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View Full Version : why does some alcohlic drinks make u feel more hungover than others?

08-30-2004, 01:48 PM
last night i got completely hammered on vodka and felt fine today. i haven't been that drunk in ages!! if that had been beer i would've felt like a zombie today...why is that?

Meat Shake
08-30-2004, 02:12 PM
Quality of the distilled alcohol, how much sleep you got, how much water you drank last night, etc, etc, etc...

The reason some alcohol is cheaper or more expensive than others is the distilling process, basically how much good or bad is left in the alcohol you are drinking.
The main reason for a hangover is dehydration. Drink good liquor and drink a 32 oz gatorade before going to bed, and youll never be hung over again. :)
Unless you only get 2 or 3 hours sleep, then youll wake up still drunk.

08-30-2004, 02:19 PM
yeah but vodka never makes me feel ill other than feeling a little dehydrated. vodka is my friend.

Ming Yue
08-30-2004, 05:13 PM
Poisonous chemicals called congeners occur naturally in all fermented drinks. The general rule is that darker drinks, such as red wine, bourbon, scotch, and brandy have more congeners than lighter drinks like white wine, vodka, and gin.

the more congeners, the worse you feel in the morning.

Whatever your drink's color, the cheaper it is, the more poison will be in it. And red wine contains an extra hangover-inducing poison all of its own called tyramine. So stay right the hell away from cheap red wine.

08-30-2004, 05:32 PM
Hi stubbs,

When the body is clean and healthy inside (channels open, etc)the reaction to alcohol can be very strong. There are times when a simple shot will have your head spinning. Alcohol taken by itself can be problematic as well.

No, I am not a lush!!


08-30-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by mickey

No, I am not a lush!!

I am, though.

The bits about dehydration, and MY's bit about congoners, are dead on. Also, alcohol leeches vitamins from your system - taking a b-complex vitamin before going to bed will do a lot to stave off potential hangovers.

08-30-2004, 09:30 PM
someone with the name of mickey (http://www.mickeys.com/images/homeBottle2.jpg) has all the expertise this thread will ever need. :cool:

08-30-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by FatherDog
I am, though.

The bits about dehydration, and MY's bit about congoners, are dead on. Also, alcohol leeches vitamins from your system - taking a b-complex vitamin before going to bed will do a lot to stave off potential hangovers.




Right before bed drink 1 litre of water, take two Nurofen/ibuprofen tablets, eat two to ten (depending on drunkeness) slices of vegemite on toast.

Works every time! ;)

08-31-2004, 04:12 AM

That was good stuff! I didn't see it coming.:)

For that, please arrange to get us members some Scott Sonnon tapes at a discount.


08-31-2004, 10:46 AM
wtf is vegemite?

Ming Yue
08-31-2004, 11:11 AM
vegemite is a sandwich spread made out of yeast. By products of brewing beer, I think.

It's australian peanut butter.

To me, it tastes like it's name--a blend of vegetables and mites.


08-31-2004, 11:14 AM
It tastes like axel grease, but slightly more nasty.

Ming Yue
08-31-2004, 11:41 AM
MK has opened a fresh jar of the correct and spread a thick layer on the toasty crust of this forum, folded the whole thing over and is washing it down with a low congener alchoholic beverage.

08-31-2004, 12:16 PM
I am, though

LOL, took the words right out of my mouth.

the key thing is to just have your liver replaced every 5 years.
the toxins build up in it and just like any other filter, needs to be replaced.

i can hook you guys up with the right people.

08-31-2004, 01:20 PM
vegemite's the same as marmite isn't it?

08-31-2004, 01:42 PM
Ug *thumps chest*

Only alcohol I take in is accidental consumption of the rubbing variety.

Meat Shake
08-31-2004, 04:08 PM
"Only alcohol I take in is accidental consumption of the rubbing variety."

Youre better off with whiskey, isopropyl can make you go blind.

" Poisonous chemicals called congeners occur naturally in all fermented drinks. The general rule is that darker drinks, such as red wine, bourbon, scotch, and brandy have more congeners than lighter drinks like white wine, vodka, and gin.

Ahh... but why then, am I good to go after a morning of crown royal, but not so good after a bottle of padron?

08-31-2004, 04:21 PM
could be the bottle of padron?

and isn't it Patron????

08-31-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by stubbs
vegemite's the same as marmite isn't it?
More or less. English marmite and Aussie Vegemite are about the same. Aussie marmite, on the other hand, sucks ass.

As for you yanks calling vegemite axle grease - maybe you'd prefer it if we put in about a pound of refined sugar per jar?

08-31-2004, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Meat Shake
Ahh... but why then, am I good to go after a morning of crown royal, but not so good after a bottle of padron?
I don't know the brands names you're talking about, but are they beers?

Anyway, aside from what MY has said about clear vs dark liquor, some brands also have other things like preservatives and so on added in. Anything with added chemicals of any kind is likely to produce a worse hangover.

08-31-2004, 06:33 PM
crown royal is a very sweet canadian whisky. a blend I think but I'm not sure.


Patron is one of the best tequila's, imo.

Mr Punch
08-31-2004, 06:47 PM
Marmite is pure yeasty goodness.

Vegemite is Satan's yeast infection.

Marmite is made in Burton, a real Englishman's town. You can smell it from 10 miles down the road: it smells of beer and marmite. Heaven.

Cheers for the info Father Dog, wondered why I always headed for the Marmite jar when I was ****ed.

BTW, another thing about differing alkwol effects is different ingredients have different chemical components of course.

When in contact with alcohol producing agents potatoes give off propanol and butanol (alcohols from propane and butane = collectively known as fusel) which are also insoluble by-products from the chemical lacquer industry. These are the compounds that will make you go blind or brain-damaged from backwoods stills world over.

Grain contains similar products.

Grapes on the other hand contain a high proportion of tannic acid, which gives a good balance to the other two acids prevalent in wine and other fruity beverages (can't remember what they are...!), which not only helps the brewing process but also aids absorption into the body, so they're not so heavy on you. On the other hand, tannic acid is what gives the red wine its body and the slightly furry edge, which is why you want to shave your tongue in the morning.

Birch sap wine (very very common all over Russia, and some parts of Eastern Europe, and once upon a time the brewery I used to run :D ) contains a lot of salicylic acid, the principle ingredient in aspirin, which is great for curing headaches. It's true that when my friend and I drank a gallon of birch wine one afternoon (it's very very nice) we had no ill effects at all. Woke up right ****ed though! I recommend it to anyone. If you can't buy it in your area, pm me and I'll give you the details on how to tap the tree without killing it.

Willow (salix) and maple species also contains a lot of salicylic acid, but I've never tried brew from any of those, and I imagine willow brew would taste like arse. I have chewed it (willow leaves and bark, not arse) in the past to get rid of headaches though.

08-31-2004, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by stubbs
vegemite's the same as marmite isn't it? Wash your mouth out! Dunno about English marmite, but like Serp said Oz marmite's crap. Vegemite, OTOH, is sublime. I can see how people might dislike it because it's so strong flavoured, but what a flavour! Mmmm.

Meat Shake
09-01-2004, 01:07 PM
"and isn't it Patron????"

Yup. Oops. Sometimes Im in a hurry to type things cause Im at work. :)

09-01-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Toby
Wash your mouth out! Dunno about English marmite, but like Serp said Oz marmite's crap. Vegemite, OTOH, is sublime. I can see how people might dislike it because it's so strong flavoured, but what a flavour! Mmmm.

my mate marmite is one of the best things i have in my cupboard! i have it every morning on my toast! tastes fantastic and's a good way to top up my vitamin intake....don't think we get a vegemite over here - well i haven't seen it anyways

09-01-2004, 07:57 PM
Pretty sure you'd find it somewhere what with half of Oz living in London. Otherwise a potential import business for you ;). Considering it has a use-by date of about a year or two, it'd be no problem shipping it over.

09-05-2004, 01:14 AM
hey toby, if you've never tried english marmite we could do a swap if u like? i'll ship u some marmite if u ship some vegemite. i think it'd be the most random thing i'd ever put in the post

09-05-2004, 06:03 PM
One thing I should also note is that oils and fats bond with alcohol in your stomach, preventing it from being metabolized as effectively. This is why it's good to eat greasy food when you're drunk, particularly at the end of the night - it bonds with whatever alcohol's still in your stomach, so you won't get too much drunker.

09-05-2004, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by FatherDog
One thing I should also note is that oils and fats bond with alcohol in your stomach, preventing it from being metabolized as effectively. This is why it's good to eat greasy food when you're drunk, particularly at the end of the night - it bonds with whatever alcohol's still in your stomach, so you won't get too much drunker.
Yep. And that's also why burgers for breakfast after a big night out are so appealing. Catches all that residual alcomohol and makes you feel greasy-good! ;)

Mr Punch
09-05-2004, 08:48 PM
Hence the traditional English breakfast being comprised of fat, fat more fat, and a tomato if you're lucky. It all starts to make sense to me now!

09-06-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Mat
Hence the traditional English breakfast being comprised of fat, fat more fat, and a tomato if you're lucky. It all starts to make sense to me now!


blooming lotus
09-06-2004, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by FatherDog
One thing I should also note is that oils and fats bond with alcohol in your stomach, preventing it from being metabolized as effectively. This is why it's good to eat greasy food when you're drunk, particularly at the end of the night - it bonds with whatever alcohol's still in your stomach, so you won't get too much drunker.

and then if you add something like milk or a hot fluid , it lift all those nasties clear. I guess in a nutshell that explains why here in china ( being as how everything comes drenched in oil and or sugar) I'm drinking high proof alcohol as a dietary compliment, where as at home I can get away with 100 ml of cheap red wine a few x a week. Do you all still not understand the health benifit of such a thing ??

Ps: bring on the vegimite and cheese toasty and the lemon juice w/ soda water!! hmm .. :( ...I wanna come home.

09-06-2004, 05:20 AM
As an Old time survivor, some tips.

Line your stomach before any drinking sessions.

Milk, and something that is going to absorb fluid, like rice or pulses.

I find beer and mixers served draught are far more lilely to cause hangovers, than anything else.
So drink Bottled mixers, and if you are drinking beer, stick to the one brand, bottled or canned.
Pubs are supposed to clean out their pipes and hoses every night, but often this never happens.

Never mix red wine with anything, or you'll be speaking to Houie.

Tequila does indeed make you happy, but it tastes foul for a good reason. Moreover, to be sure of completely dehydrating overnight, be sure to take it with salt and lemon.

Never drink at someone elses pace. If you can't finish your drink in time for the next round, skip a round, or leave the drink.

All post hangover methods mentioned so far are good.

Ice Cold original flavour lucozade is fantastic (tastes like pee unless you have a hangover). Glug a pint down, belch, and repeat, soothing your forehead and neck with the cold botle in between.

If all else fails, get a nice greasy fryup breakfast down you. Two eggs, bacon, sausages, black pudding, beans, fried bread, Hash Browns and mushrooms. If it doesn't cure you, you'll have something eye catching to hurl at the toilet.


blooming lotus
09-06-2004, 09:18 PM
Good advice ! :)

so really, I'm hearing everyone finding connection between protiens, oil, maybe viscous lining / replenishment and alcohol consumption. Correct??

Now you agree :rolleyes: :D :cool:

09-06-2004, 09:23 PM
The days are long past for me, but I've never come across as good a hangover cure as a couple of bongs. Seriously. It would be a good use for medicinal mary-jane. Maybe a good election platform seeing Oz and US are both campaigning :D.

09-06-2004, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
Good advice ! :)

so really, I'm hearing everyone finding connection between protiens, oil, maybe viscous lining / replenishment and alcohol consumption. Correct??

Now you agree :rolleyes: :D :cool:
What are you babbling about? Agree with what exactly?

Toby - I must admit that a bong when I'm really hungover is not that appealing. Then again, I've never tried that method. Something else to add to the list of things to do before armageddon. ;)

blooming lotus
09-06-2004, 10:06 PM
does your brain just not fuction with all connections at times at whAT???

Guess math wasn't your stong point ha?

09-06-2004, 10:12 PM
*Ignores blathering idiot above*

Serp, I thought that the bong method was probably validated when various administrations allowed prescribing medicinal dope for cancer patients to combat the effects of chemotherapy. It definitely seems to have anti-nausea properties IME. Plus the side-effect of increasing appetite. It honestly works as an extremely effective cure for hangovers, unlike anything else I've ever tried.

blooming lotus
09-06-2004, 10:18 PM
Wait up a moment. You all advocate the fry up post , and milk pre - p*ss up etc etc then you fail to acknowledge the connection :rolleyes:

carry on

09-06-2004, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
Wait up a moment. You all advocate the fry up post , and milk pre - p*ss up etc etc then you fail to acknowledge the connection :rolleyes:

carry on
The connection to what?! What are you blathering about?

Tobes - maybe I'll have to give that a go then! Mind you, I drink very rarely these days and smoke even more rarely, but if the opportunity ever arises, I'll certainly run the experiment. ;)

09-06-2004, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by stubbs
my mate marmite is one of the best things i have in my cupboard! i have it every morning on my toast! tastes fantastic and's a good way to top up my vitamin intake....don't think we get a vegemite over here - well i haven't seen it anyways

hey stubbs

you can definitely get vegimite in London at Sainsbury's etc, but I'm not sure about the rest of the UK.

if there is any swapping going on, my girlfriend would die for some of your tomato (ketchup?) walker chips!!!

I personally miss cheaper food and beer prices in relation to my wage and the whole of europe 20 quid away by ryanair etc

09-06-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Simon
hey stubbs

you can definitely get vegimite in London at Sainsbury's etc, but I'm not sure about the rest of the UK.

if there is any swapping going on, my girlfriend would die for some of your tomato (ketchup?) walker chips!!!

I personally miss cheaper food and beer prices in relation to my wage and the whole of europe 20 quid away by ryanair etc
I hate to break it to you, but Walkers stopped making the Tomato Sauce flavour crisps. I was crushed to discover this last time I visited the UK.

:( RIP

Nick Forrer
09-07-2004, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Serpent
I hate to break it to you, but Walkers stopped making the Tomato Sauce flavour crisps. I was crushed to discover this last time I visited the UK.

:( RIP

Yes but they now do thai sweet chilli, roast chicken and peking five spice in their 'sensations' range hmm.....

On Hangover prevention

As has been mentioned - the darker, the sweeter, the cheaper and the more mixed the more likely the hangover

However by far the worst is lager/beer from the pump- avoid at all costs

On Hangover cures....

Lucozade has been mentioned but try the orange glucose one....it tastes nice and rehydrates you.

Also, dehydration is only one small part of a hangover. There's also depression, the shakes, fatigue, anxiety and genral malaise. The best cure i have found for these is the natural endorphine release that comes from exercise....more specifically Kung Fu!

Meat Shake
09-07-2004, 12:49 PM
"The days are long past for me, but I've never come across as good a hangover cure as a couple of bongs. "

Yeah... Unless my head hurts. Then it hurts worse. And if you roast the bowls right before bed time, it can sometimes set you to spinning pretty bad like. Thats never fun.

Other than that... yes, the hippie lettuce does wonders for many many ailments, including the hangover.

09-07-2004, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Meat Shake
... it can sometimes set you to spinning pretty bad like. Thats never fun.Hate that feeling.

09-07-2004, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Nick Forrer
Also, dehydration is only one small part of a hangover. There's also depression, the shakes, fatigue, anxiety and genral malaise. The best cure i have found for these is the natural endorphine release that comes from exercise....more specifically Kung Fu!

Don't exercise too much if you're dehydrated :)

09-08-2004, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by IronFist
Don't exercise too much if you're dehydrated :)

i know your not supposed to, but why not?

09-08-2004, 03:47 PM
nausea, greater risk of injury, heat stroke, lack of energy and inability to really go balls out are all good enough reasons. and they're the most basic. in addition, a workout will simply dehydrate you more, leaving you more prone to disease, injury, heat stroke, and anything else that comes with a severe lack of water.

blooming lotus
09-08-2004, 05:56 PM
besides, nearly everything that happens in your body, does so in water. If there's not enough it will comprises the result at min.

I think it's fairly common knowledge that a dehydrated athlete, during perfomance , can loose up to 60% effectiveness. Hate to be working for nothing.

09-09-2004, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
nausea, greater risk of injury, heat stroke, lack of energy and inability to really go balls out are all good enough reasons. and they're the most basic. in addition, a workout will simply dehydrate you more, leaving you more prone to disease, injury, heat stroke, and anything else that comes with a severe lack of water.

but if you do it on a semi-regular basis can it improve your resistance/immunity? if anything it should be able to improve your mental strength to continue when you don't think you can(?) i've had a couple of really good workouts the day after a big drinking binge - sometimes you can suprise yourself on what you can do and i get the feeling i'm sweating out most of the bad stuff and feel better afterwards.

Ming Yue
09-09-2004, 10:34 AM
when you're dehydrated you don't process oxygen as efficiently, so your heart beats faster. add to this decreased sweat output, and you risk heatstroke.

pushing yourself beyond your limits is fine when you're healthy and hydrated, but pushing while you're dehydrated is counterproductive...

09-09-2004, 10:54 AM
resistance or immunity to what?

your body functions best when it has all the tools -- macro and micronutrients -- and the most important tool is water. period.

a really good workout when dehydrated? that means nothing, unless you made improvements on previous workouts. if you want a good, difficult workout, increase the workout's difficulty, don't weaken your body's ability to do a workout that it can already do. it's called backsliding, and you're leaving the door open for injury and many other negative consequences. i can't see intentionally dehydrating yourself as anything other than a stupid choice that can have both short-term (illness) and long-term (injury) consequences. no perceived benefit from it can't be gained by simply working out harder under healthy conditions.

also keep in mind that, when you're dehydrated, ALL of your body suffers. your blood is less able to carry nutrients properly, your synapses won't fire as cleanly, your immune system won't function as efficiently, and more. by not providing your body with water, you're already weakening it. by then going and working out hard, you're losing more water and other nutrients, further weakening your body and opening the door further for negative consequences.

09-09-2004, 12:43 PM
thats cool. i know you shouldn't exercise while you're dehydrated. just wondered what people would say to 'why?'.


09-09-2004, 02:00 PM
we get all ****y, that's what we do. :D

09-10-2004, 04:27 AM
ok, i've just thought of a couple of questions.

i can understand that you can get heatsroke from being dehydrated cos your body can't cool down quick enough. and i can understand how you could be more prone to injury through lack of concentration and muscle cramps. but how does dehydration affect your immune system? other than the fact we've got loads of little white blood cells running around our body munching on little bugs i don't really get how our immune system works?

also, how does alchohol make us dehydrated? (other than when we're hugging the bowl after a few too many!)


09-10-2004, 09:20 AM
as i said before, every function in your body requires water. if you don't have enough, things won't function well.

immune system: beyond just generally having water for chemical functions, you also need it to keep the blood volume and flow at optimal levels to allow your body to function at its ideal temperature (certain diseases like certain temperatures), as well as transport of all the necessary goodies to cells to keep them functioning optimally. in addition, water is needed to make sure the lymphatic system is properly flushed and all the cooties and crap that they deal with are removed from the body. and one more, but not final, reason is creation of mucous. without mucous, i doubt any of us would be here. it's a necessary, yet slimy, part of our immune system, and it requires a good amount of water, particularly when we're sick and have to constantly make more.

as far as alcohol dehydrating us -- alcohol is a toxin. bodies don't like toxins. thus, the body is forced to remove toxins from our body. the only way the body can remove toxins is exhalation, perspiration or taking a leak/dump. for alcohol, removal is done by flushing it from your system mainly with water.

similar can be said for carbonation -- it's a diuretic. most hard alcohols aren't carbonated, but beer? plenty.

Ming Yue
09-10-2004, 09:39 AM
Rubby has taken the correct and wrapped it in a slimy yet cozily protective coating of mucous.

09-14-2004, 12:19 PM
woo!! i found vegemite!!! they only sell tiny little jars of it in asdas tho so i didn't bother

09-14-2004, 06:58 PM
Oh, sorry. I forgot I was meant to send you some. Give it a go and let us know what you think. Maybe a tiny jar would be best, although if you're used to Marmite it won't be such a new experience.

09-14-2004, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by stubbs
woo!! i found vegemite!!! they only sell tiny little jars of it in asdas tho so i didn't bother

Oh ghod no! Vegemite has got to be one of the most disgusting spreads to use on anything! Sorry, but when I lived in Australia, I couldn't stand the stuff... picked the nutella instead.

09-14-2004, 07:34 PM
Philistine! :mad: :D

blooming lotus
09-14-2004, 07:35 PM
sweet tooths ha ! :rolleyes:

the vegemite is irreplacable and don't you forget it !

( if you have a bub and run out of bonjella ( gum ease ) v'mite is an awesome replacement ent and they get a cute vegi smile to boot!!!)

in reality though, for vegos, hard to find Iron/ vit b ( happy vits ) ??? look no further. vegimite is your weapon

I could nearly advertise right........ :D :) :p :cool:

09-14-2004, 08:46 PM
No. Nobody would understand you.

blooming lotus
09-15-2004, 02:18 AM
lol :rolleyes:

09-20-2004, 08:16 AM
the marmite/vegemite on toast trick seemed to work. i got back after a heavy night's drinking and had a few peices and felt fine the next day. i gave a bit to my dog and turns out that she quite liked it too - although she ate it and then did a little shudder like just when ur finishing off a pee. then she wagged her tail and asked for more, lol

09-20-2004, 07:14 PM
You wanna see a really funny face? Put some on your finger and get a baby to suck it like a dummy. Their face is pure horror. Funny as hell!

(BTW, make sure it's a baby that you know. Don't just walk up to strange babies and accost them with vegemite).

09-20-2004, 07:24 PM
My baby* loves vegemite. Just on Sunday I gave her a piece of buttered bread and vegemite, no crusts.

*Said baby is 8mths old.

blooming lotus
09-20-2004, 07:29 PM
vegimite is awesome for easing teething pain !!!

enjoy that and to be honest, it's probably even better than bonjella.


Ps: you reaLLy not going to tell me what GF schools you know of in your area??

09-20-2004, 07:32 PM
:confused: I told you, there aren't any.


09-20-2004, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Toby
My baby* loves vegemite. Just on Sunday I gave her a piece of buttered bread and vegemite, no crusts.

*Said baby is 8mths old.
Yeah, the thing I'm talking about is more for babies about 8 weeks old - that first vegemite bite! ;)

09-20-2004, 07:33 PM
I knew what you meant. Hence the disclaimer ;).

blooming lotus
09-20-2004, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Toby
:confused: I told you, there aren't any.


would make "cute " face right here, but just getting pi*sed now......... have the yellow myself amongst other links , but being you are the local expert thought you might want to contribute to your ma community. forget it

'xcuse me for not being amused

09-20-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
... but being you are the local expert ...Who ever said that? Plenty of Perth people visit here. I'm more active than most being that I sit at a computer all day. Does active participant in kfo == local expert at MA?

09-20-2004, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
thought you might want to contribute to your ma community.
He is contributing to his local ma community. He's trying to stop you going there!

blooming lotus
09-20-2004, 08:26 PM
adult reality for a mo.you are studying the same bio- info course I'm persuing and you also practice ma.that'd make you somewhat knowledgable.and respect your jazz as I do, go to hell....

Ps: i hate forum alters!!!!!!!!!

09-20-2004, 08:47 PM
Are you talking to me here? What "bio-info course" do you think I'm studying?

What's a "bio-info course" anyway?

blooming lotus
09-20-2004, 09:37 PM
ahh.no.......... bio info= biological information and was referring to Toby.........

sorry babe, i don't know d*ck about you..

09-20-2004, 10:34 PM

09-20-2004, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
you are studying the same bio- info course I'm persuing... No. I'm doing engineering. I would be even more surprised if you managed to study engineering at a postgraduate level than I would if you managed to study human movement at a postgraduate level. What I do isn't "bio- info" and it isn't a course.

Originally posted by blooming lotus
Ps: i hate forum alters!!!!!!!!! Does this mean you think Serp and I are one and the same? Does that mean I'm a chick?

09-20-2004, 11:49 PM
no, boobs, regular menstruation and genital "innie" mean you're a chick. serpent has nothing to do with this.

blooming lotus
09-21-2004, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by Toby
No. I'm doing engineering. I would be even more surprised if you managed to study engineering at a postgraduate level than I would if you managed to study human movement at a postgraduate level. What I do isn't "bio- info" and it isn't a course.
Does this mean you think Serp and I are one and the same? Does that mean I'm a chick?

really??!! lol..... well there you go. I have no idea why I assumed or thought I knew that you were studying HM. For the record though, I did have an ex studying engineering and had a flick through his books. Didn't look like something I couldn't do if I had any desire....

On alters though, I just mean that it's easy for ppl here to mask their real personalities on these boards, and appear to be who they're not. I'm sure half of you aren't half as bad as you seem.

Well I'm out of here ( as in the forum , permanently ) so good luck in your study and peace in your practice.

09-21-2004, 03:04 AM
Bye (waves). :)

blooming lotus
09-21-2004, 03:10 AM
lol..and not a minute to spare :rolleyes:

09-21-2004, 06:42 PM
Short hiatus.

My study could be described as biomechanics. It's classical engineering, but applied to biomechanical problems (soft tissue response in particular).

blooming lotus
09-21-2004, 06:58 PM
I know you know some jazz and forum aside, I think we could have some great academic conversations. Still pursuing ;) what I am , and exploring new tangents, but be prepared to step forth, because I'm going to wanna chat.

09-21-2004, 10:16 PM
Oh, please go away, bl.

blooming lotus
09-22-2004, 07:51 PM
look Serpie ...I know you like to argue / bait me almost s often as you agree with me........

you're not an idiot and I'm too busy to play........ maybe later ha;) :P :rolleyes:

09-22-2004, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
look Serpie ...I know you like to argue / bait me almost s often as you agree with me........

you're not an idiot and I'm too busy to play........ maybe later ha;) :P :rolleyes:

Can you point out anywhere that I've ever agreed with you?

blooming lotus
09-22-2004, 07:58 PM
we won't mention my exercise suggestions you've taken on and made famous nor my personal philosophies you've done the same with, so in honesty..I got jack !!!!!

09-22-2004, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
we won't mention my exercise suggestions you've taken on and made famous nor my personal philosophies you've done the same with, so in honesty..I got jack !!!!!
What fantasy world are you living in? Go on, mention the exercise suggestions and personal philosophies. Mention them very clearly, point out where I've taken them on and, more interestingly, please point out how I've made them famous.

blooming lotus
09-23-2004, 05:39 AM
Are you needing some special attention today??


don't sweat it Serepie .... was probably a lie anyway ;)

09-23-2004, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
Are you needing some special attention today??


don't sweat it Serepie .... was probably a lie anyway ;)
My point exactly. You talk all this shyte all the time and then when you get called on it, you say some completely irrelevant thing like "Are you needing some special attention today?? "

You're a freak.

David Jamieson
09-23-2004, 06:51 PM
why does some alcohlic drinks make u feel more hungover than others?

1. dehydration and bloodflow restriction

2. sugar

Those alcohols that are particularly high in sugar will give you the worst hangovers.

also, overconsumption is a factor and a hangover is a sign you have in fact poisoned yourself with the brew.

blooming lotus
09-23-2004, 10:55 PM

I am not telling you what I heard nor who from............

sorry guy, but you're just gon have to rest on your virtues on this one or write it off as ramblings ;) :cool:

Ps: it was nearly all good so stfu and look fwrd to a sweat sesh in future( .if they'll EVER let me home :rolleyes: )

insecure honeys are soo so sweet are they not??? :rolleyes:

09-23-2004, 11:41 PM
Couple of things come to mind -

1) alcholic content, 2) rate of absorbtion. also sometimes there are preservatives that affect some people more than others.

I guess you can go through every drink on a case by case basis to do a compare and contrast. A person who possesses this knowledge would be very informed when going to clubs and stuff.

blooming lotus
09-24-2004, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
1. dehydration and bloodflow restriction

2. sugar

Those alcohols that are particularly high in sugar will give you the worst hangovers.

also, overconsumption is a factor and a hangover is a sign you have in fact poisoned yourself with the brew.

right, but if you're doing high degree/ proof alcohol , on low carb diet ( IE :- sugar in metabolic breakdown), and max out your your low sugared protein in lieu, your changing the equation.

Alcohol can be a healthy addition, you just have to know what it's doing and how you're exploiting it. ;)

09-24-2004, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
... low sugared protein ...:confused:

blooming lotus
09-24-2004, 04:21 AM
in light of the new msm replacement discovery ( if you can for arguements sake acknowledge it as such). It is based on equal benifit from upping protein intake and respective sulfur. But the trick to make it work, if you look at the msm chemical structure, is heat , stripping agent and flushing ( as opposed to fizzing ). This can be done naturually, as I said by eating more egg whites/ drinking more milk, and the occassional oily protein like duck or chicken. But because the plan I've been advocating to this effect is so high in protein, and ( nb :- milk asnd egg album ? protein enzymes are the most ideal workout / muscle recovery sources of protein), to keep your bowel and stomache making making happy and producing a "simulated " msm effect ( if you can call the natural way simulation!!!:confused: ) , add a seriously high proof ( 40- 45 + % ) 20 ml shot or 3 in the morning, and beer if doing it in the afternoon, and it will produce the same break down and enzemic bio - availability as if you did the chemical ****tail.

It sounds like a recipe for alholoism, but after an over night clease / lipid balance ( poop train) , waking to a milk or protein shake and no more than 8 gms of dry carb or 15 of wet 9 fruity carb), then day as per usual , chasing with the above portion of acohol before you leave the house ( and pls get your self near a toilet), tell me after even a week of this system, a: your bowel has never been happier and B. your workouts don't become easier!!

I've said it before and i'm saying it again, dry carbs ( like bread and rice and pasta etc - because of their sugars, make a difference to your body in entirety!!

Ps: on this plan: dry carbs are limited to no more than a slice and half of bread ( if you are prepared to do your 1.5 ltr of water of a night) or a small late afternoon bowl of any of its' alternatives.

try it, if you don't like it or notice the difference, you can tell me I was wrong.

cheers Tobes


09-24-2004, 04:31 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
... sugared protein ...:confused:

Originally posted by blooming lotus
... oily protein ...:confused:

That last post - I have no idea what you're trying to say. You really have to work on your English. I honestly can't believe you call yourself an English teacher. That was bordering on gibberish. I believe you're trying to get a message across, but it's indecipherable to me. :confused:

blooming lotus
09-24-2004, 04:41 AM
yes.....because that'd take a lil prerequ pay on my previous "theories" which because you dimissed, and therefor missed the boat.

an oily protein is fish ( salmon/ tuna in oil/ chicken fried or rotisseried ( w-out batter ) duck and so on)

sugared protein is stuff like milky / dairies you find accompanying your floury products.

I'm just gon go ahead and look d*cky, but would you believe on this programme ( combining protein intake/ cutting agents and lipid ( blood fat balancing / bowel cleansing) I can eat an apple pie ( for its' wet fibre and small dry carbed ( flour ) component or pushing / bulk factor) with cream ( for the activating agent ) + an alcohol ( and 50 - 100mls of red wine will do nicely ;) ) and within an hour be more ripped, feel more clean inside and more ready for my workout than with a dry chicken salad.

I wish I could get home and conference call you on it, I'm sure if we chat you'd know exactly what I was getting at. I forget other ppl don't know pre -requs and find it hard sometimes to re-hash the explaination.

09-24-2004, 05:03 AM
They're just oxymorons - "oily" as an adjective to protein and "sugared" as an adjective to protein. I sort of knew what you were trying to say, though, just trolling a bit ;). But strictly speaking "oily protein" and "sugared protein" make as little sense as "meaty carbohydrates". The problem is you are using your unique conversational style again so I thought I'd call you on it :p.

I'm sure you'd feel more ready for your workout an hour after an apple pie than a chicken salad. The apple pie will give you a sugar rush that hits you quickly. The alcohol will help digestion. The chicken salad (I presume your argument was sans alcohol?) will sit in your stomach. The chicken part gives no fuel. The salad part will be much higher in fibre than the sugary apple pie and it'll be more slowly digested. So I'm not surprised at your example at all. You'll feel more clean inside because the salad might feel like it sits a bit longer. You might feel more "ripped", but I strongly doubt you'd have any body composition changes in such a short time frame. Maybe if you keep up the apple pie diet vs. chicken salad diet for a week and compared composition changes?

blooming lotus
09-24-2004, 05:28 AM

I couldn't do the apple pie every day in the week , but 1 - 2 ce a ftnt is sweet. understanding the sugar rush and your points , but doing this, especially on such a regime, not just makes you feel but look and operate as though you are more ripped! If it looks like a duck , quacks like a duck......( and we've discovered here it may still be chicken in cognito)chances are , it may just be a duck! :p

have you even done a lipid balancing regime??

Awesome stuff, and , not that it's my concern, but I have no issue with your body nor your exercise regime, but there's always a healthier pivot to acheive. Can you say you have and chat about your findings on it??

( ps: we can read all the books we like, but if we haven't felt or experienced what we're talking about, unfortunately we become little more than arm chair critics. I don't mind a stint for personal substantiation... n' you??

09-24-2004, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
have you even done a lipid balancing regime??No.

Originally posted by blooming lotus
Awesome stuff, and , not that it's my concern, but I have no issue with your body nor your exercise regime, but there's always a healthier pivot to acheive. Can you say you have and chat about your findings on it??Yeah, I've been cutting for a few months now. I've plateau'd, but I'm down from 95kg (210lb) to 83kg (183lb). I'm just experimenting with myself a bit, but the results are interesting. 1RMs are down considerably (esp. lately). Bodyweight exercises (i.e. weighted pullups) are up considerably (esp. lately). I feel weaker, but I'm still enjoying experimenting. Diet is:

35g protein in 500ml of 1% milk.
Double dose macchiato.
Extra-high fibre bran cereal.

Can of tuna.
As much fruit as I can fit in my lunchbox.
If I run out of the above from home, I buy 100g or 150g of biltong and some 0% milk from the local shop.

Meat and green veg. Avoid potato, rice, pasta, although I often make a lasagna with wholemeal flour and 1% milk. Sometimes regular restaurant food if we splurge.
Double dose macchiato.

20g protein in 400ml 1% milk.

blooming lotus
09-24-2004, 05:54 AM
wow!! That's a huge drop and although within a safe timeframe no wonder you're feeling weaker!! Any ideas to combat that and how do you think it's effecting your combat performance??

Be careful with that one, I 'm thinking you're heading down a dangerous path. experiment for sure, but keep it safe ha?? ;) :)

That said, if we get any more amiable I'm going to puke, but what are you doing for snacks and fluid??

blooming lotus
09-24-2004, 05:56 AM
on the weight drop and rise in bwe capacity.what are you making of it?? can you accept it's sugar related or do you have something else??

09-25-2004, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
on the weight drop and rise in bwe capacity.what are you making of it?? can you accept it's sugar related or do you have something else??
Weight drop - lack of carbs.

BWE Capacity - he's lifting 12kilos less than before.

It's not that mystical.

09-25-2004, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus

I am not telling you what I heard nor who from............

sorry guy, but you're just gon have to rest on your virtues on this one or write it off as ramblings ;) :cool:

Ps: it was nearly all good so stfu and look fwrd to a sweat sesh in future( .if they'll EVER let me home :rolleyes: )

insecure honeys are soo so sweet are they not??? :rolleyes:
BTW, on this nonsense, I had already written it off as ramblings but was giving you an opportunity to back up something you said for once. But no.

Insecure? Hardly. Just trying to get you to own up to your bullsh!t.

09-25-2004, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
......and within an hour be more ripped, feel more clean inside and more ready for my workout than with a dry chicken salad.

you'll only be more ripped because alcohol is a durectic! bodybuilders sometimes de-hydrate themselves to make themselves look more ripped tho i doubt they'd drink alcomohol before comps because they'd find it hard to hold their pose :)

blooming lotus
09-25-2004, 08:56 AM
alcohol dehydrates you through heat and if your peeing it's because of what the alcohol comes mixed with.

take note: it's better than a duramine or unnatural means. ( Which ppl here are seeming pretty fond of ) . Regardless, apply that to your protein breakdown and lipid cleanse / balance programme ( in lieu of msm or other) , hydrate of a night, and that is one awesome system.

Do it with drugs or do it naturally. To be frank I don't understand why in cultivating health you want to put cr*p into your body... but it is your body, so you'll no doubt do as you please.

09-25-2004, 09:15 AM
how does de-hydrating yourself help with the breakdown of protein or fat cleansing? i'm assuming it doesn't, and i've just read that wrong - can u clarify?

blooming lotus
09-25-2004, 09:41 AM
sure and yah, you read wrong or missed a few posts. It's not the dehydration that breaks down your protein , but if you go heavy on protein from raw or less proccessed sources, you up your sulfur which according to msm research, is lacking in our diets and by increasing it you receive a range of benifits from better immunity to joint repair and can cure blah blah blah , as opposed to getting it from the chemical ****tail that is msm. As athletes or more active ppl minimum, we need more protein anyway for muscle recovery . The amount that I'm advocating though, is quite high and to complete the "msm" effect it needs a break down, heat and strip element which is where the cleansing agent / tea and the alcohol come in.

Dehyration is not an aspect of optimal health and unless you're a body builder on lean cycle, it's not something you want to do. To avoid dehydration on this plan though, which you will be at risk of, if you hydrate of a night, it will aide the cleanse and keep everything running smoothly, and still allow you to be on a rip for most your day.

For less lean ppl, this will drop their bf % and for those of us who are lean, you can usually maintain a system like this at around the same weight but need to monitor carb quality.

09-26-2004, 06:02 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
Any ideas to combat that and how do you think it's effecting your combat performance??When I turn on, I turn on. My mental game is always fairly strong, so that'll keep me going no matter how weak I feel. I don't want to combat it, because I'm trying to cut weight. If I wanted to combat it, I'd just start eating bread.

Originally posted by blooming lotus
That said, if we get any more amiable I'm going to puke ...:D

Originally posted by blooming lotus
... what are you doing for snacks and fluid?? Fluid - two shakes a day of milk. Two or more coffees a day. 1L of green tea a day. 1 glass of 1/2 juice, 1/2 water before lifting each morning. That's minimum every day. Snacks? None. I'll occasionally binge on a mouthful of chocolate, but I'm avoiding snacking. If I could afford it, I'd love to snack on biltong all day. They're all pretty much 60% protein and < 5% fat.

Day to day weight drop is (lack of) glycogen saturation level. Long term weight drop is fat loss. I've just had a large pizza and garlic bread with 3 glasses of Coke for dinner so it'll be interesting to see what I am tomorrow. BWE increase is because I'm lifting less weight. At the end of the day, there are pros and cons to being lighter. I kind of preferred being stronger and heavier because I prefer to be a bulldozer. Plus my current 83kg @ 6'3" is kinda lean. I've always had a skinny frame though - just a fat body on a skinny frame for a while.

blooming lotus
09-26-2004, 08:44 PM
Tobes: I just lost my prev response post, but crux is, No problem with your bod, nor your exercise regime ( just watch going too light ;) ) .......

low weight = compensation via "mental game"??? :confused: .dong, but considering comments on my own diminuitivesness, ( like :- you're nothimng but a skinny lil hoe :rolleyes: ) , kind of confused to your meaning. Have seen awesome displays we'd all salivate at, from extreme light weights to rather heavier practioners. a new perspective though is always welcome, so what are you making of that??

09-26-2004, 10:10 PM
Oh, sorry, I thought you meant does my new weakness affect my training - the answer to that was not really. Does my new weight affect my training? Yes. I can't push around some of my training partners like I used to. I like the idea of more mass. Now I'll have to actually learn some technique :( :D. Weight == good for pushing around. Weight == good for strength. Weight == bad for BWE.

09-26-2004, 10:53 PM
on the contrary, tobers, weight = good for bwe, cause it means you're pushing more weight with each rep. as long as your gut doesn't get in the way of ROM, a 185-lb. toby doing 50 pushups is stronger than a 170-lb. toby doing the same 50.

basically, let's just all become fatasses and do BWE. :D

09-26-2004, 11:49 PM
You're right. But a 170lb Toby doing 1 pushup is better than a 185lb Toby doing no pushups ;).

Ideally at the end of the day I was (am) trying to cut fat and gain lean muscle mass. We all know that's impossible so I'm focusing on the cut fat part first. I'm not going to make the "gain lean muscle" side of things easy 'cause I'm gunna stay on PTP, but we'll see. When I get to my "cut fat" goal, I'll experiment a bit with fuels instead of focusing so much on protein.

Incidentally, the Coke and pizza last night just raised me up a pound or two. The Coke also gave me a hellish dry mouth this morning :mad:. Lasagna tonight is further evidence of me not taking the whole cutting thing as seriously as I could.

Red filling:
3.3lb lean chicken.
1.8lb trimmed bacon.
2.2lb mushrooms.
2 capsicums (peppers in Americanese?).
1.5L of tomato paste (dunno Americanese volume units).

White sauce:
0.9lb butter.
Some plain flour.
3L milk.

1.3lb wholemeal plain flour.
6-7 eggs.

Make a dough with the flour and (room temperature) eggs and put it through the pasta machine to make sheets. Put the red filling stuff through a fine mincer after oven cooking the chicken and bacon. Melt the butter in one humungous (sp?) or two largish saucepans. Add flour and stir to thicken to a paste. Gradually add milk, stirring to mix well. Continually stir until lots of milk is added and it thickens. Let it simmer for a bit, stirring. Don't stop stirring or it'll stick to the pan. White sauce requires practice, but it's easy once you know how. Layer it all up in disposable foil trays alternating layers. Top with thinly sliced cheese. Keep one for tonight and a couple in the freezer for later. Makes enough for 6 nights for us. Salad on the side. Put whatever you want in the "red filling". The one I listed is my current favourite.

blooming lotus
09-27-2004, 05:10 AM
What is that?? A crepey tortilla recipe?? I feel sick just reading about it :P :)

( food here at the moment is cr*p at best !)

I agree about your new weight comprimising your martial artistry in that sense, but as lighter weights, that's when I think as the differentiating factor in defence, it then becomes more important to hone and make focus speed and accuracy and I guess that's why little guys / gals are still kicking as*! :)

blooming lotus
09-27-2004, 05:15 AM
Originally posted by Toby
Ideally at the end of the day I was (am) trying to cut fat and gain lean muscle mass. We all know that's impossible so I'm focusing on the cut fat part first.

I love that comment and I'm sure I've said the same thing myself many a time here before. :cool:

09-27-2004, 05:47 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
What is that?? A crepey tortilla recipe?? I feel sick just reading about it :P :)Thanks :(. Lasagna. Don't you cook? Pretty standard recipe for lasagna I'd imagine. One of my favourite meals. No salad tonight, but goes well with a green salad with Italian dressing.

blooming lotus
09-27-2004, 06:08 AM
lol........it all metabolises with the nxt workout so don't feel too bad ;)

So .... about that new bod you're cultivating........ why was that again???

Ming Yue
09-27-2004, 06:08 AM
my carefully refined lasagna recipe....

1/2 cup chopped onion
1 lb ground turkey breast
3 cups tomato sauce
generous bunch fresh basil, italian parsley, and oregano - chopped
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
4-5 cloves garlic, minced, more to taste
1/2 cup chopped mushrooms
6 cups chopped fresh spinach (or chard)
3/4 cups chopped sweet bell peppers
1/4 cup chopped seeded poblano chiles
2 cups fat-free ricotta
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 package whole-wheat lasagna noodles(about 8 oz, or 9 noodles)
2 cups (8 oz) shredded part-skim mozzarella

Preheat oven to 375°F. Spray a medium-sized nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Sauté onion for 2 minutes, then add turkey and cook an additional 5 to 7 minutes. Add tomato sauce, all seasonings and mushrooms and simmer 2 minutes. Remove pan from heat. In a bowl, combine spinach, ricotta, and nutmeg. Bring a large pot of salted water to boil. Cook pasta according to package directions until al dente. Drain and rinse with cool water. Coat a 9" x 13" baking pan with cooking spray. Arrange 1/3 lasagna noodles (3 noodles) on the bottom of the pan. Spread a layer of ricotta mixture, then turkey mixture, then 1/3 mozzarella. Repeat layers, ending with mozzarella. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until cheese bubbles. Cool at least 5 minutes before cutting. Grate fresh parmesan over top before serving.

blooming lotus
09-27-2004, 06:13 AM
Sounds good, and for a vego alternative replace the turkey with tofu, or beans , or even go all out and zone/ keto with it , remove the pasta and replace it with green leaves or heavy tofu and still keep the beans ;)

Ps: make it low fat and use no fat milk on the roux ( butter / flour mix ), and opt for a low fat cheese or ricotta / cottage .

add some lemon juice to your salad and that is a great meal!

09-27-2004, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
lol........it all metabolises with the nxt workout so don't feel too bad ;)Lots of fat even with everything home-made. Lots of butter and cheese, mainly.

Originally posted by blooming lotus
So .... about that new bod you're cultivating........ why was that again??? *Shrug* Experiment? To see if I can get visible abs :D. To see if I can improve my BWE for class? To improve my overall fitness levels eventually? I'm happy with it, except for loss of strength.

Ming - mmm. My wife's breastfeeding at the moment so garlic, onion and chili are out. I omitted little things like nutmeg - which IMHO makes or breaks a lasagna. I also add salt and cracked pepper to my white sauce. Ricotta would be easier to make and less fat than white sauce, but I love white sauce and I'm not too bad at it if I do say so myself :p.

blooming lotus
09-27-2004, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by Toby
Lots of fat even with everything home-made. Lots of butter and cheese, mainly.
*Shrug* Experiment? To see if I can get visible abs :D. To see if I can improve my BWE for class?

and back to the strength issue....

Is it really neccessary ?? As a trade off on that strength, as you've said your cardio potential goes up and so does your muscular endurance ( as in bwe rep increase ). When applying that to ma, you get faster and work accuracy in lieu and you should come out square at min .

09-28-2004, 06:36 AM
blooming lotus,

On the subject of strength. If you want endurence yes, many reps and cardio based. In martial arts, you also need the sudden explosive power / speed. Few reps but large weights. There're different types of strength.


On the subject of lasangia, add a dash of red wine - taste much better. I also like a dash of chilli.

Don't really like using butter in cooking - prefer olive oil.

09-28-2004, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
and back to the strength issue....

Is it really neccessary ??I like strength. So my answer would be yes.

Originally posted by blooming lotus
as you've said your cardio potential goes up and so does your muscular endurance ( as in bwe rep increase ). When applying that to ma, you get faster and work accuracy in lieu and you should come out square at min.I never said cardio potential increased. My cardio is the same - I do the same workout as before and it still kills me. My endurance hasn't increased either. I can lift more BW (in the form of weighted pullups) but I still only do two sets of 5 or 6 reps. Speed would be enhanced by strength and speed training, not by cardio or endurance training.

09-28-2004, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire
blooming lotus,

On the subject of strength. If you want endurence yes, many reps and cardio based. In martial arts, you also need the sudden explosive power / speed. Few reps but large weights. There're different types of strength.Woah, don't say that! Eyebrows doesn't believe in low rep strength programs. She won't like you any more ;).

Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire
On the subject of lasangia, add a dash of red wine - taste much better. I also like a dash of chilli.

Don't really like using butter in cooking - prefer olive oil. Red wine is a good one in meat/tomato dishes. We've got a bunch of nice reds at the moment, but all are super-expensive "cellar tea" leftovers from years ago. I'll save them for drinking. Besides that my wife avoids drinking while feeding the baby.

I'm curious about the olive oil. I've meant to try it before for making white sauce. It might work well. Dunno.

09-28-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Toby

Red wine is a good one in meat/tomato dishes. We've got a bunch of nice reds at the moment, but all are super-expensive "cellar tea" leftovers from years ago. I'll save them for drinking. Besides that my wife avoids drinking while feeding the baby.

Some of the flavors in tomato don't come out unless there's a bit of alcohol involved with the cooking, so you should really be adding it to your red sauces.

Australia does have some really nice native reds.

I'm curious about the olive oil. I've meant to try it before for making white sauce. It might work well. Dunno.

I dunno about white sauce; loads of butter always served me well there. I wouldn't make red sauce without olive oil, though. Granted, I don't make much without olive oil in some capacity.

09-29-2004, 07:18 AM

This might be the first time cooking is discussed on the KF forum! anyway, olive oil is much better healthwise than animal fat for cooking. It has a good aeroma as well, in white sause or tomato based.

Sometimes I use an oil sauce. ie. minus the cream, consisting of herbs, olive oil and a dash of white wine or whisky. I'm not too fond of cream. In any case if you have chicken, fish or other meat stock (from boiling other stuff) add it into your sauce - makes it taste much better.

Red wine is also good with marinating the meat. If the meat requires a bit of tenderizing, add a bit of kiwi fruit - enzymes will go to work.

Ming Yue
09-29-2004, 07:36 AM
butter browns where olive oil does not, so butter is best for a roux-based sauce... olive oil won't cook the flour properly or lend the toasty flavor that roux requires. cooking chemistry is cool stuff.

a fine cheat for white sauce is low-fat or non-fat sour cream (just DONT overheat it). I'll take nonfat sour cream and toss it in the food processor with artichoke hearts, a couple spoonfuls of olive oil, lots of fresh basil and garlic and white pepper and dump it on chicken and wilted spinach.. so easy and good.

pineapple juice is an excellent tenderizer and will actually "cook" some fish if you marinate in it. when I make sushi at home (extra spicy maguro rolls - my favorite) I will marinate the tuna in pineapple and lemon juices for an hour or so before adding the hot stuff.

mmm sushi.

09-29-2004, 07:45 AM
This thread's gone in an unexpected and tasty direction! :D

Lots of ideas - keep 'em coming.

09-29-2004, 12:03 PM
mmm i love sushi! is it hard to make and does it take much time?

Ming Yue
09-29-2004, 12:51 PM
it's not difficult, but it takes time and you have to practice to get the hang of it.

really it's all in the rice, has to be the right kind, you have to steam it and then mix in a dash or two of rice vinegar, this reacts with the glutin in the rice to make it stay sticky and hold together well.

once you have the rolling technique down - think zig zag - you can pretty much whip up whatever you like and roll it up. rice inside the nori, rice outside the nori...


09-29-2004, 05:57 PM
Oh man, I'm hungry!

blooming lotus
09-29-2004, 07:37 PM
me too, but i can asure it's not for food!

I never said I don't believe in strength regimes, and TOBY : you
did say that as a result of your lower bw , your cardio/ muscular endurance went up. Because you don't know enough about relative nutrition and its' facets to be able explain it to yourself, let alone to anyone else, why your initial statement had merit, and so had to recant and dice it up, I understand.

Ps: happy cheffing maers

09-29-2004, 07:53 PM
*Sigh* This thread was going in a good direction.

Originally posted by blooming lotus
me too, but i can asure it's not for food!Funny how you're on a different page to everyone else :rolleyes:.

Originally posted by blooming lotus
... TOBY : you
did say that as a result of your lower bw , your cardio/ muscular endurance went up.No, I didn't. Can you post a quote where I said that? I thought not. Maybe you misunderstood when I said BWE had gone up, specifically weighted pullups. By that I meant I hang more weight off my waist when doing weighted pullups. I do the same amount of pullups, though. 5-6 reps, 2 sets. I haven't looked into trying to do more reps since I'm interested in strength as you know.
Originally posted by blooming lotus
Because you don't know enough about relative nutrition and its' facets to be able explain it to yourself, let alone to anyone else, why your initial statement had merit, and so had to recant and dice it up, I understand.Back to good old Eyebrows' best. Lucky you're around to tell me I know nothing. Funny how history has proved the opposite in our communications.

blooming lotus
09-29-2004, 08:03 PM
history of comments from equally unedecated field specific posters ;)

great point tobes.great point!

09-29-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
history of comments from equally unedecated field specific posters ;)

great point tobes.great point!
bl, everyone here would agree that it's you that regularly displays the least amount of education and knowledge in your posts.

blooming lotus
09-30-2004, 12:46 AM
but again Serpent, the majority of you are not qualified in this area!!!! For crimineys sake. What do you not understand about that??

09-30-2004, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
but again Serpent, the majority of you are not qualified in this area!!!! For crimineys sake. What do you not understand about that??
Why are you so convinced that we are not? I've never said that I'm not qualified in this area. However, either way, my posts display an obvious level of competence in the subject - as do Toby's posts, IronFist's, FongSaiYuk's, SevenStar's, etc.

Whereas yours, for all your supposed TAFE certificates, prove a complete lack of understanding of any kind.

blooming lotus
09-30-2004, 01:31 AM
no. what you said was that you are no expert and particularly not on nutrition. If you had qualification, you would have no qualms owning your knowledge. Or at min , would've just never made the comment, and neither would Toby.

09-30-2004, 05:43 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
no. what you said was that you are no expert and particularly not on nutrition. If you had qualification, you would have no qualms owning your knowledge. Or at min , would've just never made the comment, and neither would Toby.
Really? Show me. Link exactly where I said that.

And for god's sake shorten your sig. A good way to shorten it would be to not post any more.

09-30-2004, 06:13 AM
Sepant / Toby / Cerebus,

I think you owe us your qualifications. What exactly are they?

And for the record, I think BL has made many vaild points about heath and nutrition. Your long term diet regime is unsustainable.

Ming Yue
09-30-2004, 07:19 AM
Nice bulldog you got there BL, you train him yourself or did he just wander into your yard and start barking at people?



09-30-2004, 03:03 PM
Actually MY, it's just that his face looks like a bulldog's azz. He's really just a lapdog. :p

And no ego, we don't owe you anything. We're not the ones going around making ridiculous claims that we can't back up.That would be you & your trannie friend bl.

Finally, no bl, you're NOT an expert. You're not even knowledable. And, now that I've checked your claims, it's official that you don't even posses ANY kind of university degree at all. So much for THAT!


blooming lotus
09-30-2004, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Ming Yue
Nice bulldog you got there BL, you train him yourself or did he just wander into your yard and start barking at people?



barking??? only the facts phats ;) :)
figures phat girl would would say something like that.and no edecation yourself on science nor health / fitness and nutrition to share ha??

I understand ..Idiot............:rolleyes:

blooming lotus
09-30-2004, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by cerebus
Actually MY, it's just that his face looks like a bulldog's azz. He's really just a lapdog. :p

And no ego, we don't owe you anything. We're not the ones going around making ridiculous claims that we can't back up.That would be you & your trannie friend bl.

Finally, no bl, you're NOT an expert. You're not even knowledable. And, now that I've checked your claims, it's official that you don't even posses ANY kind of university degree at all. So much for THAT!


Bs you have!!! and yah you do!! you've been demanding quals from me for fvck knows and I put up.now you do the same or take your 5c worth of speculation and shove it up your application!!!!

Ming Yue
09-30-2004, 08:15 PM
I was playing with you but apparently it bounced off that huge chip on your shoulder and never made it past the defensive line.

Being overly defensive makes you an easy target and keeps you backpedaling. I might suggest you rise above it.

My area of expertise is not health science, which is why I read here far more than I post. Were you to show an interest in art, design, astronomy, geology, electronics or mathematics, I wouldn't give a **** if or how you participated in a related discussion should the opportunity arise. But hey, that's just me.

You can attack me all you want, although why you feel the need to do so is beyond me. Rest assured that your defensive posturing and childish insults don't intimidate me in the least and I'll continue to do, post, say, and believe exactly as I please.

blooming lotus
09-30-2004, 08:34 PM
listen Mingey,

patronise me all you like, and i just write you off as another harbinger of troll. Playing with or playing?? Either way, I'm not your toy and neither do I wanna play.

doing hard core "stay '- alive " mindset for now and bs immaturity can kiss my curvey intolerating !!!

Ps: maths you say??.kinda proficient myself , so if I live, I'm a comming back for a chat ! :rolleyes:

PPs: okay : ott on my part but fighting for my life...dong chicky???..... and still not your toy nor fvcking about!!
