View Full Version : Anyone been to Chengdu?

09-01-2004, 08:49 PM
Just curious what the traditional wushu scene is like around Chengdu and Emeishan :)

Also found this article on an intersting bar in Chengdu: http://test.china.org.cn/english/2001/Dec/24154.htm

09-02-2004, 10:58 PM
That's my home town :)

If you want to find wushu stuff, go check out
ChengDu TiYu XueYuan ( University of physical education ).
That's where I grew up.

They have national level atheletes there. You can find very good sanshou and taewondo there. Maybe Judo too, I'm not sure.

It's right beside WuHouCi, that temple for the tomb of ZhuGeLiang. If you're in ChengDu, I'm sure you've being there.