View Full Version : VCD's

08-29-2004, 10:08 PM
Hi I read that a person can get vcd's for studying.
I did kung-fu for a couple of years but it is difficult to find a teacher and I move around allot.
So i m looking for a place to get VCD's so I can train on my own.
Any help would be great. And if the it is in Australia it would be better.

Thank you very much
Enjoy your day

08-29-2004, 10:44 PM
P.S. do you think that a person can get good on VCD's and DVD's?
I mean in the old days they all studied from manuals?

08-29-2004, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Lzane
P.S. do you think that a person can get good on VCD's and DVD's?
I mean in the old days they all studied from manuals?

I am not sure that that is entirely true.

I believe it is possible to get good from video training, but unlikely. I firmly believe that you need a good instructor if you want to attain a high level of skill in any style.

08-29-2004, 10:53 PM
what would you all recomend to do in this sitshuasion?
Sorry my spelling is realy bad.
Please any advice would be good.

08-29-2004, 11:11 PM
No one is going to tell you what you want to hear, mate. To get good in any ma, you really need an instructor. At least part time.

Maybe you could find a good teacher and take some private classes (if you can afford it) and then go and practice your stuff. Perhaps a private class once or twice a month might be an option?

08-29-2004, 11:13 PM
Serpent is right. I think if you find yourself a good teacher who is willing to accept that you won't be there on a weekly basis that is half your battle fought. Then you would need to practice on your own in between your face-to-face lessons.

I guess if you can't arrange that, then video learning is better than nothing.

Whereabouts in Oz are you?

08-29-2004, 11:23 PM
I live in Brisabe Sunshine coast, I may have to move next year.
I am just starting to feel like I am not going to get anyware at this pace.

If anybody can help me whit a good teacher that would be great, but then I might have to move again.
Help me please

08-29-2004, 11:27 PM
I don't really know any of the teachers up that way. Have you had a look on the net? Maybe if you did a search and posted a few possibilities, someone might know if they are any good or not?

Just out of interest, what style did you train in before?

08-29-2004, 11:47 PM
I did allot of other martial arts like TKD, JKD.
I Started wingchung(wrong spelling) theonly thing that scres me is I did it in South Africa and traind with SIFU Jugens Lambreght and of what I andersand he was not realy a kung -fu instrucktor?
I would not have none better if he did not teach me anything but I went to an exibition and saw some of the form I learned So?
Hoe knows?
I would like to do Praying Mantis or Monkey, And for intenal Chi kung but that is propebly only in my dreams.

08-30-2004, 07:00 AM
For vcds/dvds check out http://www.plumpub.com

08-30-2004, 07:14 AM
can you elaborate on your goal with kungfu training?

do you want to learn how to fight or just for health only?

08-30-2004, 02:38 PM
Lzane, I received the following two recommendations from a thread I had strated recently (http://martial.best.vwh.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32086)

Instructional videos - http://www.leekoonhungkungfu.com/videos.html
This was recommended to me as having very good step by step instruction that is easily followed. I'll be ordering one of these with my next paycheck and plan on posting my experiences with it, including some video clips of my performance.

Distance learning-
I'll also be trying out this program, where instructional media would be practiced, and then the student would video tape themselves performing the material and send it for evaluation and feedback. I'm most exited about this particular program, as feedback from an experienced instructor is the most important missing piece in these cases.

08-30-2004, 02:47 PM
What I want to do with kung-fu, well the fighting is a plus and health is a big plus, this might sound strange.

If you look at a kung-fu practitioner and they do the traditional forms it looks graceful like they are one with them self’s, not like today’s rushed life more like they know there own abilities and strife to do more with what they got.

For example if you look at (I don't want to start trouble here it is just my personal opinion) TKD or JKA the kata's they have it is right like punch, kick, turn like a robot like today’s time.
But if you look at Kung-fu it looks like it is flowing like it is a nature of the practitioner.

The fighting and health part of kung-fu is great but it is the awareness it cultivates that I want to do it for and if you are a fighter, if the art is part of you, part of your every day living the chances of being fisikly defeated is diminishes. Or so I belief.

and thank you every body for the help and the links.

Ben Gash
08-31-2004, 05:05 AM
There's Jow Gar and Wing Chun in Brisbane, why don't you check them out?
If form's all you're after then VCDs are surprisingly good, but you do need a background to benefit. Check out www.cmaod.com.

08-31-2004, 05:21 AM
I have to add -

I just received an email reply to an inquiry at http://www.leekoonhungkungfu.com/:

We do not have a distance training course, but if you wish to send us a video of your performing the sets we offer on video, we would send an email with corrections. We believe the videos to be a great aide in training, but still believe in passing the art teacher to student...

This is the first email I've received back from any of the schools/systems I've found on the web that offer instructional media. You may want to do likewise - emailing whichever school/style you encounter to find out if you can receive feedback on your progression through their system via their instructional media.