07:06 PM
i think he will be a good joker because they guy is a good actor

11-14-2007, 07:21 PM
Check the books. The Dark Knight Detective is KNOWN for globetrotting. Forget about the Adam West television show and the Tim Burton movies as well as the others that came later.

Batman Begins is the Batman that I waited over thirty years to see. :cool:

Um, I'm not saying it can't happen. I am familiar with the comics. I'm just musing on what would bring the Dark Knight to Hong Kong within the context of one film.

11-14-2007, 07:50 PM
i think he will be a good joker because they guy is a good actor

Yeah he is good, but not great. I say bring on Mark Hamill! His voice alone makes him worthy for the part. Because of Batman the Animated Series I will always know Mark Hamill as The Joker.

doug maverick
11-14-2007, 08:01 PM
its not like the film makers didn't offer him the role. he tunred it down for whatever reason.

11-14-2007, 08:06 PM
Really?!?! That would have been a dream to see Mark Hamill as The Joker. :(