View Full Version : Living vicariously

quiet man
09-07-2004, 01:10 PM
Well, it's september, training season has started, and I'm unable to attend the classes. Since I don't have a job, with my other expenses, I can't raise enough money to pay the fee.

Can you guys help me? Tell me something about your training! Anything! Tell me about the luscious curve of bong sau you executed yesterday! About the cold surgical precision of jaam sau! Feed me with the images of erect iron-like taan sau, and the soft, yielding fook sau!

... pleaseee... give me some of the good stuff...

:D ;)

(kidding really, it's not that bad)

09-07-2004, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by quiet man
Well, it's september, training season has started, and I'm unable to attend the classes. Since I don't have a job, with my other expenses, I can't raise enough money to pay the fee.

Can you guys help me? Tell me something about your training! Anything! Tell me about the luscious curve of bong sau you executed yesterday! About the cold surgical precision of jaam sau! Feed me with the images of erect iron-like taan sau, and the soft, yielding fook sau!

... pleaseee... give me some of the good stuff...

:D ;)

(kidding really, it's not that bad)

when it is a time learn to relax and settle with NO Thing and learn about yourself, learn that.

So, poorverty (sp) no longer will stop the right of your existance and feeling peace and well and settle.

NON action and Tranquil last longer then action. So, learn the NON action. take it as a gift. If you are too busy with your job. you will not have this chance to learn.

09-07-2004, 03:32 PM
Quiet Man- that is good advice from Hendrik.

Even in quietness- wu sau lives!

Also-- depending on where you are- by good fortune you may run into a knowledgeable teacher who will teach you in return
for cleaning the school and other legitimate work....until you get on your feet.

Does happen

joy chaudhuri


09-07-2004, 04:17 PM
Over the years I have taught people with little money for free. However sometimes this didn't pay off. Sometimes the money the student saves in this way was spent at another martial arts club. Also when you charge too little then students don't seem to value the art as much. What movie actress would buy a $100 dress? But which one wouldn't want to buy a $10,000 dress?

Wong Shun Leung didn't charge too much money at one time until his wife complained.

So there are people around who will teach for next to nothing. If you know enough, then you could teach some beginners for a small fee and use that for your own further study.

The other thing to do is to practice the Little Idea form over and over and find someone to teach Chi sau to and do that each day until you have enough money to continue your Wing Chun formal training. Doing a few thousand punches a day and a bit of stepping and kicking isn't too bad for those so inclined too.

Just buy one video and practice the contents of that to death e.g. Wong Shun Leung's video (but there are many from every lineage).


09-07-2004, 05:00 PM
Comments on Ray's post:

Over the years I have taught people with little money for free.

((Made that mistake when I started))

However sometimes this didn't pay off. Sometimes the money the student saves in this way was spent at another martial arts club.

((Or beer etc))

Also when you charge too little then students don't seem to value the art as much.

((There are such fools. That is why I pretty well decide who I want to teach. Some communications are of the hello and goodbye variety))))

09-07-2004, 09:46 PM
seems that when people dont pay, they dont commit and value the art, in general.......just human.

But then, commitment and value can replace paying....

quiet man
09-08-2004, 05:28 AM

... Oh well... actually, I was hoping that someone would take the ball and continue with this witty banter and (in my best Adrian Edmondson voice) sexual innuendo. :D

But you guys left some pretty good stuff here, nevertheless. And thanks for your support. Like I said, it's not that bad; I'm not really unemployed, I'm between jobs, as they say. And even if it were that bad, I wouldn't wallow in self-pity, because I'm not that kind of man... well, not anymore, anyway :D

Hendrik - I agree with what you said, but in certain times and in certain areas of your life non-action can really get the best of you. Even a little too much, perhaps...

Vajramusti - well, I wouldn't accept free lessons from a stranger... and I'm more than satisfied with my sifu and my sihings. I'm sure I'll get back on my feet in no time.

Ahh, Mat, Mat... where are you when I need you? :D

El Tejon
09-08-2004, 06:04 PM
1. Get some resumes out.

2. Get a girlfriend.

3. What about alternative fees? My sifu used to take alternative fees--usually "guns, gold, or cash (SF don't ya know)." He would have guys cut his grass, paint, clean, inter alia. Why not approach your teacher about arrangements such as this?

4. If I didn't have a job at present, I would live in front of my mook!:D

09-08-2004, 06:56 PM
Some one says,

Life is not about

1, Work has to be hard and suffering to make abundance.
2, waiting for an idea job to come or a high title and living in denying who one is NOW.
3, getting busy and productive and keep going until one is dead.

Life needs to spend time with oneself in silence, to learn who one really is. Otherwise, there is not living but slavery of that true -self for a life time.

Mr Punch
09-10-2004, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by quiet man
Ahh, Mat, Mat... where are you when I need you? :D (wipes tear from eye)

I'm here big boy, what can I do for you? I don't do vaseline related activities and I've tried projecting my chi alter-ego over to you for you to beat up on, but my lack of belief has resulted in a big splashdown in the Sea of Japan.