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View Full Version : Kung fu school query

Kung fledgling
08-24-2004, 10:04 AM
Hey guys,i'm new to the forum so be gentle please.
I've only been training for about a year in shotokan karate, just because the school was convenient to get to.
Any hows i've now moved away to a different town and have been actively looking for a kung fu school, hence this post.
I've traweled through the internet and found what looks like a traditional kung fu school near to where i live that teaches a mixture of the Choy Lee Fut and long fist styles.
Not being very experienced in either kung fu or martial arts in general i'd be very grateful for your initial comments on what looks like a decent school.
The've got what seems like an honest lineage / history (is this important) and well rounded syllabus, with class photos and some mpegs of the students breaking tiles and breeze blocks.
The site is www.wutaokwan.co.uk

Many thanks for your help

08-24-2004, 10:39 AM
That's a strange one. One one hand they seem pretty cool with their Chinese stuff whilst on the other they've embraced the commercial McKarate presentation.

08-24-2004, 12:01 PM
I know theres a wushu coach from china in london. i hear the mizong grandmaster is in england, but he doesnt speak english and i hear his senior students use this to their advantage against their younger classmates. all unbeknownst to him because he doesnt speak english at all :(


dont get your knits in a griddle looking for schools mate ;)

08-26-2004, 09:26 PM
Interesting, in the history section they describe Choy li fut as being a "soft" style.....

I think Choy li fut is great but have never considered/viewed it as being a soft style....

Ben Gash
08-26-2004, 11:51 PM
Bit of a steep learning curve
Ng Lung Chui
Siu Moi Fa
Sup Ji Jit Fu
Syllabus seems a little thin CLF wise, but can't really make any real judgement. Lineage looks OK (but then they could have stolen it).
Check it out, see if you like it.
Failing that there's loads of Pak Hok and Wing Chun near you,Jow Gar in West London and decent longfist in Guildford.

Kung fledgling
08-27-2004, 01:50 AM
Thanks guys.
I've spoken to their Jangmoon (haven't heard of this title before is it similar to Sifu or Sigung?) and will be attending their Sunday evening class.
I'll let you know what it was like.
Thanks again.

David Jamieson
08-27-2004, 06:01 AM
jangmoon is like the gate guard or doorman if you will, the greeter of guests, the administrar, etc etc etc.
