View Full Version : 1 Inch punch

08-03-2001, 08:53 PM

Could someone explain the method(s) of the 1-inch Punch! :)
Do you generate the power from the elbow? Or the body as a whole, Or is it more about the speed?
Ideas, thoughts, would be appreciated.

- One may have knowledge in the sense that they have memorized or copied from books and not know life. How can someone say they have knowledge and not know themself? No knowledge of life is to fail life. -

08-03-2001, 09:03 PM
You are right on track, though you don't seem to know it. Remember all power comes from from the floor up.(No Balance No Power), secondly the elbow can be a big part of it, especially when following the principles of centerline. Speed is also a very important aspect, but let's also not forget relaxation and intent.

08-03-2001, 11:47 PM

Thanks for replying ..
I understand the principles you mentioned are important when using this punch, but how can I train this? I heard people talk about using a candle to train this punch, what do you think about this? Also when you throw the punch do you snap your fist back?

Before I start to practise this I’d like to get some more info :)

Many Thanks

- One may have knowledge in the sense that they have memorized or copied from books and not know life. How can someone say they have knowledge and not know themself? No knowledge of life is to fail life. -

08-04-2001, 01:50 AM
You can start practicing this in many ways, though I would start w/something simple like lin wan kuen (chain punching), they should be relaxed including the fist. Also when doing these punches don't allow your arms to pop at the elbow. This usually happens when the person either doesn't know ho to punch are just gets lazy. Popping happens when the fist and arm begin to extend and drop instead of pushing outward from the fighting centerline.(kinda hard to explain in words...I hope you are getting it). The next training I would suggest is wall bag training, punch the bags as you did w/lin wan kuen (relaxed). This is to be done only w/Sun punch. After you strike the bag open the hand and let the blood circulate. This is sometimes called packing Chi. If you have access to a Dummy you can place your fist on the dummy and then execute a thrust, you should not allow yourself to be pushed back out of your stance. This is also a great stance training exercise. You can also do this on a friend using a phone book or not!(depending how brave your friend is) I have also seen an article written about two years ago in Inside Kung Fu showing someone practicing w/a Coke can, first starting w/an empty one and progressing to a full one. The difference is they were demonstrating wrist snap, also something which will add to the one inch punch. Hope this helps, as I said it is sometimes easier to physically show than to write.

Oh by the way, candles are a great tool, but wait until you have trained the other ways first. Just IMO.

08-04-2001, 09:52 AM
IMHO inch power is a phrase used by the JKD crowd to describe short power, which is a compliment of long power. I have also heard these phrases used in other Chinese Martial arts. Both short and long power originate from the ground and use the body as a conduit. Obviously short power has a shorter duration and is more explosive. The legs, body, and arms all act as one unit and project the force into the target at the contact point. Your root acts as a stable base so that all your power goes into the target. Everything is relaxed and only necessary muscles are used in full synchronization with one another. You can hit with any body part and direct the energy into the opponent. Long power without short power is like a push and short without long is like a snap. Put the two together and you get penetrating power that can uproot.

I practice short power by holding walnuts up against a wall and cracking them with only my horse. The hand holding the walnut against the wall does not retract otherwise the nut will fall on the floor. I also practice short power on the dummy. I practice it in chi sau whenever I am closer than punching range and need to create space. I project into my partner and if I do it right I can uproot him with whatever is in contact at the time.



08-04-2001, 06:16 PM
Thanks for the info :)

- Someone may feel they have achieved the success of daily life in the "visible", such as material and financial status, but they have failed at the "invisible" success in knowing the basic principle of life and to live it within everyday life. -

08-06-2001, 05:23 AM
Before you start working on the one inch punch, you must be sure your ONE punch is powerful. Don't waste your time training one inch, or you'll end up hurting yourself.