View Full Version : OT Holy ****! Rampage vs Satan!

Mr Punch
08-30-2004, 04:59 AM
Rampage's thoughts on the Silva/Kondo fight from 8/15 in Saitama?
Kondo is actually a good fighter, but sometimes people get intimidated by Silva. Jackson knew Kondo wasn't going to win, but he could have won the fight if he did the right things (not trade punches). Some fighters just don't have good game plans.
With Rampage's upcoming fight with Vanderlei Silva on 10/31 at Saitama Super Arena, will we see any differences or changes in his fight game planning?
The game plan was right on for the 11/9/03 Tokyo Dome show last year - to try to beat Silva by decision, but he didn't really train for the Vanderlei Silva fight. This time, Rampage is fighting for God (this is where the issue of religion starts being discussed) and you can't go wrong if you're fighting for God.
Is Rampage now a very religious man?
Jackson grew up in a church in Memphis, but on August 19th, God actually touched him. The fighting fans don't know the new Rampage. He's been saved. When you get saved, you get changed. When you know about God, you also know about the Devil. Everything he is doing now is God's plan, so he's been changing his whole life. After his fight with Ricardo Arona, he noticed things changing in his life. One night, God just came to him. One day, he went to his gym and the people around him at the gym noticed a dramatic change.
Is Rampage relaxed and at peace with himself? How will his new outlook on life change his persona and his career?
His new lifestyle will be a tremendous help to him. Jackson no longer stares at women, cusses, or lies without remorse. If Quinton lies now, he has to confess because he feels guilty. Sometimes you are afraid to tell the truth, but if God is on your side you aren't afraid of anything or anybody. If it's God's will to be champion, he'll be the champion. If not, then it's what God wants him to do.
A lot of Rampage's appeal came from being raw and using raw language. Do people give Rampage a hard time because of his new outlook on life?
Jackson doesn't care what people say or think of him, as he never really cared in the first place. "God didn't change my personality, but now I don't want to say bad words." The interviews aren't going to be boring, he's just not going to say bad words because Jackson is representating Jesus. Quinton had a whole rap CD finished and has to change the songs now or throw the CD away. It's all worth it.
Rampage has a major surprise for his fans on October 31st when he comes to the ring. A brand new outlook on life, a brand new persona.
Rampage confessed to his girlfriend about all the experiences he had with Japanese women while he was in Japan before his conversion. There were some bad pictures in his camera and he was getting too wild. One girl left his room and 30 minutes later, another girl had sex with him. He was just too wild. Things have been worked out with his girlfriend. From now on, he will not have sex until he gets married. If God can change Rampage, then he can change anyone because God is so real. His uncle was a preacher and his Grandma was close to the Bible.
Rampage's movie on the homeless, "City of Lost Souls," is mentioned. Does Rampage find himself spreading his new found spirit to others or does he keep it to himself?
He won't go to preach to others, but he will do what God wants him to do. It's a waste of time to preach to people who don't want to be preached to. Just lead by example. Do his thing. People will see that Rampage has changed and has changed for the better. Who is Rampage to say that your religion is wrong and that you're going to hell? Jackson wants to live right, have his son D'Angelo, and teach him the word of God. He can't preach anything, as he doesn't know all the Bible's verses.
It was a horrific dream that led to Rampage's conversion to God. He hadn't been in church in over four years. The dream scared Rampage so bad, it was scarier than any other horror movie. It was so real, he felt it. After getting back from Japan from the Arona fight in June, Rampage couldn't get to sleep. He had a dream that the devil tried to kidnap him and his soul. Then the devil tried to take his heart. Rampage jumped up and grabbed his son and was so scared and went to wake D'Angelo up, he jumped up the same way he did and all this white and yellow stuff started pouring out of his mouth (but he wasn't throwing up). D'Angelo and him had a bad dream at the same time. A lot of his guys from his neighborhood had been dying (drugs, getting shot and killed) and he thought he was cursed. His father was a "hush-hush-baby" (meaning he was born from different parents). Then, on the radio, he heard the words "Your soul is mine!" Rampage thought he was going crazy, but it was a coincidence. Rampage was talking to his chiropractic doctor and was scared to death. His chiropractor is a Mormon bishop. He had a talk with him and he said to get rid of the bad stuff in his house, so Rampage got rid of all the Asian porn he had gotten from his friend who worked at a porn store. All the pimp stuff and Sinister clothes he was wearing, he threw those items away. His son went with him through the whole process. After begging and pleading with God, he started crying like a little girl for five minutes. His mother told him that he was blessed by God, just like it happened with his other family members. Rampage said that he used to look at every woman in Japan and now he's not doing it any more. He used to hate Strawberries, Cantaloupes, and Celery -- but now he likes it. He drinks a lot of water. Now he's fighting for God. Now he's fighting on Halloween, the devil's day. The Devil exists. Rampage has no idea how many people called him to go to parties to go to Las Vegas to hang around beautiful girls and he feels that it was a sign from the Devil, the temptations were all from the Devil.
How did his friends react to the conversion?
Rampage just sits around and read the Bible. He's now getting custody of his son. He used to have a love/hate relationship with his son D'Angelo. Now it has changed. He gives him good food and disciplines him. It's a brand new relationship. His training coach thought Rampage was going insane. He told his coach that he now believes in the Pledge of Allegiance and has a new found respect for the flag. Rampage wants to go back to school to learn some new things. His coach had a preacher (Tyrone) come in and analyze Rampage and the preacher said he (Quinton) didn't go crazy, but that it was indeed a conversion. When his conversion first happened, Rampage told everyone he could see about it for two to three days. He trains better, he has better focus, and he's learning brand new things. He's so confident in his fight against Vanderlei Silva on 10/31 in Saitama, but if he loses because God wants him to lose, then so be it.
How has the re-birth changed his views on fighting?
Rampage's views are fighting are the same, it just depends on who are you fighting for. Some fighters say they are fighting for God and representing Jesus, but if they are using steroids and committing other sins, then they are frauds.
Rampage was saved on 8/19 and went to Church the next Sunday and just felt in his heart that the sermon in Church was for him personally. Rampage can see the devil everywhere now, as "you learn how to spot the devil". Even in some calls on his telephone. It gives Rampage a brand new pair of eyes.
In a sudden declaration, Rampage says that since his conversion he hasn't been ***** since. He's been "stiff" twice and he's kept count. Rampage says he's not having sex until marriage, so he better get married pretty soon.
Rampage says that Vanderlei Silva should be very worried about him on October 31st because "he doesn't fight on the same team that I am on." He points to Mike Tyson. If God is really part of you, then you will be taken care of and issues of money aren't important. Mike Tyson isn't fighting for God. Look at Tyson now. He made all of that money and he's still broke. The devil has his hands wrapped around Tyson.
Rampage doesn't watch UFC or PRIDE on TV much, as he doesn't watch his old fights (except for the 11/9/03 Tokyo Dome one where Silva beat him up). Quinton also says that he doesn't get on the Internet and doesn't care what people say about him, but that fighters like Tito Ortiz are always on the Internet. Since Rampage has changed, he had his fan phone turned off. But now with the PPH special radio interview, Rampage is ready to talk to fans about his conversion.
Rampage finishes off the interview talking about how he's ashamed for all the different sex acts he committed with women in the past (graphically).
Who's funkier - training partner "Funky" Brady Fink or PRIDE PPV announcer Mauro Ranallo?
Rampage has to ask several times who Mauro Ranallo is, despite doing commentary with him on several shows.
With Rampage being Born-again, he now has two birthdays - June 20th and August 19th, meaning everyone has to give him two birthday presents now.
Rampage finishes the interview off saying, "God Bless You."



Meat Shake
08-30-2004, 10:35 AM
Sounds to me like rampage ate a bad hit of acid.

08-30-2004, 11:35 AM
he better not come near my dog.

satan will **** em up jesus or no jesus.

08-30-2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Mat

Rampage says that Vanderlei Silva should be very worried about him on October 31st because "he doesn't fight on the same team that I am on."

Someone should probably let him know that Vanderlei's a devout Catholic.

08-30-2004, 01:03 PM
Can't believe someone would care enough to write that much....

08-30-2004, 01:26 PM
is anyone here NOT rooting for silva? :confused:

Meat Shake
08-30-2004, 01:28 PM
I dont care who wins, so long as its a slobber knocker.

08-30-2004, 01:30 PM
since we're from the same city and went to the same high school, I gotta root for rampage.

Meat Shake
08-30-2004, 01:42 PM
rampage hates you.

08-30-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
since we're from the same city and went to the same high school, I gotta root for rampage. 7*'s got a root for rampage; not he's got to root for rampage. 7* likes 'em rough round the edges.

08-30-2004, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Meat Shake
I dont care who wins, so long as its a slobber knocker.

lmao. that's great.

08-30-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Meat Shake
rampage hates you.

I hope he does. Think about it. If I can get into Pride and fight him, I'd be an instant name, and that fight would go down in history. It'd be like the battle of the schoolmates - two guys who grew up in the same city, attended the same school and lifted weights together went their separate ways, only to meet up as rivals in Japan...

08-30-2004, 09:33 PM
Sevenstar by chi blast.

Mr Punch
08-30-2004, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Meat Shake
I dont care who wins, so long as its a slobber knocker. WTF is that?!

I always used to root for Rampage. Now I'm not so sure.

Rampage says that Vanderlei Silva should be very worried about him on October 31st because "he doesn't fight on the same team that I am on."
Someone should probably let him know that Vanderlei's a devout Catholic.Oh, he does!:eek: Silva kicks with his left foot! :D

Wonder if it's true or if Rampage is just giving us the funniest wind-up in MMA history... remember when he promised his mum he'd stop cussing?!

Rampage finishes off the interview talking about how he's ashamed for all the different sex acts he committed with women in the past (graphically)...

With Rampage being Born-again, he now has two birthdays - June 20th and August 19th, meaning everyone has to give him two birthday presents now.Alarm bells anyone?! :D

BTL it was a live transcript from a live interview on the inteviewer's website.

Mr Punch
08-30-2004, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
he better not come near my dog.

satan will **** em up jesus or no jesus. ;) :D

08-30-2004, 09:56 PM
well, seeing as how sevenstar's been bought off by a dude he used to be gym bunnies with, i'll ask differently:

is anyone ELSE actually rooting against silva?