View Full Version : looking for a good school/teacher

08-24-2004, 07:40 PM
Hi all,

I am looking for a good school/ or teacher for any internal martial arts around the Bay Area, CA, preferably around the Berkeley - El Cerrito - Albany Area.

I have some background--several years--in Tai Chi (Yang). I am also doing escrima with a friend of mine.
I am more interested in the marital arts aspect of it any internal style. I do not mind if I have to change styles to learn more about the "combat"/martial arts aspect.
The reason I like it to be so around that area, is because I have not much time to commute.

I really appreciate your input

Thank you

08-24-2004, 08:34 PM
Hi, I found these on mapquest:


Wow!! Your options look incredible. Good luck.

Mo Ling
08-25-2004, 12:08 AM
I am currently teaching a few students Chen family taijiquan in Oakland, which is not far. it is a pretty slow and grueling training, but the martial side as well as a lot of other things is certainly in there. of course I cannot say if this is for you or not. it is a rather complex method that takes a while to develop. Just letting you know.
If you are someone who already emailed me no problem. Good luck to ya.



08-25-2004, 04:30 AM
Bernie Langan at In Motion in Albany. Yizong Baguazhang, Hebei Xingyi, Visayan Escrima, and Pentjak Silat Sera. He hosts Luo Dexiu and Bapak Victor deThouars periodically.

08-25-2004, 06:41 PM
thank you for your replies.

Dear Mo Ling: I don't mind slow and grueling training. Can you elaborate a bit more about what you define as marital arts aspects in your particular curriculum? I am relatively still young--so I like to think--so I don't mind if it will take a bit long to develop.

Many thanks to Buddy too.

Mo Ling
08-26-2004, 02:40 AM
"Can you elaborate a bit more about what you define as marital arts aspects in your particular curriculum?"

Well perhaps it is a bit of a broad question eh?
Regardless, the natural Chen training is pretty full of elements that I would consider to be martial arts.

The forms is practiced properly develop structure, strength, body methods, change (techniques) and power that is used in attack and defense.
The partner practice develops structure, sensitivity, strength, strategic methods, etc. These may include push hand, free (attack and defense) hand, throwing/wrestle and weapons among others.

I think it would really be a lot to write about here, and seeing as you say you trained yang style, I would think you know something about it?

If you have some other specific questions, feel free to ask, or send me an email.



08-26-2004, 09:50 AM
Hi Mo Ling,

please check your private message. I also posted my email address there with some questions. Feel free to write to my emailaccount.

Thank you