View Full Version : Wing Chun in Los Angeles???

09-07-2004, 11:22 AM
I will be going on a short trip to Los Angeles in October (Staying in the Universal Studios area) and am wondering if there are any Wing Chun sifus (Cheung Bo or Wai Yuk Sang lineages) or schools that I might be able to visit while I'm there.

I am currently training this style and lineage in China (but my sifu does not speak english, nor do I speak chinese), but I am having a great time and learning a lot.

Could anybody recommend a school in the area that I could visit??


09-07-2004, 01:10 PM
If you can get it organized, you must get to meet Ernie and/or Sify Gary Lam. I don't know about the lineage thing, but if I were going to LA, that's where I would go. No doubt about it. :cool:

09-07-2004, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Matrix
If you can get it organized, you must get to meet Ernie and/or Sify Gary Lam. I don't know about the lineage thing, but if I were going to LA, that's where I would go. No doubt about it. :cool:

Bill .
thank you sir , and I would be honored to have you sock me in the nose :)

There are alot of very talanted people in L.A.

Andrew and Dhira [ from the Emin camp ] are very good , I have worked with them personally and it's worth a visit .

Gary Lam http://www.garylamwingchun.com/ [ My coach]
Hawkins http://hawkinscheung.com/ [ he hangs out at Gary's quite often , normally on sundays ]
http://wingchuncoach.com/ [ this is my site ]

all these are very close to your location

feel free to call me or Gary , if you want to get in touch with Andrew or Dhira i can supply you with the information of they can post it on this link

hope to see you , if not have a great visit

Edit in [ thanks for the reminder Nick ] Robert Chu http://www.chusaulei.com/

Nick Forrer
09-07-2004, 03:12 PM
I believe Robert Chu has studied mainland styles of WC and he is I think in the LA area...so you're spoilt for choice it seems

09-07-2004, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Matrix
If you can get it organized, you must get to meet Ernie and/or Sify Gary Lam. I don't know about the lineage thing, but if I were going to LA, that's where I would go. No doubt about it. :cool:

I second that sentiment.:cool:

09-07-2004, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by AmanuJRY
I second that sentiment.:cool:

always nice to hear :)

did you check out my new picture page you might see some one you know :D

Phil Redmond
09-07-2004, 10:36 PM
Ernie, I hope I can make it for the Wm. Cheung LA seminar Oct.9-10. I want to hang out with you and Rahsun ;)

09-07-2004, 11:08 PM
for sure phil :)
i'll be going to hawaii if things work out for my b-day on the 18th so i should be in town , no matter what even if it's just for a meal or what ever we will hang out and if you want to come meet gary or hawkins i can try and set things up

09-08-2004, 05:24 AM
Originally posted by Ernie
Bill .
thank you sir , and I would be honored to have you sock me in the nose :) Ernie,
I think I would probably be the sockee, rather than the socker.. :)
And the honor would be all mine. Just so you know, I don't throw recommendations out lightly.

I'm sure that there are a lot of talented people in L.A.
I gotta get my butt out there one day.


09-08-2004, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by Ernie
always nice to hear :)

did you check out my new picture page you might see some one you know :D

Yeah, I like the layout and COLOR PICTURES....wooo hoo!:D

09-08-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by Ernie
did you check out my new picture page you might see some one you know :D Ernie,
It says that most the new pics are from Gary's latest DVD shoot.
Are you a "co-star" of these DVD's?
I've just ordered a couple of them from Cranes. Hopefully they'll be here soon. I'm looking forward to viewing them. :D


09-08-2004, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Matrix
It says that most the new pics are from Gary's latest DVD shoot.
Are you a "co-star" of these DVD's?
I've just ordered a couple of them from Cranes. Hopefully they'll be here soon. I'm looking forward to viewing them. :D


that's the old page if you go to the upper right corner of that page there is something that says private and seminar pics click that .

i am not in gary's old stuff , i was behind the camera in most of it , the new ones i'm in but i'm trying to get myself edited out , there were other people that were supposed to do certian parts and i got tossed in by default so i look like dirt , and i'm such a control freak i told them to cut me out if they could , but who knows what will survive the cutting room floor :D

when you get garys stuff email me love to chat about what you think

09-08-2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
that's the old page if you go to the upper right corner of that page there is something that says private and seminar pics click that .Got it. thanks.....

I know what you mean about being a "control freak". We are always most critical of ourselves. I can't stand to see pictures of myself, much less video. :p I hope that they don't edit you out. I bet your dirt is pretty good stuff. Maybe you could put together a bloopers DVD. :D

when you get garys stuff email me love to chat about what you think I'll do that. I just order them at the end of last week, so it make take a while t get up the Great White North.

09-10-2004, 11:44 AM
Thanks for the contacts!!

I am staying at a hotel near Universal Studios. How close are those schools to Universal. I am only in town for a few days but hopefully I can fit in a visit, just to watch or talk to somebody, if they have the time.

Thanks again!!

09-10-2004, 12:41 PM
funny one of my accounts is the sheraton universal i just got back from there ,
in traffic they are about 1 hour away with out around 1/2 an hour

you are welcome to call me when you get here my number is on the contacts page of my site

and i can give you other peoples numbers as well , hope to see you if not hope you have fun

09-17-2004, 01:16 PM
Thanks Ernie,

I am relatively a beginer in wing chun. I have been studying it for a little bit here in Shanghai, but since my sifu does not speak english and I don't speak Chinese, I always feel as if I am missing something.

I just saw a clip on a forum with Gary Lam tossing guys around like rag dolls. **** his hands are fast!! Makes me want to train alot more before I come and visit.

Anyway it would be a pleasure to get the Cr@p beaten out of me by any of you guys. Hopefully I have time. I am staying at the Hilton at Universal studios, hope it's not to far.

Thanks again!!

09-17-2004, 01:26 PM
HA HA man do won't worry about getting the cr@p beat out of you , there are a few nut bags at gary's that need to win everything , but i wouldn't put you in that situation [ so if you go go when i'm there :) ]

90%of the guys are real cool and there have been like 40 or 50 new guys this last year [ the place is crowded] so there are people from all skill levels

the place your staying will be within 30 min. from me about 45 from gary's

non traffic time of course

just give me a call we can hang out

i'll see if i can round up Andrew and Dhira from WT so you can check out some good hands from different flavors :D
