View Full Version : To all Shyun style 8 steppers

09-02-2004, 12:38 PM
Hi brothers and sisters hope all is well.

As you may know certain things have been out of hand in the federation as to who is certified to teach, a sifu what level and so on
It seems that if you pay $100.00 a month you are listed on the 8step.com website as a certified sifu and instructor, and becuse your name is not on the list well then you must not be certified or a real suifu in the eyes of the federation.

I had one of you guys tell me that i didnt even make sifu rank, I am not a sifu and I am not certified to teach 8 step because my name is not on the list.

Well I just bought a scanner due to the price $29.00 so I decided to scan my certificates to show you that I am what and who I say I am as far as Shyun's 8 step goes.

I hope this clears up and political confushion as far as the ACMAF goes........

PS seems I cannot list my file extentions tried 3 times so you can see my certifications on www.kungfuusa.net